urban water cycle planning guide guide

Urban Water Cycle Planning Guide Guide INTRODUCTORY SESSION - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Urban Water Cycle Planning Guide Guide INTRODUCTORY SESSION BENDIGO 17 JUNE 2014 Old paradigm, fragmented management Developers BW Business Business Residents SRW LG CMA DOH DEPI DPCD EPA 2 New paradigm integration

  1. Urban Water Cycle Planning Guide Guide INTRODUCTORY SESSION BENDIGO 17 JUNE 2014

  2. Old paradigm, fragmented management Developers BW Business Business Residents SRW LG CMA DOH DEPI DPCD EPA 2

  3. New paradigm – integration • Stormwater, • WSUD • Drinking Water Service • Sewerage • Alternative water aspects Built Aspects Aspects • Residential, commercial and Natural industrial; land use Aspects • Roads & streetscapes • Public Open Space • Natural drainage • waterways, wetlands, floodplains Integrated agency approach 3

  4. Melbourne’s Water Future • Drought, population growth, changing community attitudes – New emphasis on the role and value of water in urban form • Shift away from centralised water • Shift away from centralised water cycle services • Solutions tailored to local context, esp. using local water , WSUD • Retrofits in old suburbs • WWCM in design in new suburbs 4

  5. WWCM and new developments • New developments offer best opportunity for better liveability • Water cycle aspects can be designed to enhance liveability – Recreational links – Water in the landscape – Water in the landscape – Nature in suburbia – Green open space, canopy cover – Stormwater detention, treatment, reuse • Need to design new suburbs with ‘water in mind’ 5

  6. Development planning • Complex planning approvals process • Water cycle aspects are just one matter • Developers/consultants make many decisions decisions – What options; who to consult; what rules apply • Many issues arise because of poor communication between players 6

  7. Challenges for water/urban planning Lack of understanding of IWCM by developers Council Lack of clarity for resistance due to IWCM in policy unknown O&M unknown O&M &regulations &regulations cost implications Conflicting views IWCM solutions and lack of not one-size-fits coordinated all decision making 7

  8. Urban Water Cycle Planning Guide • Online one-stop shop for developers, consultants and planners • IWCM in planning & • IWCM in planning & design of greenfield developments • Precinct scale 8

  9. The WWCM ‘Flowpath’ 1. Waterways and floodplains Service aspects 2. Major Drainage (5,6 &7) Built 3. Land Use, Roads, Public Open Space Aspects (3&4) (3&4) Natural 4. Water Sensitive Urban Design Aspects (1 &2) 5. Drinking Water Servicing 6. Sewerage Servicing 7. Alternative, fit-for- purpose water 9

  10. 3 Modules (Stages) Concept Functional Detailed • High level • More detail • Final design • Ideas • Options • Decisions • Consultation • Agreement • Approval 10

  11. Benefits • Early consultation – avoids wasting time and money on ‘dud’ options • Aligned with planning Aligned with planning approvals process • Agreed format by agencies 11

  12. Outputs – IWCM Plan 12

  13. Urban Water Planning Guide Training

  14. E x i s t i n g a n d P l a n n e d C o n d i t i o n s

  15. E n c u m b e r e d O p e n S p a c e

  16. G r e e n l i n k s

  17. A c t i v e o p e n s p a c e

  18. L o c a l o p e n s p a c e

  19. Entering the site Type in http://iwcm3.grindstone.com.au Go to ‘register’ and create your own log in Go to ‘register’ and create your own log in Once logged in, you will be taken to Projects screen 19

  20. The Site 20

  21. The Site 21

  22. Create new project � Click on create a new project � Fill in the details. � The shire/council menu determines who the who the information will be sent to. 22

  23. The Guide 23

  24. Insert Text Click on the objective and a text box will appear The question for the objective at this stage Input your text here 24

  25. Insert Text Extra information to help with the question 25

  26. Insert Text The deliverables i.e. what is expected with the answer to the question 26

  27. Case studies and Resources � Case studies – Good examples of the deliverables for the question � � References - the relevant standards References - the relevant standards and contacts. Ie Infrastructure Development Manual or the Barwon Water contact for servicing queries. 27

  28. Ask a question � When a question is asked here. � The agencies will be notified via email � They will then respond � � This will apear below the This will apear below the question 28

  29. Add a document � There is provision for attaching maps. Plans, reports etc at the bottom of each aspect. � Click on choose file � Select relevant document � Click add attachment � Click add attachment � There is no limit to the size or amount of attachments 29

  30. Printing module � At each stage there is the opportunity to print the project as a PDF at anytime. � It is suggested that the project be printed before submission as a record of answers. answers. 30

  31. Functional and Design Modules � There is an ability to go back and view answers to previous stages of the project � These answers cannot be changed, just viewed. 31

  32. Agency login � Agency Staff will see a different screen when they login. � All projects within their jurisdiction will be listed 32

  33. Agency login � Agency staff have the ability to make a comment about a response or question so that only other agency staff can see. � A response will only be published once a coordinated response has been agreed � Once all objectives are complete the project can then be moved to the next module. 33

  34. The Case Study � A basic example of what a developer can expect to answer � An example of what information an agency staff may receive. � http://iwcm4.grindstone.com.au/ � Login – uwcp � � Password – uwcp123 Password – uwcp123 34


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