upper reservoir proposed big run pump storage hydropower


F REEDOM W ORKS, LLC Big Run - PSH Project Upper Reservoir PROPOSED BIG RUN PUMP STORAGE HYDROPOWER PROJECT FERC P-14889 Presentation to USFS Monongahela National Forest Supervisor Lower Reservoir November 19, 2018 WHAT IS PROPOSED BIG RUN

  1. F REEDOM W ORKS, LLC Big Run - PSH Project Upper Reservoir PROPOSED BIG RUN PUMP STORAGE HYDROPOWER PROJECT FERC P-14889 Presentation to USFS Monongahela National Forest Supervisor Lower Reservoir November 19, 2018

  2. WHAT IS PROPOSED BIG RUN PSH 100% RE PROJECT? Proposed Big Run PSH is the next iteration in the evolution of 1 GW Pump Storage Hydropower Plants: Linthal, Nant-de-Drance (both Switzerland); and Tehri (India) 1: What is Pump Storage Hydropower? 2: Linthal PSH Project Animation 3. Linthal PSH Project Overview Report

  3. BIG RUN PSH 100% RE – Executive Summary MATCHING BIG RUN PUMP-STORAGE HYDRO CAPABILITIES WITH THE HIGHEST VALUE PROJECTS Technology Summary • A lower-cost of energy when compared to existing • A closed-loop PSH project that does not require FERC license • A PSH system designed to generate 100% RE • Extensive use of forecasting and IoT to plan and operate both storage and generation resources. • Renewable Energy Storage available 24/365 p.a. • Coordinated long-term wind and solar renewable energy supply, delivery and transmission contracts that provide shaped, firmed, balanced, and dynamically scheduled energy built-in with ancillary services direct to Big Run PSH project customers Proposed Targets (system or component) Metric State of the Proposed Art 1. TBM costs 14’ =$250 M /mi 12’ = $100 M/ mi 2. PSH Licensing 5-8 Years 3 Years 3. PSH Reservoirs 10 Hrs Storage 40 Hrs Storage 4. 100% RE Offset Contract Renewable Energy, with Energy & Capacity, Reserves & REC Ancillary Services 5. Master Supply vPPA Coordinated Supply and Contract Delivery 6. 100% RE REC Renewable Renewable Energy, Energy, only Capacity, Reserves & Ancillary Services

  4. BIG RUN PSH 100% RE – FIN APPLICATION TO FAST41 PROGRAM BIG RUN PSH PROJECT MEETS DEFINITION PER 42 U.S.C. §4370m(6)(A) OF THE FAST ACT . Box 2: FAST-41 Eligible Sectors: • Renewable Energy and Conventional Energy Production • Electric Transmission • Others sectors, including new sectors by a majority vote of the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council

  5. BIG RUN PSH 100% RE – BUSINESS PLAN MATCHING BIG RUN PUMP-STORAGE HYDRO CAPABILITIES WITH THE HIGHEST VALUE PROJECTS Expressions of Interest in Supply/Off-Take: $0 Utilities – Dominion & Exelon IPPs & Corporate Customers GSA under an SSPC Contract Preliminary Studies – Working Capital $0-$1 million EIS Feasibility Studies Letters of Support Major Studies – Grants and Loans $1-25 million Engineering Design Interconnection Power Agreements Tunneling Boring Machine (TBM) Financial Close- $1.2 Billion Fabrication Transportation Installation Commissioning COD

  6. BIG RUN PSH 100% RE - VALUE STREAMS MATCHING BIG RUN PUMP-STORAGE HYDRO CAPABILITIES WITH THE HIGHEST VALUE PROJECTS Customer $140  Increased reliability  Increased engagement in power supply $130  Lowered angst on climate action  B.R. PSH estimated DISCO upside of $1 per $120 100MWh block, for some customers, Customer $0.0001/kWh from all customers $110  Worth total tariff to DISCO, if customer defects $100 Distribution Infrastructure $90  Avoided investments in distribution infrastructure  Appears as lower PJM costs for DISCO Transmission $80 Environment $70 Lower Permit Risk  Closed-loop PSH presents limited potential $60 impact to ecosystems  B.R. PSH estimated $0.018-$0..022/kWh at Flexibility $50 $40/ton of CO2e emissions $40 Capacity Capacity Wholesale Markets $30  Traditional value drivers: energy arbitrage, fast- Anc. Svc Anc. Svc response capabilities, and avoided capacity $20  Realizing additional value due to higher quality Energy Energy Energy $10 ancillary services & REC & REC & REC  Flexibility products provides additional revenue $0 opportunities  Lowest-cost direct replacement for gas Bundled Previous Current combined cycle, w/o carbon emissions 100% Storage Storage  $400/ SREC in DC; + carbon revenues in RGGI and California/Quebec offset auctions (est.$100M/yr) Offset Market Market DC PEPCO Customer PPA Value Analysis

  7. BIG RUN PSH 100% RE - VALUE STREAMS THE HIGHEST VALUE RENEWABLES ENERGY PROJECTS & BIG RUN PUMP-STORAGE HYDROPOWER IN PERFECT COMBINATION MATCHING SUPPLY TO HOW DEMAND IS SHAPED ON THE GRID $140 $130 $120 Distribution Cost ** Customer $110 $0.03081/kWh (W) $0.06236/kWh (S) $100 Distribution $90 Transmission Transmission $0.00869/kWh $80 Environment $70 B.R. Flexibility $60 $0.0375/kWh Flexibility $50 Reserves $0.0047/kWh $40 Capacity $0.01/kWh Capacity Capacity $30 Anc. Svc $0.0075/kWh Anc. Svc Anc. Svc $20 Energy Energy Energy VRE $0.025/kWh $10 & REC & REC & REC $0 B.R.-PSH Bundled Previous Current ** Excludes additional DC PSC 100% RE 100% Storage Storage authorized Pepco surcharges, +T&D Offset Market Market adjustments, credits and taxes $0.1222/kWh DC PEPCO Customer PPA Value-to-Cost Analysis

