TriMet Attitude and Awareness Survey November 2014
Methodology Telephone survey of 1,000 residents • Conducted November 13 – 18, 2014 • Quotas for age and gender in each county for representative sample • Margin of error + / - 3.1% , at 95% confidence level DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Nov. 2014 2
TriMet positives up from 2 0 1 3 Public is m ore optim istic • Increasing levels of optimism in the region • Less worry about jobs and the economy • This will continue Adding to favorability • Improved service • Infrastructure • Contract DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Nov 2014 3
Highlights 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 0 Approval of the job TriMet is doing 7 6 % 66% 71% Approval of Bus system 7 8 % 65% 74% Approval of MAX 8 4 % 69% 79% Perception that buses are safe 7 6 % 67% 65% Perception that MAX is safe 7 9 % 68% 71% TriMet riders’ satisfaction with their overall 8 7 % 81% 83% experience Adults in the region who rode TriMet at least 8 0 % 74% 80% once last year DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Nov. 2014 4
Custom ers’ State of Mind
Gap betw een right direction and w rong track consistent w ith 2 0 1 3 Right Direction/ W rong Track for Region Right Direction 6 8 % 6 7 % 6 6 % 6 2 % 6 2 % 6 0 % 6 0 % 5 5 % 5 1 % 4 8 % 4 6 % 4 5 % 3 9 % 3 7 % 3 4 % 3 3 % 3 2 % 2 7 % 2 6 % 2 5 % 2 4 % 2 2 % Wrong Track 2 0 % 2 0 % 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Nov. 2014 6
Approval of TriMet up significantly from 2 0 1 3 Approvals Overall job Bus system MAX system 8 5 % 8 4 % 8 3 % 8 1 % 8 0 % 7 9 % 7 9 % 7 8 % 7 6 % 7 4 % 7 7 % 7 7 % 7 6 % 6 9 % 7 1 % 7 1 % 6 6 % 6 5 % 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Nov. 2014 8
Approval of safe operations up 1 0 -points from 2 0 1 3 Approval of Safe Operations of MAX and Buses 7 9 % 7 6 % 7 1 % 6 8 % 6 7 % 6 5 % Bus MAX 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Nov. 2014 10
Personal safety not an issue for taking MAX Have personal safety concerns ever prevented you from taking TriMet MAX trains? 8 4 % No 7 8 % 7 8 % 7 7 % 7 5 % 7 5 % 2 5 % 2 4 % 2 2 % 2 1 % 2 1 % Yes 1 4 % 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Nov. 2014 11
Reliability is view ed positively Service Reliability Very reliable 7.0 5 .8 6.0 5 .5 5.0 Scale 4.0 Midpoint 3.0 2.0 Not at all 1.0 reliable Bus MAX DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Nov. 2014 13
Eight in ten adults in the region ride TriMet Percent of Adults w ho Ride TriMet All riders 8 1 % 8 0 % 8 0 % 8 0 % 7 8 % 7 8 % 7 6 % 7 6 % 7 5 % 7 5 % 7 4 % 4 5 % 4 4 % 4 4 % 4 3 % 4 3 % 4 3 % 4 3 % 4 1 % 4 1 % 4 1 % 3 7 % Occasional, Regular, Frequent ( at least 2 tim es / m onth) 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Nov. 2014 15
Tw o in ten respondents ride TriMet several tim es a w eek or m ore • Frequent Rider: Ride alm ost every day 2 0 1 4 Ridership Frequency • Regular Rider: Ride several tim es a w eek • Occasional rider: Ride a Non-rider couple of tim es a m onth 2 0 % • I nfrequent rider: Ride less Frequent than once a m onth 9 % • Non-rider: Never ride TriMet Regular 1 0 % I nfrequent 3 9 % 2 0 1 3 Ridership Frequency Occasional Frequent Non-rider 2 2 % 1 2 % 2 6 % I nfrequent Regular 3 3 % 1 0 % Occasional 1 9 % DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Nov. 2014 16
Non-Riders value TriMet Do you value the benefits of TriMet? W hy do you say that? Of those w ho (multiple responses accepted; said Yes Top mentions) n= 1 6 7 DK Provides a form of transportation 52% Yes 1 % 8 4 % Family/ friend use TriMet 15% Reduces traffic congestion 14% No 1 1 % Reliable/ it’s there when you need it 9% Benefits many 8% Maybe Economical 4% 4 % DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Nov. 2014 17
