uk living kidney sharing scheme

UK Living Kidney Sharing Scheme Breakout Session Lisa Burnapp - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

UK Living Kidney Sharing Scheme Breakout Session Lisa Burnapp Discussion Slides: UK LKD Network, February 2020 Extract from RTSM, January 2020 We committed to Increase living donor kidney transplantation (LDKT) Address unwarranted

  1. UK Living Kidney Sharing Scheme Breakout Session Lisa Burnapp Discussion Slides: UK LKD Network, February 2020 Extract from RTSM, January 2020

  2. We committed to • Increase living donor kidney transplantation (LDKT) • Address unwarranted variation • More options for LDKT • More living donors • Improve recipient outcomes • Increase pre-emptive LDKT • Maximise UK living kidney sharing scheme (UKLKSS) • Disincentivise travel outside UK for a transplant • Look after donors • “ To match world class Remove unwarranted barriers to donation performance in living donor • Ensure the best outcomes and donor experience kidney transplantation ”

  3. Overview • Some achievements • Some recent developments • Some areas for improvement

  4. Achievements

  5. UK Living Kidney Sharing Scheme

  6. UK scheme - largest in Europe Large, advanced programmes New, smaller programmes Programmes in development Countries with no programme UK

  7. World Kidney Day- 14 th March 2019

  8. Priorities • Maximise transplants • Increase flexibility in the scheme • Tackle non-proceeding transplants • Improve access and awareness

  9. Adult living donor transplants 21% of adult LDKT 8% of paediatric LDKT

  10. Source: Annual Report on Liv ing Donor Kidney Transplantation 2018/19, NHS Blood and Transplant Source: Annual Report Kidney Transplantation 2014/15, NHS Blood and Transplant

  11. Increasing the Donor Pool • Inclusion of non- directed donors as a ‘default’ • Inclusion of compatible pairs • Desensitisation and low risk ABOi for highly sensitised recipients

  12. Quarterly matching runs Long Altruistic Short Altruistic Donor Chains Donor Chains D1 R1 2015 2012 2007 2007 2-way 2-way AD AD Paired 2018 2018 D2 R2 R1 D1 R1 D1 R1 D2 D1 WL D2 R2 R2 2008 2008 3-way 3-way WL R3 D3 Pooled

  13. NDADs: Latest Statistics* Total NDADs direct NDADs Total Total NDADs to transplant donating to transplants transplants from ‘Chains’ list from NDADs UKLKSS 2012 60 57 3 6 63 2013 107 85 22 44 129 2014 110 87 23 46 133 2015 94 73 21 54 127 2016 85 59 26 63 122 2017 87 61 26 64 125 2018 64 33 31 79 112 2019 102 50 52 133 183 *31 st December 2019

  14. Pair Inclusion by Matching Run Source: Annual Report on Liv ing Donor Kidney Transplantation 2018/19, NHS Blood and Transplant Source: Annual Report Kidney Transplantation 2014/15, NHS Blood and Transplant

  15. Pair Inclusion by Centre Source: Annual Report on Liv ing Donor Kidney Transplantation 2018/19, NHS Blood and Transplant Source: Annual Report Kidney Transplantation 2014/15, NHS Blood and Transplant

  16. Compatible Pairs* Calendar year Number of compatible Number of additional Total number of Txs. due to of transplant pair transplants Txs. due to inclusion inclusion of compatible of compatible pairs pairs 2012 5 3 2 2013 4 2 2 2014 10 4 6 2015 29 10 19 2016 27 10 17 2017 41 17 24 2018 52 25 27 2019 82 36 46 Total 107 143 250 *31 st December 2019

  17. Extended Criteria in UKLKSS* Number of Patients Registered with Extended Antigen Criteria and Transplanted in the UKLKSS 80 70 Total: 60 251 patients registered 50 40 126 patients transplanted 30 20 10 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Patients registered with extended criteria Patients transplanted in UKLKSS *31 st December 2019

  18. Antibody Incompatible Transplants in the UKLKSS* Number of Antibody Incompatible Transplants in UKLKSS 2009-2019 80 HLAi 62 70 ABOi 6 HLAi & ABOi 1 60 50 Total transplanted 69 40 30 20 10 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total HLAi ABOi HLAi & ABOi * AiT Registry, 31 st December 2019

  19. Non-proceeding Transplants

  20. Non-proceeding Transplants October 2017- July 2018 (46 reasons) Clinical - Donor unsuitable 7% Donor Withdrew Alternative transplant 35% 30% Immunological Clinical - Recipient 9% 13% unsuitable 7% Recip Withdrew *Data derived from on-line survey monkey

  21. Centre-Specific Data No. of non-proceeding Txs. No. of matches by centre Proportion of non-proceeding Txs. *Data derived from on-line survey monkey

