using research data centres rdc

Using Research Data Centres (RDC) to access Big Data David Schiller - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics NTTS 2015, Brussels (Belgium), March 11, 2015 Using Research Data Centres (RDC) to access Big Data David Schiller (IAB) Anja Burghardt (IAB) The Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the German Federal

  1. New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics NTTS 2015, Brussels (Belgium), March 11, 2015 Using Research Data Centres (RDC) to access Big Data David Schiller (IAB) Anja Burghardt (IAB)

  2. The Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

  3. The Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

  4. Big Big The Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) Data Data

  5. A closer loot at Big Data  Too big to be moved  Designed (survey) Data vs. Organic (Big) Data (Groves)  Meaningful Big Data by linkage to survey data (Kreuter/Peng)  Restricted (Big) Data vs. Open (Big) Data  Ownership: Private and Public Sector Using RDCs to access Big Data, NTTS 2015 5

  6. Infrastructure to work with Big Data  User located in different access locations

  7. Infrastructure to work with Big Data  A graphical user interface for interaction between user and infrastructure

  8. Infrastructure to work with Big Data  A Computation Centre hosting the relevant applications (may also be organized as distributed solution)

  9. Infrastructure to work with Big Data  Data sources with different storage locations, storage formats, access restrictions etc.

  10. Infrastructure to work with Big Data  All can also be seen as a (secure) Virtual Research Environment to work with Big Data

  11. Conclusion and Outlook  Use RDC structure, experience, and knowledge  Blend Big Data and survey-based/official data; in order to: ‐ Use Big Data as additional resource to enrich fixed (designed) social science matrix files or to ‐ Dive into Big Data by using new research technics that can deal with the flow of data (more research and more education for students needed)  Need for secure Virtual Research Environment (secure VRE) ‐ protect intellectual property as well as confidential data ‐ enable replication studies and communication between researcher ‐ Offer tools and services needed to work with Big Data Using RDCs to access Big Data, NTTS 2015 11

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