use of theory in qualitative research a practical example

Use of theory in qualitative research: A practical example Amanda - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Use of theory in qualitative research: A practical example Amanda Brewster June 2017 Yale School of Public Health Overview 2 What we mean by theory Grounded theory and qualitative methods Contributions of theory: an example study

  1. Use of theory in qualitative research: A practical example Amanda Brewster June 2017 Yale School of Public Health

  2. Overview 2  What we mean by theory  Grounded theory and qualitative methods  Contributions of theory: an example study

  3. What is theory? 3  Relationships among variables and propositions that explain phenomena (Brazil, 2005) - Mechanisms of action, models, conceptual frameworks - How societies work, how organizations operate  Different lenses to look at complicated problems and social issues (Reeves, 2008) - Focus attention on different aspects of data - Many lenses can be applied to same problem

  4. Sample theories in HSR 4 • Organizations learn Organizational learning theory • Absorptive capacity • Guard knowledge Professionalization theory • Preserve autonomy

  5. Concerns about theory 5 Concerns Impractical Introduces bias

  6. Essential role of theory 6 Concerns Reassurance • Why and how Impractical interventions work • Translation • Identify novel findings Introduces bias • Avoid redundant ones • Explore nuance

  7. Example project 7

  8. Study goal 8 Understand how health care and social services organizations can effectively work together to improve health outcomes at reasonable cost for older adults with complex needs. $ Income Home Health Social Nutrition Support Safety Care Support

  9. Research Strategy 9 Comparison of 10 higher and 6 lower performing communities (16 total) Interviews with 245 representatives Constant comparative method

  10. 10

  11. Theory: Research Question 11 Coordination theory • Reciprocally interdependent tasks are difficult to coordinate well (Thompson, 1967) • Organizations structure to minimize them; use various mechanisms to coordinate remaining • Health/ social services: reciprocally interdependent • Do coordination mechanisms improve performance?

  12. Theory: Data collection 12 Organizational culture • Shared assumptions that influence interaction (Schein, 2006) • May be taken for granted by participants • Focus data collection on specific examples of how organizations work together

  13. Theory: Analysis (1) 13 Brokered Governance theories Non-brokered High performers Hierarchical and actively unstructured models coordinated both seen

  14. Theory: Analysis (2) 14 Strategic Trust alliance Control theories High performers Not enough data on actively trust and control coordinated mechanisms

  15. Theory: Analysis (3) 15 Sociology of Multiplex ties organizations 4 relationship functions Trust-building • Problem identification High performers • actively Collective action • coordinated accountability •

  16. Summary 16  Theory is an important part of qualitative research  Orients choices in study design, data collection  Can point to novel aspects of context and process

  17. Acknowledgements 17 Co-Authors Funders  Marie A. Brault  Commonwealth Fund  Annabel X. Tan  Donaghue Foundation  Leslie A. Curry  Elizabeth H. Bradley

  18. References 18 Brazil K, Ozer E, Cloutier MM, Levine R, Streyer D. 2005. From theory to practice: improving  the impact of health services research. BMC Health Services Research 5:1. Reeves S, Albert M, Kuper A, Hodges D. 2008. Why use theories in qualitative research? BMJ  337: 631-634. Wilensky H. The Professionalization of Everyone? American Journal of Sociology 70(2): 137-  158. Thompson JD. Organizations in Action. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1967.  Schein E. Organizational Culture and Leadership. John Wiley & Sons, 2006.  Provan KG, Kenis P. 2008. Modes of network governance: structure, management and  effectiveness. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 18: 229-252. Das TK, Teng B. 1998. Between Trust and Control: Developing Confidence in Partner  Cooperation in Alliances. The Academy of Management Review 23: 491-512. Safford S. 2009. Why the Garden Club Couldn’t Save Youngstown: The Transformation of the  Rust Belt. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Schein E. 2006. Organizational Culture and Leadership. John Wiley & Sons. 

  19. THANK YOU!


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