update to city council june 2019

Update to City Council June 2019 BEAUFOR T BOARD OF DIRECTORS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BEAUFORT DIGITAL CORRIDOR Update to City Council June 2019 BEAUFOR T BOARD OF DIRECTORS UPDATE DIGITAL CORRIDOR We are pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Robert LeFavi, USCB Beaufort Campus Dean, to the BDC Board as of 5/1/19.

  1. BEAUFORT DIGITAL CORRIDOR Update to City Council June 2019

  2. BEAUFOR T BOARD OF DIRECTORS UPDATE DIGITAL • CORRIDOR We are pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Robert LeFavi, USCB Beaufort Campus Dean, to the BDC Board as of 5/1/19. CURRENT BOARD: Kevin Klingler Matt D’Angelo Jess O’Brien SECRETARY & CHAIRMAN VICE CHAIRMAN TREASURER Joe Floyd Stephen Murray Bob LeFavi PROGRAM MANAGER: Shelley Barratt

  3. BEAUFOR T MISSION CRITICAL GOALS DIGITAL • CORRIDOR FROM LAST YEAR Fill BASEcamp with tech companies Graduate businesses, working with them to grow into hiring companies Following are key accomplishments since last presentation to City Council Fall 2018

  4. BEAUFORT KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS DIGITAL • CORRIDOR RESIDENTS AT BASECAMP Ten tech-related tenants: startups, remote workers, satellite office, telemedicine (up from five) Ten of ten offices are currently occupied (up from six) Five monthly coworking subscriptions full/part-time (up from two)

  5. ~ BEAUFORT KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS DIGITAL • CORRIDOR MEMBERS & SPONSORS 30 30 current members 5 current business-level or above sponsors UNIVERSITY OF S0UIH CAROLINA I Rotary& Clubofthe Lowcountry BFAUFORf ....-----. ff HARGRAY RDEV BUS IN ESS NETWORK


  7. BEAUFOR T KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS DIGITAL • CORRIDOR PROGRAMS = PEOPLE 500+ Visits to BASEcamp FY 2018–2019 up from ~350 FY 2017-2018 Educational - 32 Fridays - 77 6% 15% TECHconnect - 153 29% BASEcamp Gallery - 124 24% Coworking - 137 26% TECHconnect - 153 Coworking - 137 BASEcamp Gallery - 124 Fridays - 77 Educational - 32

  8. ~ ~ ~ ~ BEAUFORT KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS DIGITAL • CORRIDOR MEDIA Four press releases " Four outreach events and presentations Four media interviews " Marketing campaign rollout continues •• ··--· . . ----l'l't ... ·BASE camp· B_ASEcamp BEAUFORT 'S TE .CH WOR KSPACE BEAUFORT'S TECH WOR KSPACE ~,' BEAUFORT DIGITAL CORRIDOR FLEXIBLE SPACES AND lht hNtt ol his tone downtown. BASEc.imp offt,rs AFFORDABLE RATES tedvologyff'l~~eMd~~ flCJl ,blPS for wort(. mMbnp. and fYlfltS OFFIC ES NURTURING BEAUFORT'S TECHNOLOGY ENTREPRENEURS • (subtP« otfic.1 Sb: to aYilllabll,tv) BASEQmP ~~of tht BNufort Oit~ Comdat - Monthlyhnt 0000 focused BNufort'S P,ffflltr bustnlss incubator, on s,.50 Son&'< oaoliil -"'""-'"'""""'"'""- Double 0 T eam fJ Ood,c..tod- S300 f'J COWORKING F,rst Comt., f,rsc stnltd busintssto..ws Da11VdtCC>·lft S25 WHlcfv- 1100 Monthlyp,art·brM S99 Ful-tJml! S198 Wtol<oof/t<C........,, .,-.,.,,. L (J CONFEREN CE ROOM RENTA HMf Day: S80 Full Day: S 1lo0 (SfJits &-101 RENTAL 61 (iJ EVE NT/ MEETING SPACE ,....,. S,.5 loftt< Spin. 45·50...,._ind_l/v) -- "' ,.----- SUdon a '$4S {SN 1S 6-8, no~ n. ...... . _ • ...,...., ..- c, .n1.,_-, ,_ ....,,.,.,1

  9. BEAUFORT KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS DIGITAL • CORRIDOR COLLABORATION m CCOLLEGEof -:-ITT HARLEST0N 1111 •••• ~ • - ImpactX 1770 IMPACT OR )6 SPECIAL THANKS lul IMPACT X DEMO I ,a . MAKING A PROFIT WHILE MAK ING AD Fl Demo Day Judges Faculty/ Administration COHORT9 Matt D' Angelo Professor Lancie Affonso APRIL 2019 1 5:30 PM Jennifer Garr Professor Michael Cahill WELLS FARGO AUDITORIUM Suniu Patel Dean Alan Shao Kimberly Powell Dr. Christopher Starr Jess,ca Reid Mr. Stuart Williams 11 11 1 Mayor John Tecklenburg Dr. David Wyman Student Mentors Business Mentors Cookie Desa, Mike Astle 11 11 1 Matthew Erdner Joey Baldwin Carter Haley Shaw Drummond 0 Bryan Ko Gary Mushock Chad Ross Vince Sonson Development I Hannah Sofer Andrew Strickland f" t THE GLOBAL GOALS - - - - 1 I I ' "'1i ForSusta,nabte Des.gned by Kansha Desai, Impact X Student Intern and Impact X Al-umna.


  11. BEAUFOR T BASED ON THE ABOVE KEY DIGITAL • CORRIDOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS… We have met the first mission critical goal … We are focusing on the mission … And taking the next steps…

  12. BEAUFOR T NEXT STEPS DIGITAL • CORRIDOR Focused effort with resident co’s to grow to the next level, per Resident Company Development plan Growing talent development with program participation and cross-organizational collaboration Starting work on developing capital and investment resources


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