voices for georgia s children

Voices for Georgias Children and The Whole Child Educate. Convene. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Voices for Georgias Children and The Whole Child Educate. Convene. Influence. @GeorgiaVoices Voices for Georgias Children Georgias Premier Child Policy and Advocacy Organization We believe that all children deserve to have their

  1. Voices for Georgia’s Children and The Whole Child Educate. Convene. Influence. @GeorgiaVoices

  2. Voices for Georgia’s Children Georgia’s Premier Child Policy and Advocacy Organization • We believe that all children deserve to have their Needs Met, so they can reach their full potential. • We focus on the “Whole Child,” so we can propose solutions that benefit children on multiple levels. • Take a Multi-Generation approach by considering the adults that surround children when creating policies Educate. Convene. Influence. @GeorgiaVoices

  3. Overview Ov rview and d In Indicators dicators • 2.5 million children live in the state of Georgia. • Nearly 200,000 Georgia children under age 19 lack health insurance. • An estimated 1 million (nationally) children under 5 years old were not counted in the 2010 census. • 22% of children in Georgia were living at or below the federal poverty level in 2017 ($25,100 per year for a family of four) • 16 of Georgia’s 159 counties do not have a dentist and 35 counties do not have a dentist who accepts Medicaid patients Educate. Convene. Influence. @GeorgiaVoices

  4. Po Poli licy cy Recommendat commendations ions & In & Init itiatives iatives • Ensure that the Georgia Gateway Integrated Eligibility System can receive completed applications 24 hours per day, seven days a week. • In partnership with GA Family Connection Partnership, we’ve launched a coordinated effort to ensure everyone is counted in Georgia. • Everyonecountsga.org • Advocate for access to healthcare for all adults caring for or living with children. • Prioritize comprehensive school-based health Educate. Convene. Influence. @GeorgiaVoices

  5. Overview Ov rview and d In Indicators dicators • Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for Georgia children aged 10-17. • More than 100,000 middle- and high-school students in Georgia reported having seriously considered harming themselves. • Approximately 200,000 Georgia kids have at least one incarcerated parent. • More than 13,000 children were in Georgia’s foster care system as of July 2019. Educate. Convene. Influence. @GeorgiaVoices

  6. Overview Ov rview and d In Indicators dicators • Nearly half of Georgia’s counties don’t have a licensed psychologist and one-third lack a licensed social worker. • Statewide, 108,301 students received out-of-school suspension in the 2017-2018 school-year. Educate. Convene. Influence. @GeorgiaVoices

  7. Po Poli licy cy Recommendat commendations ions & In & Init itiatives iatives • Improve our ability to address workforce shortages by collecting and monitoring behavioral health workforce data similarly to our current practices for physicians with the Georgia Board for Physician Workforce. • Support the development of protocols and standards for improved and expanded provision of behavioral health telemedicine. • Trauma-Informed Universities Pilot Educate. Convene. Influence. @GeorgiaVoices

  8. Overview Ov rview and d In Indicators dicators • 62% of Georgia third-graders could not read proficiently by the end of third grade in the 2017-2018 school year. • 82% was the overall Georgia high school graduation rate in 2019. • 11% was the graduation rate for Georgia youth in foster care in 2018. • Approximately 11% of Georgia’s children participated in afterschool programs in 2018 Educate. Convene. Influence. @GeorgiaVoices

  9. Po Poli licy cy Recommendat commendations ions & In & Init itiatives iatives • Expand state funding to afterschool and summer learning programs to increase access and ensure affordability of care. • Increase state funding for the CAPS program (childcare subsidies). • Encourage technical education, work-based learning, and apprenticeships to older youth to prepare for the jobs of tomorrow. Educate. Convene. Influence. @GeorgiaVoices

  10. Go Good od News ws • 80,493 four-year-olds, or 60% of all four-year-olds in Georgia, participate in Georgia’s Pre -K Program • Georgia now enjoys unprecedented state funding for School- Based Mental Health • 35 comprehensive School Based Health Centers across the state • Admissions to DJJ jails and prisons are down 40% between 2013 and 2018 Educate. Convene. Influence. @GeorgiaVoices

  11. Good Go od News ws • Increased GaDOE training and awareness is positively impacting school climate • Obesity rates among 10-17 year olds are down from 18.6% in 2016 to 16% in 2018 • Teen births are down from 28 to 22 per 1,000 teenage girls • Child poverty is down from 27% in 2013 to 20% in 2018 Educate. Convene. Influence. @GeorgiaVoices

  12. Op Opportunities portunities to to En Engage gage • Listen to children and youth • Become more aware of trauma and how it affects child and youth outcomes • Donate money, equipment, expertise - school-based health and mental health centers, afterschool programs, affordable housing • Participate in your local Census Complete Count Committee to guarantee accurate data for the next 10 years Educate. Convene. Influence. @GeorgiaVoices

  13. Opportunities Op portunities to to En Engage gage • Read to kids • Become a foster parent, respite care parent, or adoptive parent • Develop youth apprenticeship programs • Support your local food bank • Implement family-friendly policies and those that support volunteerism Educate. Convene. Influence. @GeorgiaVoices

  14. Opportunities Op portunities to to En Engage gage • Host trainings, such as Mental Health First Aid training, Suicide Prevention, Darkness to Light, and others • Advocate for developmentally appropriate policies, such as • Raising the age of juvenile court jurisdiction from up to 17 up to 18 • Funding for child and family health and mental health • Increased funding for childcare subsidies and afterschool programs Educate. Convene. Influence. @GeorgiaVoices

  15. Questions? Qu stions? Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions: Erica Fener Sitkoff, Ph.D. Melissa Haberlen, JD, MPH Polly McKinney Executive Director Policy and Research Director Advocacy Director 404-521-0311 404-521-0311 678-427-5945 Brittney Newton, MPH Policy Analyst bnewton@georgiavoices.org 404-521-0311 Educate. Convene. Influence. @GeorgiaVoices


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