
VALUES Singapore, society in the 21 st Century & the world - PDF document

VALUED VALUES Anchored on VALUES Singapore, society in the 21 st Century & the world Workplace P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership. Anchored on VALUES Pri Primar mary 5 in the 21 st Century VALUED

  1. VALUED VALUES Anchored on VALUES Singapore, society in the 21 st Century & the world Workplace P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.

  2. Anchored on VALUES Pri Primar mary 5 in the 21 st Century VALUED Parents’ Briefing Workplace Singapore, society VALUES & the world 14 March 2014 P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.

  3. Co Cur urricu cular lar Ac Acti tiviti ties es & Anchored on VALUES Physic ysical al Edu duca cati tion on in the 21 st Century VALUED Workplace Mrs Ow Kwee Gim Head of Department Singapore, society VALUES & the world P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.

  4. Co Cur urricu cular lar Ac Acti tiviti ties es Anchored on VALUES in the 21 st Century Platform to nurture character, VALUED Workplace build resilience, hone life skills, Singapore, society VALUES & the world forge lifelong friendships P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.

  5. Co Cur urricu cular lar Ac Acti tiviti ties es Anchored on VALUES in the 21 st Century VALUED Workplace Singapore, society VALUES & the world P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.

  6. VALUED VALUES Anchored on VALUES Singapore, society in the 21 st Century & the world Workplace P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.

  7. VALUED VALUES Anchored on VALUES Singapore, society in the 21 st Century & the world Workplace P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.

  8. Physical Edu Physical duca cati tion on Anchored on VALUES  No NAPFA Test  Assessment will be based on some of the following : in the 21 st Century VALUED Workplace - BMI status - Skills Assessment Singapore, society - Participation in school events such as Healthy Lifestyle Fiesta ( healthy VALUES & the world sandwich making, Fruittie Veggie Bites, etc) P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.

  9. VALUED VALUES Anchored on VALUES Singapore, society in the 21 st Century & the world Workplace P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership. IC ICT T Pr Progra gramme mme

  10. Anchored on VALUES IC ICT T Ma Matt tters ers in the 21 st Century VALUED Workplace ICT Baseline Standard (P1-P6) Singapore, society VALUES & the world ICT Enrichment Classes (P4-P5) • P5 Adobe Flash (Sep holiday) P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.

  11. Con onst stituen ituency cy In Intergenerati ergenerationa onal Anchored on VALUES IT Bo IT Boot otcam amp (P (P3-5) 5) (Jointly intly organis nised ed by by IDA A and GSPS) PS) in the 21 st Century VALUED Workplace Topic: eEntertainment Date: Tuesday, 18 March 2014 (school holidays) Time: 8.45am to 12 noon Venue: ORACLE 1 & 2, Gongshang Primary School Singapore, society VALUES & the world Deadline for submission: 10 March 2014, Monday For more details, please refer to the letter given out on 20 February (Ref no.: 14/E/136) P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.

  12. Learn arning ing Ma Mana nagem gement ent Syst stem em Anchored on VALUES in the 21 st Century VALUED Workplace Singapore, society VALUES & the world MC Online P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.

  13. Learning Anchored on VALUES Management System in the 21 st Century VALUED Workplace Parents’ Account: User ID: P_(your child’s BC no.) Singapore, society e.g. P_T0123456A VALUES & the world Default Password: learning P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.

  14. Platfor Pl orm m for or Anchored on VALUES Col ollabor borati ative e and nd Self Self-Direct Directed ed Learnin rning in the 21 st Century VALUED Workplace iCoLAB Singapore, society VALUES & the world P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.

  15. BrainP inPop op Anchored on VALUES Jun unior or User ID: in the 21 st Century VALUED Workplace bpjr1 Singapore, society Password: VALUES & the world gsps1222 (6:30am-7:30pm) P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.

  16. Sch chool ol Web ebsite ite (Ma Mar-Jun) un) Anchored on VALUES http: p://www //www.gon gongs gsha hangp ngpri ri.m .moe in the 21 st Century VALUED Workplace Singapore, society VALUES & the world P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.

  17. VALUED VALUES Anchored on VALUES Singapore, society in the 21 st Century & the world Workplace P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership. Matters Other

  18. Comm Co mmunication unication Ch Chan anne nels ls Anchored on VALUES Modes of Communication School to Parents to Parents School Emails –   in the 21 st Century VALUED Workplace Letters   Phone Calls   Pupils’ Learning Journal   Parents’ Handbook  Singapore, society VALUES & the world SMS System  School Website  Monthly Bulletin  P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.

  19. Impo Im portant tant Da Date tes Anchored on VALUES Events Date (s) Learning Journey 14 Mar in the 21 st Century Oral Exam (SA1) 14, 16 Apr VALUED Workplace SA1 30 Apr – 8 May Parent-Teacher Conference 29 May Singapore, society Science Practical Assessment 20 Aug VALUES & the world Oral Exam (SA2) 17, 23 Sep * SA2 7-21 Oct * * TBC P urpose . P upils . Ex P erience . P rofessional Development . P artnership.


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