understanding scottish places

Understanding Scottish Places Scottish Government Town Centre Review - PDF document

Understanding Scottish Places Background: Understanding Scottish Places Scottish Government Town Centre Review in 2012 Requirement for consistent and meaningful data Presented and explained in a way that can aid practitioners

  1. Understanding Scottish Places Background: Understanding Scottish Places Scottish Government Town Centre Review in 2012 • • Requirement for consistent and meaningful data… • Presented and explained in a way that can aid practitioners with the decisions they make What are the aims of the Understanding Scottish Places data platform? Task: To create a data platform for towns practitioners 1. To house a new typology of Scottish towns 2. To explore the inter-relationships between Those who work across the country to design A website towns strategies for decision makers, and then execute and assess them. This includes those in local 3. To promote a well-rounded understanding of the authority economic and planning teams, town resilience and prosperity of a town centre partnerships, development trusts, traders associations, business improvement districts, and a 4. To encourage interaction between towns range of other agencies and partnership practitioners organisations. Some users might focus on one town, or a network of towns in a locality or on comparison of similar towns in Scotland. www.usp.scot 1

  2. Typology Inter-relationships between towns � Clarify the number of Demographics Community Work Resident population No deprivation Part time work towns in Scotland (479 Includes 11 indicators Pre-school age Deprivation 1 Full time work Primary school age Deprivation 2 Agricultural employment identified) Secondary school age (-16) Deprivation 3 or 4 Mining employment • Number of registered charities 16-25 No Car Construction employment 1 Car Wholesale and retail 25-45 • Number of GP surgeries 45-65 2 or more cars employment � Categorise towns 65-80 Transport employment Number of hospitals • 80+ Hospitality employment based on their size and One person household Information technology Housing • Number of children in primary schools Married with no children employment characteristics Home owner household Financial sector employment Council or social housing • Number of children in secondary schools Married with children Real estate employment Private rental housing household Professional employment � Based on the 2011 • Number of jobs Co-habiting with no children Administration employment household Public administration Education • Diversity of jobs census using the Co-habiting with children employment No education household Health sector employment following indicators: Level 1 education Public sector jobs Lone parent with no children Social grade 1 • Level 2 education household Social grade 2 Level 3 education Lone parent with children Social grade 3 • Number of shops Level 4 education household Social grade 4 Multipersonhousehold Unemployed • Distance travelled to work Student Retired • Distance travelled to study Working in the house Inactive Employees Self-employed A 7-part scale USP Town Audit • INDEPENDENT • Allows users to gather additional data Audit KPIs Cultural Facilities Makes use of locally-sourced data • • INDEPENDENT TO INTER-DEPENDENT Community Services • Includes qualitative data such as resident surveys Cultural and Community Events • 4 case studies - Musselburgh, Hamilton, Upper • INTER-DEPENDENT TO INDEPENDENT Impressions score Nithsdale, Kirkcaldy Number of listed buildings • INTER-DEPENDENT Development land Created by Evening economy STP in • INTER-DEPENDENT TO DEPENDENT Local Food and drink partnership Bed spaces with EKOS Self-reliance • DEPENDENT TO INTER-DEPENDENT and 3 case study towns Partnership progression Planning and delivery • DEPENDENT 2

  3. Launch Event – Wednesday 29 April Encourage interaction between towns practitioners Launched in Musselburgh by Forum facility on STP’s site • Margaret Burgess MSP, Minister for Housing and • Sharing of information, ideas and policies Welfare • Between towns of the same type (e.g. so that innovative solutions can be shared) • Between towns in the same area (e.g. so that complementary solutions can be formed) • Part of the wider work of Scotland’s Towns Partnership 11 12 3

  4. 13 14 15 16 4

  5. Try it out! Getting the most from USP 1. Which has a larger population, Galashiels or Hawick? Comparing a cluster of places. Galashiels, Melrose and Selkirk. Questions of jobs, skills and travelling to get them? 2. Who has more professional/managerial workforce? 3. In which town do people travel greater distances to work (10-30km)? 4. Which town has the lower skill levels? 5. Which town has more people per shop? 6. Why is Galashiels more independent in terms of employment? 7. What is Hawick most dependent upon compared to Galashiels? 8. What is Galashiels most dependent upon compared to Hawick? www.usp.scot 17 18 Getting the most from USP Getting the most from USP Comparing a cluster of places. Galashiels, Melrose and Selkirk. How does Questions of public service demand and where they are? Selkirk compare with other similar towns in Scotland – Forres and Blairgowrie? 19 20 5

  6. Getting the most from USP Developing USP How does Galashiels � A series of USP User Laboratory events over summer compare to 2015 other towns. More distant but � Gathering feedback to present to Scottish still in Scottish Government in the autumn Borders – Duns and Peebles � Practitioner and academic outputs are in development 21 22 Existing ideas for future development Additional data? Other suggestions for future • Broaden: Data sets must include all 479 development: towns • City districts? • Deepen: Addition of data for a particular place where area or region that has good • Smaller settlements? consistent data on a specific topic Digitisation of the audit tool? • • Enhance: Could USP encourage more collection of data? • User suggestions so far: Business type, vacant/derelict land, transport (buses links, use of taxis), heritage, digital access 23 24 6

  7. Discussion questions Thanks for attending and engaging 1. What is good about the tool? 2. What is not so good about the tool? Feedback does not end today. You can contact us via : 3. Is the interdependency tool useful? Why? @CarnegieUKTrust @sparks_stirling @CLESTweet @ScotlandsTowns 4. What can you usefully learn from similar rebecca@scotlandstowns.org / georgina@carnegieuk.org towns? 5. Is USP helpful in strategy building and planning? 6. What other data would you like to see www.usp.scot included? 25 7

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