university of illinois at urbana champaign

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Dashboard Indicators A D - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Dashboard Indicators A D D I T I O N A L U P DAT E S BY: U N I V E R S I T Y O F F I C E F O R P L A N N I N G A N D B U D G E T I N G F E B R UA RY 1 5 , 2 0 1 3 P R E S E N T E D BY: C H A

  1. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Dashboard Indicators A D D I T I O N A L U P DAT E S BY: U N I V E R S I T Y O F F I C E F O R P L A N N I N G A N D B U D G E T I N G F E B R UA RY 1 5 , 2 0 1 3 P R E S E N T E D BY: C H A N C E L L O R P H Y L L I S W I S E M A R C H 7 , 2 0 1 3

  2. Student Access and Enrollment Page 2

  3. Percent First-Time Freshmen Admissions Yield* Fall 2007 – Fall 2012 60% 50% Admissions yield at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has fallen below the peer median. 40% UIUC Peer 75th Percentile 30% Peer Median Peer 25th Percentile 20% 10% 0% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 * Admissions Yield = Percent of (total enrolled divided by total admits). Fall 2012 peer data not available. Page 3

  4. Percent Enrolled Undergraduate Students from Underrepresented* Groups Fall 2007 – Fall 2012 25% The percent of undergraduate 20% students from underrepresented groups at the University of Illinois UIUC 15% at Urbana-Champaign is at par or Peer 75th Percentile below the peer median. Peer Median 10% Peer 25th Percentile 5% 0% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 * Includes Black, Hispanic, American Indian, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, and multi-racial students. Fall 2012 peer data not available. Page 4

  5. Enrolled Undergraduate Students from Underrepresented* Groups Fall 2011 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Uva Wisc Mich UW UNC Median UCSD UC-Berk UI UCLA UT * Includes Black, Hispanic, American Indian, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, and multi-racial students. Page 5

  6. Percent Enrolled Graduate and Professional Students from Underrepresented* Groups Fall 2007 – Fall 2012 15% The percent of graduate and professional students from 10% underrepresented groups at the UIUC University of Illinois at Urbana- Peer 75th Percentile Champaign is lower than the peer Peer Median median. Peer 25th Percentile 5% 0% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 * Includes Black, Hispanic, American Indian, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, and multi-racial students. Fall 2012 peer data not available. Page 6

  7. Entering Freshmen ACT Composite Scores 25 th and 75 th Percentile Fall 2007 – Fall 2012 ACT Score 35 30 ACT scores of incoming freshmen at the University of Illinois at Urbana- 25 UIUC 75th Percentile Champaign are on par with peers. Peer Average 75th 20 Percentile UIUC 25th Percentile 15 Peer Average 25th 10 Percentile 5 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Note: Fewer students at peer institutions submit ACT scores. Fall 2012 peer data not available. Page 7

  8. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Peer Institutions First-Time Transfers Enrollment Fall 2007 – Fall 2012 Institution 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 858 1,183 1,195 1,168 1,398 1,350 University of California - Berkeley 2,034 2,012 2,199 2,195 2,336 University of California - Los Angeles 3,317 3,219 3,234 3,228 3,116 University of California - San Diego 1,723 1,858 1,931 2,567 2,795 University of Michigan - Ann Arbor 755 759 870 928 874 University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill 793 783 778 922 791 University of Texas - Austin 2,297 2,270 2,457 2,452 2,492 University of Virginia 590 588 641 631 621 University of Washington 1,483 1,492 1,677 1,623 2,001 University of Wisconsin-Madison 1,292 1,238 1,187 1,304 1,326 Note: Fall 2012 peer data not available. Data Source: IPEDS Data Center. Page 8

  9. Percent First-Time Transfers from Underrepresented* Groups Fall 2007 – Fall 2012 25% The percent of first-time transfers 20% from underrepresented groups at the University of Illinois at Urbana- UIUC 15% Champaign is lower than its peer Peer 75th Percentile median. Peer Median 10% Peer 25th Percentile 5% 0% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 * Includes Black, Hispanic, American Indian, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, and multi-racial students. Fall 2012 peer data not available. Page 9

  10. Student Access and Enrollment: Goals • Increase the diversity of our class • Improve yield in high-achieving students Page 10

  11. Action Items Increase scholarship support Recruit more intensively in key high schools Increase preparedness of potential students to enrich and enlarge the applicant pool 1-2 year 3-5 year Page 11

