ALAB ABAM AMA LOUISIANA ISIANA Land Trust Alliance Alabama Coastal Heritage Trust Land Trust for Louisiana National Audubon Society Alabama Forest Resources Trust for Coastal Stewardship The Conservation Fund Center The Nature Conservancy Coastal Land Trust MISSISS ISSIPPI IPPI The Trust for Public Land Dauphin Island Bird Sanctuaries Land Trust for the Mississippi Weeks Bay Foundation Coastal Plain Mississippi Land Trust FLORID IDA Wolf River Conservation Society Alachua Conservation Trust Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast TEXAS EXAS Conservation Trust for Florida Artist Boat Florida Wildlife Federation Colorado River Land Trust Tall Timbers Research Station & Galveston Bay Foundation Land Conservancy Guadalupe Blanco River Land Tampa Bay Conservancy Trust Texas Agricultural Land Trust NATIONAL TIONAL ORGANIZA ANIZATIONS IONS
• Foundational • Protects restoration investments in perpetuity • Restore and protect water quality and quantity in estuaries • Natural coastal resilience • Fish and wildlife habitat protection and connectivity • Sustain traditional natural resource industries such as farming, fishing and forestry • Outdoor recreation in a region where this is an important part of the economy
Now in its fourth year, the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund has supported 99 projects worth over $870 million. In making the awards, NFWF has worked closely with key state and federal resource agencies to select projects that remedy harm and eliminate or reduce the risk of future harm to Gulf Coast natural resources. In aggregate, these projects will: • Protect, restore and enhance more than 75,000 acres of wetlands and other coastal habitats • Protect over 12 miles of critical shoreline in coastal Texas and Alabama • Protect 7,400 nests annually for priority beach-nesting birds in Florida and Mississippi www.nfwf.org/gulf
Barrier riers Oppo portunities tunities o Political o Willing conservation partners with expertise o Multiple decision-makers and funds o Strategic conservation planning underway o Land costs in coastal zone o Cross boundary projects o Fragmented landscape o Upcoming coordination o Limitations of funds meetings by RESTORE o Lack of upfront due Council diligence funding o Public support o Leveraging opportunities
Knobloch Family Foundation -$500,000 Matching grant -$25,000 requires 1:1 match Support to PGCLC member organizations for due diligence costs associated with oil spill fund related projects (NRDA, RESTORE, NAWCA, NFWF GEBF) Galveston Bay Foundation is fiscal agent
Supporting Due Diligence 36 proposals requesting over $900,000 with $1.1 million in match for due diligence for fee and easements 29 projects closed or underway 21,218 ac. protected/14 projects 11,567 ac. in process/15 projects 12 PGCLC partners
Continu ntinue e to Advoca ocate for land conservation as an essential restoration tool Refine the Conse nservat ation ion Vision n at state level and in focal areas in collaboration with partners and allies – e.g. LCCs, GOMA, USFWS, etc. Expand Project ct As Assista tanc nce e Fun und d to support due diligence Promo mote e Best st Practice ces s across ss the Gul ulf – With NFWF Gulf Coast Conservation Grant Increa crease se collabo bora rati tion on – local, state, federal govt., landowners, NGOs Continue as a unified voice for land conservation in the Gulf of Mexico Region
PGCLC C Coordinat dinator ors s Julia Weaver – julia.weaver@gulfpartnership.org Liz Barber – liz.barber@gulfpartnership.org www.gulfpartnership.org www.facebook.com/GulfPartnership
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