trend data

TREND DATA AREA Forest area, 1760-2000 OTHER DATA Forest area by - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TREND DATA TREND DATA AREA Forest area, 1760-2000 OTHER DATA Forest area by region, 1760-2000 Number of trees Productive forest area Sustainability indices Annual harvest area by method Recent national reports Forest area by stand size

  1. TREND DATA TREND DATA AREA Forest area, 1760-2000 OTHER DATA Forest area by region, 1760-2000 Number of trees Productive forest area Sustainability indices Annual harvest area by method Recent national reports Forest area by stand size CHANGE HISTORIC SPREADSHEETS Growth, removals & mortality HISTORIC PUBLICATIONS Rates of growth, removals & mortality Growing stock removals METRIC AND FOREIGN LANGUAGE REPORTS VOLUME Growing stock volume Return to FIA Home Volume per acre

  2. TREND DATA TREND DATA Forest area, 1760-2000 Return * Since 1900, forest area in the 1,100 U.S. has remained statistically within 745 million acres +/-5% Primarily 1,000 agricultural with the lowest point in 1920 of clearing in 900 735 million acres. U.S. forest the East area in 2000 was about 749 800 * million acres. 700 Million acres Basis for chart data: 600 FIA Field Inventory Reports 500 Forest Service report estimates 400 prior to FIA field inventories. 300 Based on Bureau of the Census land clearing statistics. 200 Based on estimates of forest 100 clearing proportional to population growth. - 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Bars include area in all 50 current States. NEXT Source: National Report on Forest Resources and other historic data Return to FIA Home

  3. TREND DATA TREND DATA Regional forest trends in the 48 States, 1760-2000 Return Original forests in what is now the U.S. totaled about 1.05 billion acres (including what is now the State of AK and HI). 400 Clearing of forest land in the East between 1850 and 1900 averaged 13 square miles every day for 50 years; the most prolific 350 period of forest clearing in U.S. history. This coincides with one of the most prolific periods of U.S. immigration. 300 Currently, forests cover about 749 million acres of the U.S. or about 33 South percent of all land. 250 Million acres Basis for chart data: 200 1940- pres. FIA Field Inventory North Reports Interior West 150 1900 – 1930 Forest Service report estimates prior to FIA field 100 inventories. Pacific Coast 1850 – 1890 Based on Bureau of 50 the Census land clearing statistics. - 1760 – 1840 Based on estimates 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of forest clearing 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 proportional to population growth. NEXT Source: National Report on Forest Resources and other historic data Return to FIA Home

  4. TREND DATA TREND DATA Area of productive unreserved forest by major owner group, 1953-2002 Return 400 350 Private 300 The area of productive Million acres unreserved forest 250 land (timberland) has remained 200 stable for the last 50 years. 150 Public 100 50 0 1953 1963 1977 1987 1997 2002 Source: National Report on Forest Resources Return to FIA Home NEXT

  5. Average annual harvest area TREND DATA TREND DATA by region and method Return Owner Region Total Clearcut Partial Cut 6,000 thousand acres Thosuand acres 5,000 Public North 368 140 229 4,000 South 348 133 215 3,000 Rocky Mountain 256 53 203 2,000 Pacific Coast 402 167 234 Total 1,374 492 882 1,000 Private North 1,824 319 1,505 0 South 5,617 2,549 3,068 North South Pacific North South Pacific Mountain Mountain Coast Coast Rocky Mountain 124 91 33 Rocky Rocky Pacific Coast 916 322 594 Total 8,481 3,282 5,199 All owners North 2,192 459 1,733 South 5,965 2,682 3,283 Public Private Rocky Mountain 380 144 236 Clearcut Partial cut Pacific Coast 1,318 490 828 Total 9,855 3,774 6,081 Source: FIA State Reports from the mid 1980s to mid 1990s. 1.00 Proportion 0.75 Harvesting affects nearly 10 million acres in 0.50 the U.S. annually, or about 1.3% of all forest 0.25 land. Over half the harvest area is in the South 0.00 which provides nearly 60% of all the Nation’s North South Pacific North South Pacific Mountain Mountain Coast Coast Rocky Rocky forest products annually. While significant, harvesting affects less than 3% of the South’s forests annually. Public Private Only about 38 percent of the Nation’s annual harvest area is by the clearcut method. NEXT Return to FIA Home