  8. BIG RUN PSH 100% RE: 3,600 GWh/yr + 250 GWh Spinning Reserves Assumes ~50% Pumping and ~50% Generation (each ~4,380 hrs p.a.) $0.0847/kWh B.R.-PSH Energy, RECs, Capacity (7%),Reserves & Ancillary Svc $140 $130 Distribution ** $120 $0.03081/kWh (W) $110 $0.06236/kWh (S) $0.0001-$0.06/kWh w/o defection*** $100 Transmission $90 $0.00869/kWh $80 $0.001/kWh *** $70 B.R. Flexibility $0.0375/kWh $60 $0.018-$0.022/kWh*** $50 Reserves $0.0047/kWh Min. $0.00017/kWh*** $40 $30 Capacity $0.01/kWh $0.0043/kWh *** $20 Anc. Svc $0.0075/kWh $10 $0.003/kWh*** $0 VRE $0.025/kWh B.R.-PSH B.R.-PSH PEPCO* $0.01/kWh *** * 9% RE Notes: 100% RE 100% RE $0.1223/kWh ** Excludes additional DC PSC +T&D $0.0847/kWh authorized Pepco surcharges, $0.1222/kWh adjustments, credits and taxes DC PEPCO Customer PPA Cost Analysis *** Estimated value to Exelon/CNE

  9. 100% RE: 3,600 GWh + 250 GWh Spinning Reserves Assumes ~50% Pumping and ~50% Generation (each ~4,380 hrs p.a.) $0.0847/kWh B.R.-PSH & IPP Energy, RECs, Capacity (7%),Reserves & Ancillary Svc $0.0625/kWh B.R.-PSH and IPP Energy & RECs, only $0.0597/kWh B.R.-PSH Energy, only Reserves $140 $0.0047/kWh $130 Ancillary Svc $120 $0.0075/kWh $110 Capacity $0.01/kWh $100 $90 Distribution Cost** $80 Pepco $0.03081/kWh (W) $70 $0.06236/kWh (S) PJM Transmission Cost $60 $0.00869/kWh $50 Generation, Shaping $40 Firming Cost B.R.-PSH B.R.-PSH B.R.-PSH $30 $0.0375/kWh $20 Variable RE Cost $10 IPP IPP IPP $0.025/kWh $0 B.R.-PSH PPA B.R.-PSH B.R.-PSH PPA B.R.-PSH PEPCO* ** Excludes additional DC PSC w/o IPP* CFD-PPA Full Svc 100% RE $0.1223/kWh * 9% RE authorized Pepco surcharges, $0.0597/kWh $0.0625/kWh $0.0847/kWh w/PEPCO adjustments, credits and taxes $0.1222/kWh DC PEPCO Customer PPA Cost Analysis

  10. BIG RUN PSH 100% RE – SPECIAL USE PERMIT STUDY PLAN Preliminary Species of Concern: 1. Running Buffalo Clover - Trifolium stoloniferum 2. Small Whorled Pogonia - Isotria medeoloides Potential Species of Concern: 3. Cheat Mountain Salamander - Plethodon nettingi 4. Indiana Bat - Myotis sodalis 5. Northern Long-eared Bat - Myotis septentrionalis 6. Virginia Big-eared Bat - Corynorhinus (=Plecotus) townsendii virginianus 7. Others? FreedomWorks’ Study Plan insurance limits/capacity: E. & O.: $3,000,000_______________ Auto: $1,000,000_______________ General Liability: $1,000,000/$2,000,000 _ Excess Liability: $10,000,000 _ Big Run Special Use permit Study Plans shall include USFS intervention comments dated November, 16, 2018. All MNF Study Plans are contingent upon USFS approvals



  13. BIG RUN PSH 100% RE – OPERATIONS PLAN PJM pays B.R.-PSH B.R.-PSH for consumes Capacity, Customer Wind /Solar Ancillary Svs Pays B.R.-PSH for Pumping and and Spinning $0.0847/kWh for Creates 100% RE CERTIFIED 100% RE Reserves IPP B.R.-PSH PJM B.R.-PSH PEPCO PPA $0.025/kWh 100% RE $0.015/kWh $0.0222/kWh $0.03/kWh $0.0847/kWh IPP Sells B.R.-PSH pays B.R.-PSH pays Energy/Attributes PEPCO for PJM to Wheel Delivered to Distribution Power B.R. PSH & Billing General Solicitation for Offers (SFO) Delivery Locations Target 3600 GWh 20 YR Power Share/Purchase of Intermittent RE and REC PJM WV Mt. Storm Node $0.025/kWh 20 YR Power Retail Sale of Flexible 100% RE, only PJM beginning 2023 $0.0597/kWh 20 YR Power Retail Sale of 100%RE and REC PJM beginning 2023 $0.0625/kWh 20 YR Power Retail Sale of 100%RE, REC, Capacity, Regulation, PJM beginning 2023 $0.0847/kWh Reserves & Ancillary Svc DC PEPCO Customer PPA Cost Analysis

  14. Proposed Big Run 17 mi, 500 kV Intertie Line Corridor “H” US-48 Proposed Big Run PSH Project Boundary Proposed Big Run PSH Project Corridor “H” US-48 Proposed Mt. Storm Substation Cheat River Big Run Substation SK-1 Proposed Big Run Pump Storage Hydropower Project

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