Possible Application of the Polychaete-Assisted Integrated Culture for IMTA Development Chang-Hoon Kim Parandavar Hossein, Sung-Kyun Kim, Byung-Kwon Kim and Kyeong-Hun Kim Fisheries Science and Technology Center, Dept. of Marine Bio-materials & Aquaculture, Pukyong National University • 1
IMTA Concept and Approaches (by T. Chopin)
Seaweeds Cultivation in the South-west coast, Korea Jindo- Haenam East Wando Seaweeds, the Future of Human in the Sea South - Sustainable management Wando of fisheries resources - Conditions with clean, harmonized Wando areas
HABs Development and Fisheries Damages in the South-east coast, Korea ▪ HABs since 1980s ▪ Summer Blooming of Ichthyologic Cochlodinium polykrikoides ▪ Vernal Shellfish Toxification by PSP-producing Alexandrium tamarense • The great potential of the polychaete worms for bioremediation • The possibility of water quality improvement by the polychaete-assisted integrated culture system
Polychaete Seed Production & Applications in FSTC
Water quality improvement of rockworm, Marphysa sanguinea in the integrated culture system with olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus Settings Rearing Maintain Measure
Integrated culture systems : Flow-through and Semi-recirculation
A) the integrated culture system D) collecting of worms at the end of study B) worms at the beginning of study E) worms fed on fish feces and uneaten C) transport of fish feces & uneaten feed feed by siphon into the worm box F) worms fed on commercial feed
Fig. Comparisons of growth performance in final weight of rockworm Marphysa sanguinea according to the size groups when fed on fish feces & uneaten feeds (T1-T3), and commercial diet (T5) in the integrated culture with olive flounder.
Table 1. Wastewater quality improvement by M. sanguinea in the integrated culture with olive flounder for 13 weeks in flow-through system
Table 2. Wastewater quality improvement by M. sanguinea in the integrated culture with olive flounder for 13 weeks in semi-recirculating system
Summary: ❖ The rockworm Marphysa sanguinea could grow readily by feeding on fish feces and uneaten feed of flounders as a food source ❖ Different effects on the removal efficiency were appeared both in culture systems and among treatments, but the highest removal efficiency showed in TN (63 %-semi), TP (59%-flow), TSS (86%-flow) and COD (30%-flow) ❖ So, this species is an excellent candidate in connection with an integrated aquaculture for wastewater treatment and nutrient recycling
Applications to Land-based Aquaculture Farms
• New R&D Project : Mass production techniques development for aquaculture industrialization of high-value polychaete and its application to coastal preservation (2014. 10. 1 start) 1) Establishment of systematic technology on mass production of the rockworm polychaete Marphysa sanguinea 2) Construction of model system for introducing mass production techniques 3) Education, guidance and transfer of high production techniques 4) Environmental preservation by applications of polychaete-assisted aquaculture techniques 14
Fisheries-Polychaete Combined Systems for the Regulation of Aquaculture Discharges
Integrated Link System in Coastal Areas 개방식 연안 연계양식 개념 Land Based Culture Fisheries Cage Culture Tides Land Sea Bottom Artificial Polychaete Culture Ground (Intensive Recirculating Aquaculture) IMTA (Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture) Link System Tidal Flat & Bottom (Hanging) - Technical Applications 시험구 대조구 현장 설치 사례
Eco-friendly Practical Models in Korean Coasts FSTC 수산과학기술센터 친환경 양식 선진 기술 개발 Basic Researches Technics Edu & Transfer 산업화 기술 선진화 서남권 동남권 갯벌양식 및 전복 , 어류 , 패류 , 가두리 해조류 최대생산지 양식 중심지 Abalone, Seaweeds Finfish Combined Cult. Combined Culture Tidal Flats Mixed culture Bentic Subst. Restoration 갯벌생태계 활용 어장 생태환경 복원 협력 국 · 도립연구소 - 제주권 협력 대학 - 국 · 도립연 체계 민관 - 대학 체계 구소 - 민관 국내 넙치 최대생산지 Finfish (flounder) Combined Culture - Discharges Removal 친환경 저에너지 양식 협력 대학 - 민관 - 국 · 도 체계 립연구소 17
Expectations ❖ Contribution to increase of the fisheries income by mass production of high-value marine polychaete ❖ Removal of organics discharged from aquaculture farm and coastal pollution mitigation by application of polychaete-assisted aquaculture techniques ❖ Activation of marine bio-industry according to an establishment of eco- friendly mass production ❖ Substitution effects on import and adversely export of polychaete by domestic mass production and techniques improvement ❖ Employment and job creation effects by augmentation of the production in high-value polychaete ❖ Applications to an environment-related, bio-industry and the pharmaceutical industry
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