T T e eam 1 1 3 38 S ome e Assem embly Req equired ed E xplorer Post 1 1 0 01 1 0 0 F light Rea eadines ess Rev eview ew Brief efing
Introduc ductions a and d F ligh ght Mission R n Roles V isesh P rim ary P ilot in C om m and N ick M ission P lanner S pecialist /A lternate P ilot G unvir S coring C aptain L ucas A ircraft S pecialist /S afety S pecialist T im othy S trategic T echnician 2
S ystem em O ver erview ew - F light t Meth thod S S tr trate tegy W e considered two m ethods of flying and scoring points: 1 . F ly autonom ously, then m anually search for scoring item s (targets, debris, etc.) 2. F ly autonom ously for found scoring item s (while carrying balloons), locate accurate coordinates and drop balloons, then land to perform autonom ous takeoff and landing 3
S ystem em O ver erview ew - F light Method Risk E val valuat ation Decis isio ion Ri Risk Re Rewa ward A utonomous search pattern G P S malfunctions, unable to C onsistent/reliable searching for pause/resume mission to write down scoring objects coordinates M anual searching L oss of orientation, inconsistent A ble to recover from G P S issues, altitude, drift while recording potentially faster speed coordinates W e decided to em ploy a hybrid approach: m anually following a search pattern using loiter m ode provides the benefits of both strategies - consistent search pattern with the ability to m ake m anual adjustm ents as needed. T his works by the M ission P lanner specialist giving the P ilot heading directions to m ove the right stick, and when som ething is found, the M onitor O bserver guides the pilot. 4
S ystem em O ver erview ew - Plan an an and Performan ance F F light T l T asks E xpec ected ed Performance ● E xecute autonom ous tasks first, ● A ll 5 SA R targets located and classified ● A mapping any targets seen on the way ll 10 waypoints captured ● U ● M se map to guide our pilot to the ission completed within 25-28 minutes approximate locations of the targets flight time ● A to obtain precise G PS coordinates utonomous takeoff and landing ● U ● A se coordinates to drop balloons on t least one package (balloon) delivered designated targets using autonomous successfully mission 5
S ystem em O ver erview ew - Missi ssion P Planner Usa sage ● G et telem etry data from the aircraft ● U se the flight log to understand aircraft perform ance ○ D iagnose P roblem s ○ C om pare D ata ● P rogram autonom ous m issions ● M onitor relevant aircraft telem etry data ● U se M ission P lanner to C ontrol S ervo on Balloon M echanism (C am era S hutter approach) ● C heck for safety (arm /disarm , G P S lock, G P S satellite count, flight m ode check) 6
S ystem em O ver erview ew - Mo Monitor Us Usage ith our m onitor we track the following: W ● G PS L ock ● G PS C ount ● Battery V oltage ● F light M ode ● L atitude/L ongitude M ost of our decisions pertaining to safety and scoring are made by our whole team using this information. 7
S S y ystem S S a afety - Des esign S S trateg egies es ● O ur final design is a single balloon drop system ● W e used 3 nylon standoffs to firm ly attach a wood plate to the aircraft ● A 3D -printed cylinder holds the balloon in place ● A single wood plate is on the servo, to secure the balloons until ready to be released ● A ctivating the “C am era S hutter” feature toggles the servo releasing the balloon and recording the location of the drop in m ission planner! 8
S S y ystem S S a afety - O per erational S S trateg egies es ● A ll flights conducted with supervising adult ● A ll flights conducted in visual line of sight ● A ll flights conducted BE L O W 400 feet and within F A A regulations ● N O flights conducted without perform ing pre-flight inspection ● N O flights conducted in bad weather or bad visibility ● N O flights conducted over people or buildings 9