Frequent riders use TriMet for w ork I nfrequent riders use TriMet for recreation All Trips Frequent/ Regular Riders 6 7 % 5 5 % 5 3 % 4 2 % 3 9 % 4 0 % 3 5 % 3 3 % Recreation Personal Go to airport Shopping Work Visit Medical School business friends/ family appointments Occasional/ I nfrequent Riders 6 8 % 3 9 % 4 1 % 3 8 % 2 2 % 2 0 % 1 3 % 1 2 % Recreation Personal Go to airport Shopping Work Visit Medical School business friends/ family appointments DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Nov. 2014 18
Frequent riders are m ost likely to be Transit Dependent Reasons for Riding TriMet 1 6 % 2 2 % 4 0 % Transit dependent 8 4 % 7 8 % Choice 6 0 % All riders Freq+ Reg Occ+ I nfreq DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Nov. 2014 19
Rider satisfaction up Satisfaction 8 4 % 8 6 % 8 3 % 8 3 % 8 1 % 8 7 % 4 0 % 3 3 % 4 2 % 3 8 % 3 5 % 4 1 % Somewhat satisfied Very 4 9 % 4 7 % 4 7 % 4 6 % 4 4 % 4 3 % satisfied 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Nov. 2014 20
Frequent riders are m ore likely to be satisfied w ith the value of transit services Value for Fare Paid 2 4 % 2 7 % 3 9 % 6 5 % 6 7 % 7 5 % 4 2 % 4 0 % 3 6 % 2 9 % 2 7 % 2 1 % 4 % 2 % 5 % All riders Freq/ Reg Occ/ I nfreq Don't know Poor Fair Good Excellent DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Nov. 2014 22
Project Aw areness
Eight in ten respondents are aw are of the Portland-Milw aukie Light Rail project Aw areness of Portland-Milw aukie Light Rail 8 0 % 7 8 % 7 1 % 5 5 % 5 3 % 4 7 % 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Dec 2014 24
Most m ade positive com m ents about the PMLR project Response Category Total Rider Non-Rider (Multiple responses accepted) n= 8 0 1 n= 6 4 9 n= 1 5 2 Positive 7 9 % 8 2 % 6 4 % Reduces traffic congestion 22% 22% 20% Provides a form of transportation 15% 15% 15% Connecting parts of the City 13% 14% 9% Expands public transportation 9% 9% 7% Direct line to Milwaukie 8% 8% 7% More accessibility 7% 8% 3% Faster travel time 6% 5% 8% Making commuting easier 6% 6% 4% Access to downtown 5% 6% 4% Increase the number of people using public 4% 4% 1% transportation All other positive responses 3% or less 4% or less 4% or less DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Dec 2014 25
Benefits of the Tilikum Crossing Bridge are a reduction in traffic congestion and providing an easily accessible pedestrian bridge Response Category Total Rider Non-Rider (Multiple responses accepted) n= 7 8 0 n= 6 3 8 n= 1 4 2 Reduces traffic congestion 18% 18% 14% Pedestrian bridge/ crossing 16% 18% 9% Bike friendly bridge/ bicycle crossing 13% 14% 8% Transportation across the river 9% 8% 11% Connects parts of the city together 8% 9% 3% Provides the MAX Rail a dedicated line 7% 8% 3% Looks nice/ beautiful/ cool 6% 7% 4% No cars are allowed to drive on the new 6% 6% 7% bridge Faster crossing 6% 6% 7% Easy access across the bridge 5% 5% 4% Safe route across the bridge 4% 4% 3% More access throughout the city 4% 4% 1% Other 3% or less 3% or less 5% or less None/ nothing 5% 4% 7% Don’t know/ Refused 12% 12% 13% DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Dec 2014 26
Rider/ Non-rider Dem ographics Survey reflects American Community Survey demographics for: • County • Age • Gender DHM Research | TriMet AA Report | Nov. 2014 27
John Horvick jhorvick@dhm Jam es Kandell jkandell@dhm
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