  12. Student Outcomes Page 12

  13. Freshman to Sophomore One-Year Retention Rates Fall 2007 – Fall 2012 100% 90% The freshmen retention rate at the 80% University of Illinois at Urbana- 70% Champaign is high and similar to its UIUC 60% peers. Peer 75th Percentile 50% Peer Median 40% Peer 25th Percentile 30% 20% 2011 first-time freshmen 10% cohort: 7,249 0% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Note: Fall 2012 peer data not available. Page 13

  14. First-Time Freshmen Four-Year Graduation Rates 2001 – 2006 Cohorts 80% 70% The four year graduation rate for 60% undergraduates at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is 50% UIUC similar to the peer median. Peer 75th Percentile 40% Peer Median 30% Peer 25th Percentile 20% 2006 first-time 10% freshmen cohort: 7,105 0% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Note: Fall 2012 peer data not available. Page 14

  15. Percent First-Time Freshmen from Underrepresented* Groups Four-Year Graduation Rates 2001 – 2006 Cohorts 60% 50% In 2010 the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign graduated a 40% higher percent of students from UIUC underrepresented groups within Peer 75th Percentile 30% four years compared to its peer Peer Median median. Peer 25th Percentile 20% 2006 Underrepresented 10% first-time freshmen cohort: 1,264 0% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 * Includes Black, Hispanic, American Indian, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, and multi-racial students. Fall 2012 peer data not available. Page 15

  16. Percent First-Time Freshmen from Underrepresented* Groups Six-Year Graduation Rates 2001 – 2006 Cohorts 90% 80% About 73% of the students from 70% underrepresented groups at the University of Illinois at Urbana- 60% UIUC Champaign graduate within six Peer 75th Percentile 50% years, but that number is lower Peer Median 40% than the peer median. Peer 25th Percentile 30% 2006 20% Underrepresented first-time freshmen 10% cohort: 1,264 0% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 * Includes Black, Hispanic, American Indian, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, and multi-racial students. Fall 2012 peer data not available. Page 16

  17. Number of Degrees Granted – Bachelor’s FY 2007 – FY 2012 8,000 7,000 University of Illinois at Urbana- 6,000 Champaign grants more UIUC undergraduate degrees than its 5,000 peer median. Peer 75th Percentile 4,000 Peer Median 3,000 Peer 25th Percentile 2,000 1,000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Note: Only includes bachelor’s degrees, excludes associate degrees and certificates. Degrees awarded from July 1 to June 30 of each fiscal year. Fiscal Year 2012 peer data not available. Page 17

  18. Number of Degrees Granted – Master’s and Doctoral FY 2007 – FY 2012 5,000 University of Illinois at Urbana- 4,000 Champaign grants more graduate UIUC degrees than its peer median. 3,000 Peer 75th Percentile Peer Median 2,000 Peer 25th Percentile 1,000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Note: Only includes master’s and doctoral degrees, excludes certificates. Degrees awarded from July 1 to June 30 of each fiscal year. Fiscal Year 2012 peer data not available. Page 18

  19. Number of Bachelor’s Degrees Granted to Students from Underrepresented* Groups FY 2007 – FY 2012 1,200 1,070 1,037 966 1,000 893 856 827 800 600 400 200 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 * Includes Black, Hispanic, American Indian, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, and multi-racial students. Note: Only includes bachelor’s degrees, excludes associate degrees and certificates. Degrees awarded from July 1 to June 30 of each fiscal year. Page 19

  20. Number of Master’s and Doctoral Degrees Granted to Students from Underrepresented* Groups FY 2007 – FY 2012 400 372 349 350 319 287 285 300 250 226 200 150 100 50 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 * Includes Black, Hispanic, American Indian, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, and multi-racial students. Note: Only includes master’s and doctoral degrees, excludes certificates. Degrees awarded from July 1 to June 30 of each fiscal year. Page 20

  21. Student Outcomes: Goals • Improve retention and graduation rates • Reduce the gap in graduation rates for underrepresented students Page 21

  22. Action Items Provide more mentoring assistance to more at-risk students Strengthen and better coordinate retention programs across the entire student experience 1-2 year 3-5 year Page 22

  23. Tuition and Financial Aid Page 23

  24. Undergraduate In-State Tuition and Fees Per Academic Year AY 2007 – AY 2012 $16,000 $14,000 Undergraduate tuition and fees at $12,000 the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign are higher than its peer UIUC $10,000 median. Peer 75th Percentile $8,000 Peer Median $6,000 Peer 25th Percentile $4,000 $2,000 $0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Page 24

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