trinity united methodist church discovery team


TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH DISCOVERY TEAM SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND POSSIBILITIES FOR OUR FUTURE AGENDA Introduction Discovery Team Scope of Assignment Summary of Report Method and Process State of Trinity Financial


  2. AGENDA • Introduction • Discovery Team Scope of Assignment • Summary of Report • Method and Process • State of Trinity • Financial Current Reality • Membership and Discipleship • Trinity Values • Florida Conference & Atlantic Central District • Perception of Trinity • Stance on Disaffiliation • Suggestions for Moving Forward • Options • Recommendation

  3. INTRODUCTION • Trinity United Methodist Church, established some 60 years ago, exists to know Christ and share His love. • The Trinity United Methodist Community now includes the church, Trinity Christian School and the Christian Community Counseling Center. • Currently there are issues that need to be addressed to ensure we can continue God’s work in our community. • A Discovery Team of 15 church members from several stakeholder groups was formed to address these issues.

  4. INTRODUCTION THE DISCOVERY TEAM SCOPE OF ASSIGNMENT The Church Leadership Council (CLC) approved and sanctioned an official group of church members, the Discovery Team, to: Collect Data about the truth of our financial situation, attendance trends, and state of our facility Formalize conversations with potential partners so the conversations would be official, with the blessing of TUMC Learn if separation from the United Methodist Church (UMC) was possible, and if so, the steps to be followed Explore other options Present options and a recommendation to the CLC around the time of the General Conference, July 2020

  5. INTRODUCTION SUMMARY OF REPORT Financial Attendance Debt Facility Church: Giving is covering Church: Slowly expenses School has $2.2 Needs some declining million attention, but mortgage, and nothing is School: Just a makes monthly unsafe or dire. little profitable mortgage A building School: A few payments just campaign may empty seats in like a residence be worthwhile. Endowment: A most grades, but safety net of some grades full $700,000

  6. INTRODUCTION SUMMARY OF REPORT The written report details every aspect of the journey that has brought the Discovery Team to this moment. The following presentation will give share some of the most important points related to the process and our findings. Trinity is important to the United Methodist Church and The Discovery Team recommendation speaks to our current state. Our research shows that we are not in a desperate situation as yet. Let’s seek God’s guidance to connect in the light and let Him steer Trinity into the future!

  7. Phase 1 Phase 1 METHOD AND PROCESS Adopt Purpose Adopt Purpose and Goals and Goals • The Discovery Team practiced Phase 2 Phase 2 “adaptive leadership” Phase 5 Phase 5 Data Collection Data Collection Solution Focused Solution Focused and Observation and Observation • Review & define purpose for being and Time Time adjust accordingly • There were five distinctive phases to our process. However the phases were also overlapping and allowed for the process to be adaptive and flexible. Phase 4 Phase 4 Phase 3 Current Phase 3 Current Assessment Assessment Reality Reality

  8. METHOD AND PROCESS SUBGROUPS Big Ideas Big Ideas School/Church School/Church Group Group Community of Community of Digital Task Digital Task Hope Hope Force Force Christ Christ Fellowship Fellowship New Normal New Normal DISCOVERY DISCOVERY Kingdom Kingdom Group Group Partnership Partnership

  9. METHOD AND PROCESS CHRIST FELLOWSHIP SUBGROUP The objective of the group was to consider Christ Fellowship, a local non-denominational church to acquire/merge/adopt and incorporate Trinity into their system. A majority of the initial work was done by a group of Trinity’s congregation, known as Kingdom Partners (KP). The Christ Fellowship Subgroup included two representatives from the Christ Fellowship Kingdom Partners. Why Kingdom Partners Support a Partnership with Christ Fellowship Financial resources to maintain and improve Trinity’s facilities; implement a robust security program Successful programs to grow the congregation and disciple members in any age bracket Conservative in their views on human sexuality Preserve the Trinity Name Continue at least one Traditional Sunday service as long as it is viable and well attended Strengthen and support Trinity Christian School and work to maximize enrollment

