understanding the clean truck litigation part vi teamster

Understanding the Clean Truck Litigation Part VI: Teamster a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Understanding the Clean Truck Litigation Part VI: Teamster a Teamster and worker nd worker misclassificati misclassification on up upda date. te. Pres Presented ented by by Cameron Cameron W. W. Roberts Roberts Sea Sean n Brew

  1. Understanding the Clean Truck Litigation Part VI: Teamster a Teamster and worker nd worker misclassificati misclassification on up upda date. te. Pres Presented ented by by Cameron Cameron W. W. Roberts Roberts Sea Sean n Brew Brew Rob Roberts erts & Keha & Kehagiaras giaras LLP LLP

  2. “This is going to go on for years.” Ju Judg dge e Har Harry ry Pre Prege gers rson on, Ninth Ninth Cir Cir . www.tradeandcargo.com 11 11/13 13/20 2013 13

  3. IN IN THE THE BEGINN BEGINNING NG . . . . . In Nove In N ovembe mber r 20 2006 06, , the the Ports voted Ports voted t to o ap appro prove ve the the  Sa San n Pe Pedro dro Bay Bay Po Ports rts Cl Clea ean Ai n Air r Acti Action on P Plan lan (“CAAP”). The CAAP’s general goal is to reduce pollution in  the the Ports an Ports and su d surroun rrounding ding are areas, there as, thereby by reduc red ucing ing the the atten attenda dant h nt hea ealth ri lth risk sks. s. One co One compo mpone nent nt of the CA of the CAAP AP is the is the C Clean lean T Truc ruck k  Program (“CTP”). www.tradeandcargo.com 11 11/13 13/20 2013 13

  4. THE THE CONCE CONCESSIO SSION N AGREE AGREEMENT MENT  MAYOR VILLARAIGOSA LAUNCHES LANDMARK CLEAN TRUCK PROGRAM TO CLEAN LOS ANGELES' AIR  Bans over 10% of port trucks or 2000 “dirty - diesel” trucks, removing over 350 tons of harmful port-related emissions from Los Angeles' air.  When fully implemented in 2012, the ,Clean Truck Program takes over 16,000 dirty-diesel trucks off the road, slashing harmful truck emissions by 80 percent. www.tradeandcargo.com 11 11/13 13/20 2013 13

  5. THE THE CONCE CONCESSIO SSION N AGREE AGREEMENT MENT  Th The e Po Ports rts of Lo of Long ng Beach an Beac h and d Lo Los Ange s Angeles les ha have ve ea each ch ad adop opted ted a a CTP an CTP and d a Conc a Concess ession ion Agreem Agre emen ent (t t (the he “Agreements”).  Th The e Agree Agreemen ments ts req required uired motor carriers motor carriers to c to com omply with ply with a a nu numbe mber r of prov of provisi ision ons. s. Fa Fail ilure ure t to o co comply mply wou would r ld resu esult lt in ba in barri rring ng the the motor motor ca carri rrier er from from en entry. T try. The he ATA ATA fil filed ed a a lega legal l ch challeng allenge e to the to the Agree Agreemen ments. ts. www.tradeandcargo.com 11 11/13 13/20 2013 13

  6. KEY KEY ISSUES ISSUES  Certain Certain pro provisions visions a are N re Not ot su subjec bject t to prices, to prices, rou routes an tes and se d services rvices i in n the the FAA FAAA A Act: Act:  Mainten Maintenan ance ce pro provision; vision;  Plac Placard ard pro provision; vision;  Fina Financ ncial ial ca capa pabili bility; ty;  Subject to the “Safety” Exception:  Main Mainten tenan ance ce pro provision vision;  Plac Placard ard pro provision; vision;  NO NOT su T subjec bject t to to FAAA FAAA Act b Act bec ecau ause se the the Port of Port of Lo Los Ang s Angele eles is s is ac acting ting as a as a mark market p et particip articipan ant: t:  Emp Employe loyee e man manda date te  Pa Parking rking www.tradeandcargo.com 11 11/13 13/20 2013 13

  7. PRICE, ROUTE PRICE, ROUTE, OR , OR SERVICE SERVICE  Fe Fede dera ral l Aviat Aviation ion Administ Administra ration tion Aut Autho horization rization Act Act  Pre Preemp emption tion is is th the ge e gene nera ral l ru rule. le.  49 49 U.S.C. U.S.C. § 14501(c)(1): A State “may not en enac act t or or en enforc force a e a law, law, re regu gulation lation, , or or ot othe her r pr prov ovision ision ha having ving th the forc e force e an and effect d effect of l of law aw relate re lated d to to a pr a price, ice, ro rout ute, e, or or se serv rvice ice or or an any y mo moto tor r ca carr rrier ier . . . . . . with with re resp spec ect t to to th the e transportation of property.” www.tradeandcargo.com 11 11/13 13/20 2013 13

