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Twitter: #workplaceflex January 23, 2014 Agenda nda Introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Nat ation ional al Workp orkplace lace Fl Flexi exibili bility ty Stu tudy dy Rev eveals eals Bes est t Pra ractices ctices fo for r Man anag agers ers Le Lead ading ng Fl Flexi exible ble Te Team ams Twitter:

  1. Nat ation ional al Workp orkplace lace Fl Flexi exibili bility ty Stu tudy dy Rev eveals eals Bes est t Pra ractices ctices fo for r Man anag agers ers Le Lead ading ng Fl Flexi exible ble Te Team ams Twitter: #workplaceflex January 23, 2014

  2. Agenda nda  Introduction  Why study managers?  Study Process  Manager concerns about flexibility  Flex Team Blueprint  Study findings  Next steps

  3. National Na ional Wo Workplace kplace Fle Flexibi ibility lity Te Team Kyra Cavanaugh President Jennifer Sabatini Fraone Kathy Kacher Associate Director, Marketing President and Communications

  4. Na Nation ional al Wo Workplace kplace Fle Flexibi ibili lity ty Study udy Partners tners

  5. Overal erall l Ma Manager ager and Te Team m Benef efits its

  6. Fle Flexibi ibili lity ty Tr Traini ining ng for r Ma Managers gers  Is training provided to managers about how to successfully manage employees with flexible work arrangements? (n= 455) Manager Training Yes No

  7. Poll lling ing Quest stion ion What does workplace flexibility look like at your organizations?

  8. Na Nation ional al Wo Workplace kplace Fle Flexibi ibili lity ty Study udy Purpose pose Goal: • Middle manager resistance identified in past studies as barrier to full scale implementation • Reduce manager resistance and improve business results by providing managers with a process to apply flex at a team level • Determine role of support activities for managers in culture change

  9. Process ocess

  10. Phase ase 1: To Top Ma Manager ager Co Concerns cerns About ut Fle Flex  Tech support/help desk for remote work  Negative impact on productivity  Policies are ambiguous or unclear  Negative impact on customers  Don't understand how to evaluate requests  Staying connected as a team  Managing employees on flex makes my job more complicated  Not sure if employees are working when I can’t see them  Perception of playing favorites  Flexibility is used inappropriately

  11. Phase ase 2 : Fle Flex Te Team m Tr Traini ining g Flex Team Agreement (Values & Behaviors)   Communication and Team-Building Tactics  Performance Management Strategies  Culture Map Technology Optimization  Individual and Team Metrics 

  12. Phase ase 3: Fle Flex Te Team m Blue lueprin print

  13. Phase ase 4: Ma Manager ager Support port Acti tivities vities  Weekly Reinforcement Emails  2-Weeks Post Training/Coaching: Manager Blueprint for Flex  6-Weeks Post Training/Coaching: Where are Your on the Flexible Manager Scale?  12-Weeks Post Training/Coaching: Best Practice Sharing

  14. Study udy Fin Findings ings Managers feel more knowledgeable and better prepared to  lead flexible teams.  Manager concerns related to flexible work decreased.  By engaging managers in flex activities/ communications, employees ’ attitudes about flex changed as well.  Employees perceive their managers to be more supportive of flexibility. Perception of leadership support for flexibility improved.  Organizational culture shifted in a positive direction.   Engagement scores increased.

  15. Managers’ Understanding of Flexibility Increased

  16. Ma Manager ager Co Concerns cerns De Decreas reased ed

  17. Emp mployees' loyees' Perception rception of Fle Flex Imp mproved roved

  18. Th The Cu Cult lture ure Around und Fle Flex Imp mproved roved

  19. Overal erall l Ma Manager ager and Te Team m Benef efits its

  20. Quote ote from om De Delt lta a Eme merson, rson, Ch Chief ief of Staff, aff, Ry Ryan n LLC “Regardless of how well - designed a company’s approach to workplace flexibility is, if managers aren’t on board and don’t have the skills to manage effectively, it will flounder. It’s as simple as that this study is proof positive that it is possible to properly equip managers, even those who might be resistant, to succeed in leading a flexible team.”

  21. Your r Ne Next t Steps ps  Assess the attitudes of managers in your organization  Engage managers to build flex culture  Invest in training and support activities  Show managers how flex can help them improve performance  Speak their language

  22. Questions estions


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