visualizing assem blies

Visualizing Assem blies: Using Autodesk Inventor Presentation Files - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Visualizing Assem blies: Using Autodesk Inventor Presentation Files Level: Introduction / Intermediate Learners: New to CAD and New to Inventor 5/31/2013 After todays lesson, you will be able to add the following to your presentations

  1. Visualizing Assem blies: Using Autodesk Inventor Presentation Files Level: Introduction / Intermediate Learners: New to CAD and New to Inventor 5/31/2013

  2.  After today’s lesson, you will be able to add the following to your presentations  Use Tweak-Rotate to add realistic motion  Change the sequence of actions  Organize Groups of tweaks for simultaneous action  Modify the view to benefit the display of all the action Lesson Objectives 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  3. Linked to Animation The result 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  4. 1 . I NI TI ALI ZE 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  5.  Start Inventor  Verify project  Selected Project  Workspace  Libraries  Folder Options a. Startup 5/31/2013 Inventor - Part Model Intro Inventor - Assembly Model Intro -jcS

  6.  Open file:  File name: Save-As:  File name:  Save as type: b. Save - As 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  7.  Presentation  Animate  Auto Reverse a. Playing the anim ation 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  8.  Presentation  Tweak Components  Direction (z)  Component(s)  Rotate:  6*16*360  8*16*360  10*16*360  Clear Linked to animation a. First Tw eak - Rotate 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  9.  Presentation  Animate  More  Pick: Component  Move Up (Down)  Repeat a. Change Sequencing 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  10.  Presentation  Animate  More  Pick: Components  Group  Repeat a. Groups 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  11.  Save the current file:  Save-As: New file name a. Save 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  12.  Browser Filter ◦ Sequence View  Explosion 1 ◦ Create Task  Resulting b. Sequence View | Create Task 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  13.  Select <LMB> ◦ Sequence1  Drag ◦ To Task1  Repeat  Result c. Move Sequences 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  14.  View  Task1 ◦ <rmb> Edit  Set Camera d. Task 1 : View and Cam era 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  15.  View  Task 2 ◦ Edit  Set Camera e. Task 2 : View and Cam era 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  16.  View  Task 2 ◦ Edit  Set Camera e. Task 3 : View and Cam era 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  17.  Presentation  Animate  Record  File name: FifthAnim.wmv  Network Bandwidth: Broadband  Image Size: 640x480  Auto Reverse f. Recording the anim ation 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  18.  View the following videos, do you recognize the following?  Tweak-Rotate  Sequencing  Grouping  Modified views / cameras Review the concepts 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  19. Linked to animation a. Application / Exam ple 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  20. Link to Video b. Study this exam ple 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  21.  The previous video is being used to verify correct fit between the threaded bolt / hole, which of the following methods should be utilized A. The presentation file animation. B. The assembly file animation; utilizing a drive constraint with collision detection active. Quiz 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  22. Questions? 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  23.  Did we accomplish the following  A better way to communicate assembly details  Are you ready to apply each the following to new problems / Projects  Tweak-Rotate  Sequencing  Grouping  Modified views / cameras Conclusion 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  24.  Part Models  Part Drawings  Questions? A quick review 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS

  25.  Modify the presentation file for the arbor press project, include today’s topics  Tweak-Rotate  Sequencing  Grouping  Modified views / cameras  Do not copy my solution  Have a good weekend Good, your assignm ent for Monday 5/31/2013 Inventor - Presentations Plus -jcS


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