  22. Thank you. ‘If in doubt, leave them out’

  23. Non-simultaneous Surgery • Introduced in 2015 to facilitate ‘long chains’ and logistically complex exchanges • Within 2 weeks (10 working days)- discussion with Clinical Lead and notification to Chair of KAG • Outside 2 weeks- discussion with Clinical Lead and approval from Chair of KAG • Most due to theatre availability/capacity in individual centres • Low risk of non-proceeding but increased risk associated with • Clinical reasons for staggering • Extended intervals between transplants • End of chain recipients are the most vulnerable if a chain does not complete • 64 non-simultaneous exchanges have facilitated 172 transplants (133 transplants) to date 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Non- 13 (23%) 12 (22%) 13 (24%) 12 (17%) 14 (15%) simultaneous exchanges (%)

  24. Impact

  25. UK Living Kidney Sharing Schemes Performance Figures Total May 2007- Jul 2019 Pairs Registered 2605 Non- Patients Registered 2353 Altruistic Donors in Paired 318 proceeding Donation Matching Runs NDADs & Txs. Compatible Pairs Registered 190 ‘Chains’ Transplants 1177 3-way Long chains UKLKSS Records In a Matching Run Pairs Included 313 (Apr 2019) Patients Included 287 (Apr 2019) Tx. Activity Tx. Activity Altruistic Donors 25 (Apr 2019) Included Transplants Identified 97 (Apr 2019) Transplants Proceeded 72 (Apr 2019) Note: each reason may account for multiple transplants

  26. Impact of Altruistic Donor Chains – Chance of transplant by blood group Recipient ABO Pre 2012 O A B AB 26/133 30/60 7/24 1/2 O (20%) (50%) (29%) (50%) 30/179 12/39 0/5 16/68 Donor A (24%) (17%) (31%) (0%) ABO 7/53 11/29 1/20 1/3 B (13%) (38%) (5%) (33%) 0/8 0/3 0/8 0/1 AB (0%) (0%) (0%) (0%)

  27. Impact of Altruistic Donor Chains – Chance of transplant by blood group Recipient ABO 2012 onwards O A B AB 28/47 6/13 125/323 107/166 O (39%) (64%) (60%) (46%) 137/492 38/68 78/214 3/13 Donor A (36%) (23%) (28%) (56%) ABO 39/118 30/59 14/39 1/8 B (33%) (51%) (36%) (13%) 4/19 11/20 4/14 1/8 AB (21%) (55%) (29%) (13%)

  28. Impact of Altruistic Donor Chains – Chance of transplant by blood group Recipient ABO 2012 onwards O A B AB 28/47 6/13 125/323 107/166 O (39%) (64%) (60%) (46%) 137/492 38/68 78/214 3/13 Donor A (36%) (23%) (28%) (56%) ABO 39/118 30/59 14/39 1/8 B (33%) (51%) (36%) (13%) 4/19 11/20 4/14 1/8 AB (21%) (55%) (29%) (13%)

  29. Antibody Incompatible Transplantation Adult Paediatric Source: Annual Report on Living Donor Kidney Transplantation 2018/19, NHS Blood and Transplant Source: Annual Report on Living Donor Kidney Transplantation 2018/19, NHS Blood and Transplant Source: Annual Report Kidney Transplantation 2014/15, NHS Blood and Transplant Source: Annual Report Kidney Transplantation 2014/15, NHS Blood and Transplant

  30. Recipient CRF by Transplant Type Adult Paediatric Paediatric Adult Source: Annual Report on Living Donor Kidney Transplantation 2018/19, NHS Blood and Transplant Source: Annual Report on Living Donor Kidney Transplantation 2018/19, NHS Blood and Transplant Source: Annual Report Kidney Transplantation 2014/15, NHS Blood and Transplant Source: Annual Report Kidney Transplantation 2014/15, NHS Blood and Transplant

  31. Recipient Ethnicity Paediatric Adult Source: Annual Report on Living Donor Kidney Transplantation 2018/19, NHS Blood and Transplant Source: Annual Report on Living Donor Kidney Transplantation 2018/19, NHS Blood and Transplant Source: Annual Report Kidney Transplantation 2014/15, NHS Blood and Transplant Source: Annual Report Kidney Transplantation 2014/15, NHS Blood and Transplant

  32. Challenges • Critical incident in October 2019 matching run • Delays scheduling transplants with increased activity – Resulting in collapsed exchanges – Extension of 8 week standard to ‘prior to next matching run’ – FTWG set up in March 2020 • IT infrastructure to support expansion • Establishing possible European collaborations due to logistics/governance issues

  33. Summary • Large, effective living kidney sharing scheme with significant (34%) increase in activity in 2019 (234 transplants v 178 in 2018) • Non-directed donors increased to >100 for the first time in 5 years and facilitated the highest number of transplants to date via the UKLKSS • Largest national scheme in Europe; international reputation • Utilisation of the UKLKSS remains variable between centres but there is increased uptake of compatible pairs • Continuous innovation and improvement necessary to make the most of every transplant opportunity and to avoid serious adverse events • Non-simultaneous surgery is low risk and may help to reduce the risk of non-proceeding transplants due to delay


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