update on the elementary and secondary education

Update on the Elementary and Secondary Education Emergency Relief - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Update on the Elementary and Secondary Education Emergency Relief Fund June 11, 2020 State Board of Education 1 Presentation Purpose To provide information regarding the background and distribution process for the Elementary and Secondary

  1. Update on the Elementary and Secondary Education Emergency Relief Fund June 11, 2020 State Board of Education 1

  2. Presentation Purpose • To provide information regarding the background and distribution process for the Elementary and Secondary Education Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund from the CARES Act • To engage in a discussion of possible uses for the 10% state share of ESSER funds 2

  3. CARES Act Funding Overview for Education CARES Act CARES Relief Education Stabilization Funds (ESF) Funds (CRF) Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Funds (ESSER) Education Relief (GEER) $510 million ~$121 million ~$44 million Formula funding State Level to LEAs ~$12 million ~$108 million 3

  4. Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund Colorado ESSER • Over $13.2 billion to states allocated $120,993,782 according to Title I shares • Colorado has been allocated $120,993,782 LEAs 90% $108,894,404 • 90 percent flows to LEAs based on share of Title I SEAs 10% • SEAs may use up to 10% for state level $12,099,378 activities for emergency needs to address issues related to COVID-19 SEA Admin $604,969 • SEAs may use some funds for administration (0.5%) 4

  5. LEA ESSER EA ESSER A Allocations ns • CDE must allocate a minimum of $108,894,404 (90%) of ESSER funds to LEAs • LEA allocations are available on the CDE website: http://www.cde.state.co.us/fedprograms/educationstabilizationfund • The LEA application opened on May 29 and as applications are received, they will be reviewed and approved to enable quick distribution • LEAs must submit applications by December 2020 5

  6. Allowable Use of Funds Any activity authorized by ESEA, IDEA, the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, the Perkins CTE Act, or the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Examples of allowable activities include: • coordination with public health • purchasing educational technology • planning for long term closures • training and supplies for sanitation • mental health support • summer school and after school programs • funds for principals to address local needs • other activities to continue school operations and employment of existing staff 6

  7. ESSER State Level Funds • CDE may reserve no more than $12,099,378 (10%) of ESSER funds for state level activities • Of the state reserve, CDE may use no more than $604,969 (½ of 1%) for administrative purposes • The state reserve is to be used for emergency needs as determined by the SEA to address issues related to COVID-19, which may be addressed through the use of grants or contracts • CDE has been getting input from multiple stakeholder groups on how it might use state level funds, including conducting a stakeholder survey in May 7

  8. ESSER Stakeholder Survey Responses 8

  9. Stakeholder Survey • Overview of respondents • State level options • Grant priority areas • Potential grant distribution methods • Other ideas 9

  10. Survey Respondents Educator 2% 2% 1%1%0% 0% 0% 2% Parent 3% 2% District administrator Principal Charter school educator, parent, administrator 6% Superintendent 34% Other (please specify) 7% Non-public school educator, parent, administrator General public/Colorado taxpayer Local school board member 8% Education policy advocate Member of community organization Representative of an education leadership organization 8% Elected official/policymaker 16% 9% Student Colorado Charter School Institute representative Tribal representative 10

  11. Statewide Funding Options 5% Resources to support safer in person 8% learning 26% Investment to expand broadband access 8% Support to teachers to provide remote learning Optional statewide online learning platform 10% Optional statewide online course resources Other 25% Statewide homework help line for 18% students 11

  12. Grant Priority Areas 3% 2% 2% 1% Funds for districts to catch up students who need additional support Funds to support student health and well-being Funds to expand technological capacity and access for 4% 20% remote learning 4% Funds to identify and support students who are not responding to virtual learning Funds for districts with increases in FRL due to COVID 5% Funds for rural districts Funds for districts with low to no Title I allocation 6% Funds for districts that have greater needs due to 14% COVID Funds to assist facility schools with COVID response needs 8% Funds to support additional family engagement efforts Funds to support Colorado’s Native American Tribes 9% 12% Funds for districts to support school improvement efforts 10% Other Funds to BOCES to address the impact from COVID-19 12

  13. Potential Grant Distribution Method 2% Formula 5% A mix of formula and competitive 50% Other 43% Competitive 13

  14. Additional Suggestions # of Percentage (of Category Responses answered) 58 25.3% Charter schools 28 12.2% Other Simple distribution 19 8.3% process 16 7.0% Rural districts 14 6.1% All districts Support for specific 12 5.2% student groups 10 4.4% District support 8 3.5% Staff 14

  15. Questions and Suggestions 15


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