  6. TREND DATA TREND DATA Forest area by average stand diameter Return NORTH WEST (excluding Alaska) 0.80 0.80 Proportion of forest Proportion of forest 0.70 0.70 0.60 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.10 - - 1953 1977 2002 1953 1977 2002 10+" stands 5-10" stands 1-5" stands Nonstocked 10+" stands 5-10" stands 1-5" stands Nonstocked Source: Forest Resources of the United States, 2002 The optimal mix of forests of different average size trees is difficult to define and depends SOUTH greatly on management objectives. Clearly, the effects of human activity 0.80 and natural events paint different Proportion of forest 0.70 pictures in different regions. 0.60 0.50 In the North, as forests mature, stands over 10-inches in average 0.40 diameter have nearly doubled since 1953 while smaller diameter 0.30 (younger) stands are declining as a proportion of all forests. 0.20 In the South, as pressure increases on commercial harvesting, 1-5 0.10 inch average diameter stands, planted and natural , are increasing. - 1953 1977 2002 In the West, as public harvesting has declined, larger diameter 10+" stands 5-10" stands 1-5" stands Nonstocked stands continue to increase and smaller diameter (younger) stands are declining. NEXT Return to FIA Home

  7. Growing stock growth, removals, and TREND DATA TREND DATA mortality on productive unreserved forest, 1953-2002 Return 25 Growth Total volume of net growth has 20 stabilized in Billion cubic feet recent years. 15 Removals have Removals stabilized but imports are on the rise. 10 While total mortality is up, 5 the rate of Mortality mortality as percent of live 0 volume is stable. 1953 1963 1977 1987 1997 2002 NEXT Source: National Report on Forest Resources Return to FIA Home

  8. Rates of growing stock growth, removals, TREND DATA TREND DATA and mortality on productive unreserved forest, 1953-2002 Return As the nation’s forests continue 3.5 to increase in average age and Percent of total live volume 3.0 decline in trees per acre, the rate Growth of net growth is 2.5 declining. 2.0 The removals rate has declined Removals 1.5 slightly but imports are on 1.0 the rise. While total 0.5 Mortality mortality is up, the rate of 0.0 mortality as 1953 1963 1977 1987 1997 2002 percent of live volume is relatively stable. NEXT Source: National Report on Forest Resources Return to FIA Home

  9. TREND DATA TREND DATA Growing stock harvest by major owner, region and year Return 14 As public policy has shifted, 12 removals have Public Billion cubic feet moved 10 dramatically from Private public land in the 8 West to private land in the East 6 in the last 15 years. 4 Click here for 2 additional historic data on 0 U.S. Timber 1952 1962 1976 1986 1996 2001 1952 1962 1976 1986 1996 2001 Production, Trade, Consumption, and Price Statistics EAST WEST 1965-2002. Source: National Report on Forest Resources Return to FIA Home NEXT

  10. Growing stock volume on productive TREND DATA TREND DATA unreserved forest by major owner group, 1953-2002 Return 600 500 As removals Private remain at levels Billion cubic feet below net growth, 400 volume on productive unreserved forest 300 Public land (timberland) continues to rise. 200 100 0 1953 1963 1977 1987 1997 2002 NEXT Source: National Report on Forest Resources Return to FIA Home

  11. Volume of growing stock per acre on TREND DATA TREND DATA productive unreserved forest by major owner group, 1953-2002 Return 3000 2500 Volume per acre Public on productive Cubic feet 2000 unreserved forest land (timberland) continues to 1500 accrue with the highest volumes Private per acre on 1000 public forest. 500 0 1953 1963 1977 1987 1997 2002 NEXT Source: National Report on Forest Resources Return to FIA Home

  12. TREND DATA TREND DATA Numbers of live trees by diameter, 1977 and 2002 Return As forests mature the Number of trees in the Number of trees in the average number of United States United States small trees tends to decline due to natural 7 180 competition and the 160 6 number of large trees 140 5 increases. This Billion trees Billion trees 120 pattern is evident in 4 100 the U.S. over the past 3 80 25 years, although it 60 2 may vary by region 40 1 and historic 20 conditions such as 0 0 harvesting and 3 5 7 9 1 9 3 5 7 9 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 - - - - 1 1 3 5 7 - - - - - - - catastrophic events 1 3 5 7 9 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 2 such as fire. Dbh class (inches) Dbh class (inches) 1977 There are currently 2002 nearly 300 billion trees at least 1-inch in diameter in the U.S. Source: National Report on Forest Resources Return to FIA Home NEXT

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