urgent care transformation

Urgent Care Transformation Consultation Briefing October 2018 What - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Urgent Care Transformation Consultation Briefing October 2018 What are the drivers for change? Confusion about Urgent Care services is We need to make these changes a common theme across England and following national guidance from NHS has

  1. Urgent Care Transformation Consultation Briefing October 2018

  2. What are the drivers for change? Confusion about Urgent Care services is We need to make these changes a common theme across England and following national guidance from NHS has been evident in engagement and England to improve urgent and research activity in Wirral since 2009. emergency care “by the roll-out of standardised new Urgent Treatment Centres” and to “end the confusion by We want to have more health and care establishing as much commonality as services delivered closer to where people live. possible” This will mean that in future, services will be more joined up and relevant to the needs of people, with an increased focus on helping people to stay well and healthy. Many people attend Wirral's only A&E because they are unsure where and We need to meet changing when to access services. We want to healthcare needs. There are change this and ease the pressure on many reasons for this; A&E. people living longer and requiring complex care and People know that they will be treatment. seen in A&E, it is viewed as a trusted service.

  3. The national picture The introduction of standardised Urgent More routine same and Emergency Care via day GP Urgent Treatment appointments from Centre (UTC) for injuries 8am-8pm, 7 days and illnesses that require urgent care, but per week. “Patients tell us that the are not life threatening. range of alternatives available can be confusing – Walk In Centres, Urgent Care Centres, Minor Injury Units and others with local names and all with differing levels of An improved service” NHS 111 Service Local pharmacists who including NHS England, Urgent are able to prescribe e-consultation Treatment Centres ‘Why simple medications to www.nhs.uk Change?’ patients.

  4. What we’ve been told Over the last 18 months we have embarked on an extensive stakeholder engagement strategy, holding a Urgent Care is the care range of events including roadshows, workshops and you need when it is not VSAs and more recently, in February of this year we an emergency but you still conducted a ‘listening exercise, asking people what need an urgent clinical they thought of urgent care in Wirral… opinion. 80% of people that People would like to gave a view during see a reduction in the listening exercise the number of agreed that change people using A&E was needed unnecessarily Waiting times at People want clearer A&E and Walk in healthcare choices Centres were a and better access to concern GP appointments

  5. What we know Over half of patients who went to Arrowe Park Hospital’s A&E last year had an illness or injury that could have been treated elsewhere. More routine GP and Nurse appointments will This puts undue pressure on Wirral’s only A&E, and mean people can be means that some of the most vulnerable and poorly treated closer to home people in Wirral are experiencing long waits for the care they need. “Some estimates suggest that between Activity data shows us that This is already 1.5 and 3 million people who come to almost 50% of attendances A&E each year could have their needs happening…NHS to Children’s A&E present addressed in other parts of the urgent England have pledged with minor issues and are care system. They turn to A&E because to “Increase the core discharged within 2 hours it seems like the best or only option” hours of GPs so that by March 2019 everyone in NHS England ‘Next Steps on the Five England will be able to Year Forward View’ Planned dressing services get an evening and account for weekend appointment, 24% of Walk in Centre For Wirral, we believe that 33% of facilitated by a new GP and Minor Illness and patients attending A&E in 2017-2018 Injury Units activity contract agreement” could have been seen in a less acute setting.

  6. An Urgent Treatment Centre for Wirral Wirral will have one Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) which will be based on the Arrowe Park site next to A&E. This is a national requirement but we would like views on how long it should be open. “GP Led, equipped to “There are advantages if they can be co -located diagnose and deal with alongside hospital A&E departments to allow the many of the most most efficient flow of patients to the service that common ailments people best serves their need” attend A&E for” NHS England, Urgent Treatment Centres – NHS England, ‘Urgent Principles & Standards, July 2017 Treatment Centres’ “UTCs will ease the pressure on hospitals, 24 Hour UTC 15 Hour UTC leaving other parts of the system free to treat the Would mean up to Would mean up to most serious cases” 8 hours per day in 12 hours per day in each of the 4 each of the 4 NHS England, ‘Urgent community hubs community hubs Treatment Centres’

  7. How we developed the options Why a UTC at Arrowe Park? Having a UTC located elsewhere would rely The co-location of the UTC at Arrowe Park means on ambulance that patients who present themselves and are very transport and could ill or, those that deteriorate rapidly can be present a risk to immediately transferred to A&E to receive patients, given the emergency interventions. time it would take to get We know that Wirral’s only A&E is under pressure Many serious them to A&E. – locating the UTC next to A&E will alleviate conditions such pressures and keep A&E free for those who really as stroke and heart need it. attacks require rapid assessment and Having the UTC at the Arrowe Park site treatment to achieve means that patients can benefit from the the full range of diagnostic facilities including best outcomes for MRI and CT scanning. These facilities are not patients available at other sites. Alternative locations were considered for the UTC such as existing Walk in Centres and Minor Injury Units, however they do not offer the same range of facilities or opportunities to maximise patient safety . A more detailed breakdown of other options considered is published and accessible on the urgent care website www.wirralurgentcare.nhs.uk

  8. The Local Offer “ Everyone has more convenient and improved access The only change for adults in to GP services including sufficient pre-bookable and Wirral is booking same day appointments at evenings and weekends to your meet locally determined demand” appointment instead of NHS England ‘Urgent Treatment Centres’ walking in. Improved access to same day GP or Nurse As a patient, I won’t I will also be able to appointments in your have to wait for an book my routine local area unspecified amount dressing appointment of time at a walk in or a one off Rapid access (walk in) for centre or minor appointment for children with an urgent care need (0-19 years) injury/illness unit to wound care in my be seen local area Dressing & Wound Care service (pre-bookable appointments) Instead I will be able If my child is unwell, I to book an No impact on other services will be able to rapidly appointment with a provided at existing urgent access a walk in GP or Nurse in my care locations such as blood service or, I can pre- local area within 24 tests book an appointment hours, usually on the Local pharmacies who at a set time. same day can offer advice and prescribe medications

  9. What about Location As part of this consultation, we Where will local services would like peoples views on be delivered from what is important to them. This includes: Accessible for The locations for these services have not been determined, however we people with Flexible and envisage them across the 4 locality mobility convenient areas of Wallasey, Birkenhead, South requirements appointments Wirral and West Wirral . As part of the consultation, we are asking for your views on what is important to you. Accessible by Parking public transport Distance from home

  10. • Meeting Wirral Wide demand General Practice extended hours Dressings/Wound Paediatrics capacity/referred to care own practice (18-19) 28,722 23,180 38,437 (26%) (21%) (35%) Walk in centre and Patients-re- Non-Wirral Minor Injury Units directed to Arrowe Patients Park (A&E/ fracture 2017-2018 8,433 clinics) 109,736 6,242 (8 %) appointments (6%) Pharmacy 4,722 (4%) 2019-20 demand considerations • Anticipated increase in General practice extended hours. • Quantifying the impact of self care and online consultations. • Potential uptake of Think Pharmacy scheme.

  11. Wallasey South Wirral 24,280 13,765 26% 15% APH A&E activity 17/18 94,611 Birkenhead 26,777 28% West Wirral 20,836 Non Wirral 22% 8,953 9%

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