  8. MARKE MARKET T PART PARTICIPATI ICIPATION ON  If state action is proprietary, rather than regulatory, such action is not generally subject to statutory preemption.  The mark The market et part participant icipant test test does does not t not turn urn on whether on whether the stat the state e or local or local government government is is a purcha a purchaser ser or seller or seller of of the good the goods s and services and services at at issue. issue.  The Port’s participation in the port services market is sufficient sufficient.  Concession Agreement was a “business necessity,” in order order to eliminate to eliminate evident evident obstacles obstacles to PO to POLA LA growth. growth. www.tradeandcargo.com 11 11/13 13/20 2013 13

  9. LITIGATION: LITIGATION: KEY KEY PLAYE PLAYERS RS  Por Port t of Lon of Long g Bea Beach ch  Por Port t of Los of Los Ang Angeles eles  ATA ATA  U.S. U.S. Gov Gover ernme nment nt  Inte Intere rest sted ed Third Third Par Parties ties/ Amici Amici Cur Curiae iae a. En a. Enviro vironm nmen enta tal l Int Inter eres ests ts b. Shippe b. Shippers rs c. Lab c. Labor or www.tradeandcargo.com 11 11/13 13/20 2013 13

  10. SAMP SAMPLING LING OF AMICI OF AMICI CURIAE CURIAE  Nat Nationa ional l Ret Retail ail Federati Federation on  Nat Nationa ional l Right Right to to Wor Work k  Nat Nationa ional l Indu Indust strial rial Tra Trans nsp. p. Le Leag ague ue  U.S. U.S. Gov Gover ernme nment nt  Sierr Sierra a Club Club  NRDC NRDC www.tradeandcargo.com 11 11/13 13/20 2013 13

  11. NINTH CIRCUIT NINTH CIRCUIT  On Sep On Septemb tember er 26 26, , 20 2011 11. . Ni Ninth nth Circuit Circuit Court Court of of Appe Appeals als elimi elimina nated ted t the he employe employee man e manda date te. .  Pre Prese serve rved d all o all othe ther po r portions rtions of the of the Conc Conces ession sion Agree Agreemen ment. t.  POLA did not fi POLA did not file a le a Pe Peti titi tion on f for a Wri or a Writ t of of Certi Certiora orari ri, , thus allowing thu s allowing the the ruling a ruling adv dvers erse to e to i it t on on the the emp employe loyee e man manda date te to to stan stand. d. www.tradeandcargo.com 11/13 11 13/20 2013 13

  12. SUPREME SUP REME COURT COURT  Whether an unexpressed “market participant” ex exce ception ption ex exists ists in S in Sec ecti tion on 14 1450 501(c 1(c)(1) )(1) an and d pe permi rmits a ts a municipa municipal l go gove vernme rnmenta ntal l en enti tity to ty to ta take ke ac acti tion on t tha hat t co confli nflicts wi cts with th the the exp express ress pree preemption mption clau clause se, , oc occu curs rs in a in a marke market t in w in which hich t the he mu municipa nicipal l en enti tity d ty doe oes s no not p t participate, and articipate, and i is un s unco conn nnec ected ted wi with th an any i y inte nterest rest in th in the efficient proc e efficient procure uremen ment t of of se services rvices.  Whe Whethe ther r pe permi rmitti tting ng a a municipa municipal l go gove vernme rnmenta ntal l en enti tity to ty to b bar fede ar federall rally l y licen icense sed d moto motor c r carriers arriers from from ac acce cess ss to to a p a port op ort opera erates tes as a as a pa partial s rtial sus uspe pens nsion ion of the motor carriers’ federal registration, in violation violation of of Castle Castle v. Haye v. Hayes Freigh s Freight t Line Lines, s, Inc Inc. , , 34 348 8 U. U.S. 6 S. 61 1 (19 (1954 54). ). www.tradeandcargo.com 11/13 11 13/20 2013 13

  13. SUPREME SUP REME COURT COURT  Th The e Su Supre preme me Court Court issue issued it d its s op opinion inion on on Jun June e 13 13, , 2013 20 13. .  9-0 Opin 0 Opinion ion  POLA w POLA was as ac acti ting ng as regu as regulator, c lator, coe oercive rcive po power. wer.  Ex Exclus clusion ion of ca of carri rriers ers for breac for breach h of the Conc of the Concess ession ion (not (no t ri ripe pe), bu ), but t placa lacarding rding an and d pa parking rking r restrictions estrictions are are pree preempte mpted. d. Castle Castle v. Haye v. Hayes Freigh s Freight t Line Lines, s, Inc Inc. , , 34 348 8 U.S. 6 U.S. 61 (1 1 (195 954). 4). www.tradeandcargo.com 11/13 11 13/20 2013 13

  14. THE GOVE THE GOVERNOR RNOR  Teamsters say: Brown “a lifelong public servant . . . “successfully fought to protect wor workin king g families families an and c d con onsu sume mers rs, , inc includ luding ing po port rt dr driver ivers s fi figh ghting ting ag agains ainst t tr truc ucking king co compa mpany ny ab abus uses es .” - Te Teams amster ter pre press ss relea release se. . www.tradeandcargo.com 11/13 11 13/20 2013 13


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