Visualization of Enterprise Architecture Model Evolution Based on an Example in the Consumer Goods Industry n Master Thesis Final Presentation n October 2013 n Nevzat Orhan, TU Munich n Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes n Advisor: Herbert Stirmlinger Sascha Roth B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P
Agenda • Introduction • Research Questions • Integration Approach • Technical Approach • Results • Future Improvement • Conclusion B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 2
INTRODUCTION Master BSH TUM Thesis (Practice) (Theory) (Theory & Practice) Bosch and Siemens Home Appliances(BSH) q BSH is a well known home appliances company • More than 45000 (by 2011) employees with 14 different brands operating in 40 countries. • Has huge amount of technology and systems and complex environment • Has Enterprise Architecture (EA) management to control and manage their environment q BSH IT has an EA Management system in place q Decide to have a collaboration by master thesis with the goal to see if: • TUM research could improve BSH IT EA management and visualization B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 3
Initial State ATLAS TRICIA • EA Management took place in BSH since 2006 • Sebis developed a cutting-edge tool named “Tricia” which may offer new approaches and • Since 2007 BSH IT is using a system called visualization possibilities Atlas • Enterprise 2.0 product with many different • It is very good product with a well mature features and development areas maintenance process. • Filled up by the product managers • It is used to represent and making reports about the IT-Systems of BSH • Used to visualize the reports and represent the current status of the enterprise • However the Atlas system has some limitations concerning comparison of historical and actual data • TUM Research together with the tool Tricia may have the potential to improve BSH EA approach B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 4
Research Questions n What are the stakeholder requirements for visual EA model analysis and evaluation? n Approach n Initial interview n Constant observations and interviews inside the enterprise n Which (EA) visualizations can effectively show temporal aspects of (EA) models? n Approach n Comprehensive literature research n Mapping of research results to requirement n Prototype implementations, evaluated with real business data n How to handle previous states of EA in a model repository and visualize them? n Approach n Enhancement of Tricia to be able to n Handle different states of an EA models and n Visualize different EA models n How to combine the existing Atlas solution with Tricia? B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 5
BSH Logical Integration Approach n There will be new approach in BSH IT – BSH will use both systems at the same time for different purposes – Atlas à Data maintenance and standard visualizations – Tricia à Historic data comparison by visualizations Data Transfer IT Product ATLAS TOOL TRICIA Managers (BSH IT) (TUM) Regularly Current Version Version Retrieving Standard Historical reports and Visualizations visualizations (Versions) B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 6
Technical Approach 7181&()* 9:2%&$* !"#$%&"'()* 9:2%&$# 51D"."$"%. ;4*<%=1) +"#,()"-($"%.# ?@AA >2=($1 422)"'($"%.* Delta Analysis /&"'"(* ?@A? E(#1=*%. 5($(6(#1 012%#"$%&3 B&1($1 ?@AC 4=:".# E(#1=*%.*=($(* #'F1:( 4=:"."#$&($%& >#1& B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 7
Data Import n Tricia tool enables users to have an automatic transfer of their data. – Mapping file prepared to transfer entities and relations from Atlas to Tricia – Modification of import mechanism to be able to deal with regularly imports – Writable Copy – Versionable Mixin ATLAS DB XML File according to DB Tricia parses XML TRICIA TRICIA persistence DB Save data to persistence DB B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 8
Version Retrieving Outer Outer Outer Outer Outer Outer Data Data Data Data Data Data Source Source Source Source Source Source !"#!"#$!!% !"#!"#$!"! !"#!"#$!"" !"#!"#$!"$ !"#!"#$!"' !"#!"#$!"& ()*+,- ()*+,- ()*+,- ()*+,- ()*+,- 9:-:,7.()*+,- !"#!"#$!!%./.$"#!%#$!"' 0+12-31-.4531672.+-57,.-531.8)*+,- !"#!"#$!"! !"#!"#$!"" !"#!"#$!"$ !"#!"#$!"' !"#!"#$!!% !"#!"#$!"& ;7-,87<816.=7,28+1 !"#!"#$!"$ >728,7E.=7,28+1.>3-7 >7?-3 @13?A282 B:7,AC###D. ;7-,87<816.=7,28+1 F+E3A !"#!"#$!"" >728,7E.=7,28+1.>3-7 >7?-3 @13?A282 B:7,AC###D. B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 9
Visualizations n There are two types of visualizations prepared in the context of master thesis Visualizations(Historical) Implemented Conceptual Visualizations Visualizations n Mostly relies on the real enterprise data n Result of practical evaluation n Using well known visualization types improves understanding of content significantly B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 10
Visualizations - DEMO B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 11
Conceptualized Visualization -1 ! ! ! Prop 10 Prop 1 Prop 2 Prop 3 Prop 4 Prop 5 Prop 6 Prop 7 Prop 8 Prop 9 Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Product 4 Product 5 Product 6 Product 7 LEGEND Only Only Both Version1 Version2 Versions B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 12
Conceptualized Visualizations - 2 ! ! ! B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 13
RESULTS n All the objectives that were determined at the beginning has accomplished and evaluated Data Transfer IT Product ATLAS TOOL TRICIA Managers (BSH) (TUM) Regularly Current Version Version Retrieving Standard Historical reports and Visualizations visualizations (Versions) B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 14
Further Improvements n Implementation of conceptualized visualizations n Performance Improvements for Import mechanism n Design of the current visualization can be improved n Documentation of the Tricia should be definitely improved for business perspectives n Different states can be stored in EA repository B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 15
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! QUESTIONS & COMMENTS ? B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 16
Backup Slides B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 17
BSH Data Model # =+."&$+% !"""# ()'*#+,-.& ! ! ! !""# # 8+-%&#; >47$+% # # ! � # # *#+.4<< !"""# !"#$"%&'()'*#+,-.& :;<&40' # 8+09+%4%& # )4.5%+6+7$."6' 8+09+%4%& (%/+#0"&$+%'1234.& # B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 18
Data Import – Copy Asset n Data import should ensure regular data transfer Starts the import Check for database mechanism credentials DB Connection is Correct? NO YES Start mapping Persistent Entity based on XML Schema Entity Exists before Create Writable Copy of YES Persistent Entity NO Update the Persistent Create Persistent Entity Entitiy with ID Persist Entity to For each Persistent Entity Delete Persistent Entity Persistance Layer not Exists in this Import B O S C H A N D S I E M E N S H O M E A P P L I A N C E S G R O U P Master Thesis – Final Presentation I Nevzat Orhan I Slide: 19
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