Understanding St. Louis’ Infan ant t Mo Mortal tality ity Crisis sis Commun mmunity ity List sten ening ing Sessions ssions Feedbac back
Purpose rpose 1) 1) Ga Gain n ins nsight ight fro rom community unity membe bers s impacted ed by y factors they y see as contribut buting ing to o or causing ing inf nfant nt mortalit tality 2) 2) Build d awarenes ess s of commun unity ity needs ds and assets ts impacting cting the health lth of wo women n and infants nts in the St. St. Louis is region on 2
Purpose rpose 3) 3) Increase ase a s shared ed underst stand anding ing of infant nt vitalit tality y and nd emerg rging ing tr trend nds s pertinent nent to the health lth of wo women n and infants nts 4) 4) Es Esta tablish blish a foundation tion of commun unity ity trust, t, own wnership, hip, and involv olveme ement nt of impacted d families lies. . 3
Approac oach h an and Tar arge get t Audience ience • Target t Au Audie ience: nce: mothe others, s, father ers, s, grand ndpare parent nts, s, aunts ts uncle les, s, frie iends, ds, care e giv iver ers s experience enced, , knew w of someo eone ne or affe fected ed by premat aturi urity ty or in infant t death • Id Identif tified ed and secured ured ?# MCFCH FCH partner ners s wit ith h access ess to im impact acted ed famil ilie ies s (Cre redibility bility) • Design gn Format at – All ll Voic ices es are Im Importa tant nt/W /Welcom come; e; Kit itchen hen Table le St Style le Resour urce ce Suppor port t to Remove e Pa Parti ticip cipat ation n Barrie iers • Food, Transportation support, Childcare, Gift card 4
Com ommunity munity Li List steni ening ng Session ession Par artner ners • Mathe hew- Dickey’s Girls and Boys Club • Rais ising ing St St. Louis is • St St. Louis s Crisis sis Nurser ery Queen en of Peace ace • • Kin ingd gdom om House se • Pa Pare rent nts s As Teacher hers/ s/Beyon ond Housi sing/N g/Norm ormand andy y Scho hool ol Dis istrict trict • Open Publi lic c Sessio ssion 5
Mark arketin ting g an and Outrea treach ch Open Publi lic c Communi nity ty Lis isteni ning g Session ssion • Ad Add Stdg partner nership ship outreac each h and marketi ting • Making ing Change nge Happe pen Leader ership p Ac Academ emy y outre reac ach h 4-5 separat arate commu mmuni nity ty eve vent nts s and canvass assing 6
Par articipant icipant Demog mographics raphics • 126 Community unity membe bers • % AA • % Other er % Men/% /% Women en • • Age: 7
• Let etter ers s of Love • MCH H recrui ruitm tment nt 9
What at We Hear ard d from from the Com ommunity munity 10
Every baby born rn in the St. Louis is re regi gion deser erves es to celebr ebrate e a h happy and healt althy y first t birthd hday. 11
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