S S y ystem S S a afety - Maint ntena nanc nce and nd C he hecklists ● T o enforce safety our team uses a series of checklists: pre- and post-flight. ● C hecklists ensure a safer, m ore successful flight. ● A ll parts of our aircraft are regularly inspected. ● A ll repairs are m ade with consent of all the mem bers. 10
Dev evel elopmen ental T T es est - G G r round and nd Mission P n Performanc nce ● A ll of our tests were conducted at K ing F arm P ark in an open field ● M anual flight tests using our “hybrid” strategy and autonom ous flight went well ● W e were consistently able to search for and locate search objectives and were also able to autonom ously take off and land ● W e practiced using our “M ap” m ethod to locate the general locations of targets in autonom ous m ode prior to the search m ode 11
S S y ystem E nha nhanc ncement nt - N ew ew Landing G G ear ea ● T he landing gear uses the sam e carbon fiber rods from the stock landing gear, but we cut them to achieve greater stability. ● T he interface between the legs and the aircraft are 4 custom 3D - printed pieces ● O ur new landing gear ensures that we land upright 1 00% of the tim e! 12
C orrec ective A e Actions T aken en to Improve e E ffec ectiven enes ess o of Mission W orked W ell: D idn’t W ork: ● Single & Balloon D rop System ● Initial D ouble Balloon D rop System ○ Increased F light T ime and ○ Increased A mp D raw and Improved Reliability D ecreased Battery L ife ● N ew motor arm design keeping ● M otor M ounts M isaligned to F rame motor mounts aligned ○ Increased V ibrations/C aused ● Shortened Balloon H older F ailsafe ○ provides more balloon ● Standing W ave F ormation in compression and less room Balloons for balloon movement ○ M ade Q uad U nmanageable in ● In tests able to locate, identify, the A ir and drop balloons over targets autonomously 13
E videnc nce of Mission A n Accompl plishm hment nts ● M ore than 20 successful flights which included carrying balloons, autonom ous m issions, and use of hybrid m ethod ● S uccessful identification of target objects ● Balloons landing less than 1 0 ft from desired targets ● S afety protocols executed effectively to prevent unsafe deviations from the planned m ission when in autonom ous m ode ● P roblem s solved through effective team com m unication 14
Pr Pre-Mis issio ion B Brie iefin ing - Person onnel R Resou ourcing & & C ommunication om ons V isesh P rim ary P ilot in C om m and N ick M ission P lanner S pecialist /A lternate P ilot G unvir S coring C aptain L ucas A ircraft S pecialist /S afety S pecialist T im othy S trategic T echnician 15
Pr Pre-Mis issio ion B Brie iefin ing - G G o o/N o-G o C riteria a an and F all Bac al ack Plan ans W e use checklists to ensure safety and m ake G o/N o-G o decisions, using criteria such as Before F light ● W eather ● A irspace A ctivity ● W hether there are people on the field ● Condition of Q uad D uring F light ● A ircraft stability / functionality ● W ind Speed ● Battery Condition ● A irspace A ctivity W hen one or more conditions is seen as a hazard we may ● Return to L and Immediately ● Reschedule flight or travel to other fields ● M ake necessary plans to repair and inspect Q uad thoroughly 16
W hat we l e lea earned ed! ● C om pass C alibrations (“D rone D ance”) ● L earned m ore ways to apply m ission planner ○ C ontrol & D rop S ervos ● Basic F light S afety ● Built up soldering and wire splicing skills ● L earned to handle G P S Interference Issues ● W e also learned how to apply physics to solve problem s ○ M inim iz e V ibrations that cause rapid descent 17
F uture S e S tep eps for I Improvem emen ent ● A nalyz ing quality of com petition perform ance ● P ractice, practice, practice! ○ M anual and autonom ous flight ○ M ission P lanner ● A rdupilot tuning and calibration ● T echniques to im prove G P S A ccuracy ● M axim iz e Balloon D rop A ccuracy ● Increase understanding of the P ixhawk P aram eters 18
T hank you f for or y you our t time! Q uestions? 19
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