Update on the Elementary and Secondary Education Emergency Relief Fund June 11, 2020 State Board of Education 1
Presentation Purpose • To provide information regarding the background and distribution process for the Elementary and Secondary Education Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund from the CARES Act • To engage in a discussion of possible uses for the 10% state share of ESSER funds 2
CARES Act Funding Overview for Education CARES Act CARES Relief Education Stabilization Funds (ESF) Funds (CRF) Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Funds (ESSER) Education Relief (GEER) $510 million ~$121 million ~$44 million Formula funding State Level to LEAs ~$12 million ~$108 million 3
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund Colorado ESSER • Over $13.2 billion to states allocated $120,993,782 according to Title I shares • Colorado has been allocated $120,993,782 LEAs 90% $108,894,404 • 90 percent flows to LEAs based on share of Title I SEAs 10% • SEAs may use up to 10% for state level $12,099,378 activities for emergency needs to address issues related to COVID-19 SEA Admin $604,969 • SEAs may use some funds for administration (0.5%) 4
LEA ESSER EA ESSER A Allocations ns • CDE must allocate a minimum of $108,894,404 (90%) of ESSER funds to LEAs • LEA allocations are available on the CDE website: http://www.cde.state.co.us/fedprograms/educationstabilizationfund • The LEA application opened on May 29 and as applications are received, they will be reviewed and approved to enable quick distribution • LEAs must submit applications by December 2020 5
Allowable Use of Funds Any activity authorized by ESEA, IDEA, the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, the Perkins CTE Act, or the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Examples of allowable activities include: • coordination with public health • purchasing educational technology • planning for long term closures • training and supplies for sanitation • mental health support • summer school and after school programs • funds for principals to address local needs • other activities to continue school operations and employment of existing staff 6
ESSER State Level Funds • CDE may reserve no more than $12,099,378 (10%) of ESSER funds for state level activities • Of the state reserve, CDE may use no more than $604,969 (½ of 1%) for administrative purposes • The state reserve is to be used for emergency needs as determined by the SEA to address issues related to COVID-19, which may be addressed through the use of grants or contracts • CDE has been getting input from multiple stakeholder groups on how it might use state level funds, including conducting a stakeholder survey in May 7
ESSER Stakeholder Survey Responses 8
Stakeholder Survey • Overview of respondents • State level options • Grant priority areas • Potential grant distribution methods • Other ideas 9
Survey Respondents Educator 2% 2% 1%1%0% 0% 0% 2% Parent 3% 2% District administrator Principal Charter school educator, parent, administrator 6% Superintendent 34% Other (please specify) 7% Non-public school educator, parent, administrator General public/Colorado taxpayer Local school board member 8% Education policy advocate Member of community organization Representative of an education leadership organization 8% Elected official/policymaker 16% 9% Student Colorado Charter School Institute representative Tribal representative 10
Statewide Funding Options 5% Resources to support safer in person 8% learning 26% Investment to expand broadband access 8% Support to teachers to provide remote learning Optional statewide online learning platform 10% Optional statewide online course resources Other 25% Statewide homework help line for 18% students 11
Grant Priority Areas 3% 2% 2% 1% Funds for districts to catch up students who need additional support Funds to support student health and well-being Funds to expand technological capacity and access for 4% 20% remote learning 4% Funds to identify and support students who are not responding to virtual learning Funds for districts with increases in FRL due to COVID 5% Funds for rural districts Funds for districts with low to no Title I allocation 6% Funds for districts that have greater needs due to 14% COVID Funds to assist facility schools with COVID response needs 8% Funds to support additional family engagement efforts Funds to support Colorado’s Native American Tribes 9% 12% Funds for districts to support school improvement efforts 10% Other Funds to BOCES to address the impact from COVID-19 12
Potential Grant Distribution Method 2% Formula 5% A mix of formula and competitive 50% Other 43% Competitive 13
Additional Suggestions # of Percentage (of Category Responses answered) 58 25.3% Charter schools 28 12.2% Other Simple distribution 19 8.3% process 16 7.0% Rural districts 14 6.1% All districts Support for specific 12 5.2% student groups 10 4.4% District support 8 3.5% Staff 14
Questions and Suggestions 15
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