united way presentation tiny tots

United Way Presentation Tiny Tots Child Care Later that night - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

United Way Presentation Tiny Tots Child Care Later that night Three months later How it all Connects GROW ( produce ) SHARE RECYCLE (distribute) ( compost ) EAT (cook) RaVE by the Numbers (in the first nine months) 64 nutrition

  1. United Way Presentation

  2. Tiny Tots Child Care

  3. Later that night…

  4. Three months later…

  5. How it all Connects GROW ( produce ) SHARE RECYCLE (distribute) ( compost ) EAT (cook)

  6. RaVE by the Numbers (in the first nine months) • 64 nutrition education events including community dinners, cooking and gardening programs • 889 people attended nutrition events

  7. RaVE by the Numbers Continued • 410 kids in 6 schools and recreation programs learned to cook at 40 nutrition education events • 421 volunteers put in 2,100 hours at gardens, farm or in six community kitchen programs

  8. Guiding Principles in RaVE • Community members guide and lead the projects with technical assistance when needed, from the RaVE team • We meet people where they are at geographically, educationally and in terms of social norms.

  9. Guiding Principles in RaVE • All are welcome • Programs are fun, joyful and uplifting. They are a great place to have a good time, meet new friends and eat delicious food.

  10. Grow - Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetland

  11. Eat - Kale Chips

  12. Share – Good Food Boxes

  13. Eat – Community Dinner

  14. Why People Come to the Community Dinner 76% 62% 52% Talk with new Learn about Free healthy people healthy foods dinner

  15. Why Take the RaVE Approach?

  16. Questions?


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