  10. METHOD AND PROCESS Main Points of CF Letter of Understanding Preserve the Trinity Name CHRIST FELLOWSHIP SUBGROUP Continue at least one Traditional Sunday service as long as it is viable and well attended The CF Subgroup worked to gain a thorough Strengthen and support Trinity Christian School understand of the opportunity by: and work to maximize enrollment Reviewing the CF Letter of Understanding ● Continue Pumpkin Patch as long as Trinity Meeting with Tom Mullins of Christ Fellowship to ● Campus members support it and it remains discuss the possibilities and ask questions about profitable views on services, ministries and the school Attending CF Services Repair and update the property; implement a ● robust security program Meeting with the Kingdom Partners group to ● discuss and understand concerns Satisfy existing indebtedness Determining approximate financial impact if we ● Work to incorporate as many of Trinity’s are able to disaffiliate mission organizations into the CF Mission Dissecting and questioning the interpretation outreach program as possible ● the Book of Discipline regarding a path to Have a Trinity member on the board of elders disaffiliation from the UMC for one term for transition purposes

  11. METHOD AND PROCESS COMMUNITY OF HOPE SUBGROUP The Community of Hope Subgroup did not get very far. COH was in talks with St. Luke’s UMC, and not available to partner with Trinity right now. They gave us some great ideas, though! Sharing the Love of Jesus Love The 561 with Palm Beach County by supporting local missions “Partners” What’s in a name? Investment and responsibility. not “Members” New Partners are assigned to a “Connections Groups” small group or mission team and expected to participate.

  12. METHOD AND PROCESS CHURCH/SCHOOL SUBGROUP This DT subgroup’s objective was to discover as many “Best Practices” as possible from literature, websites, and meetings with other area churches with schools. They brought some great ideas to the team and to TCS. Christ Church Ft. The Village School of Lauderdale Naples St. Mark’s Episcopal Faith Lutheran IDEAS FOR TCS Holy Spirit Lutheran UMAP

  13. METHOD AND PROCESS SUBGROUPS THAT WILL LIVE ON Big Ideas Formed to consider and implement ideas for the Trinity Community to be more Group connectional. New Normal Research revitalization aspects and ideas that the Unstuck Group have presented in different Group podcasts/webinars. Currently working with church staff to explore different aspects of using digital formats and Digital Task Force develop a digital marketing plan. The next meeting is Wednesday, July 29.





  18. STATE OF TRINITY FINANCIAL CURRENT REALITY TUMC Finances Trinity’s finances are currently stable. It is suggested that we continue our efforts at right-sizing the campus, looking at the usage of the campus, and reviewing current designated A accounts. Financially TCS Stable Finances Trinity Community Financial Assets


  20. STATE OF TRINITY MEMBERSHIP & DISCIPLESHIP • Decline is a reality in most of our churches who will have to innovate and adapt into the future. • Trinity’s worship attendance declined by 22% since 2011

  21. STATE OF TRINITY 3 QUESTION CONGREGATIONAL SURVEY When were you most excited What has changed in your life What is one or felt the sense of deepest or in the church since then wish/hope/dream you have connection to our that may have affected your for the future of our church? church? What was happening sense of connection or • The hope for Trinity’s future is during that time in your life excitement about our church? one filled with God, Jesus, Holy and in the life of our church? Spirit and scriptures to grow • Problems with pastors and and develop spiritually, and a those in leadership positions • In general, people felt desire for more young families connected with their family and people in general to attend • A decline in attendance. participating in strong the church and work together. programs, activities and • The lack of younger people ministries, and making friends.

  22. STATE OF TRINITY Trinity UMC TRINITY VALUES VS. GENERAL CONFERENCE • Work is necessary to identify core values to provide a solid foundation for the church. • The General Conference doctrinal issues regarding human sexuality is an issue that cannot be dealt with until the vote in August 2021.


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