Treasury (spending / accessing funds, A-Board (requesting funds) SUMS technical support) Form Deadlines Marathons Password Resets Reallocation requests All SUMS questions EXCEPT for things under Emergency allocations Marathon tab SUMS questions PRF, NEPRF, SPF, PO, PCARD, JE, ER, MAIL, under MARATHON tab only PR-1 -- anything regarding these payment types Requests to use Restricted Payment status Fundraising for an event not Independent Contractor Process previously approved by A-Board Payment process ("How do I pay for thing X?") A-Board office hours Deposits P-Card use Treasury office hours Design Approval Requests Equipment Approval Request (individual items $500 or more) Fund transfer requests from departments Tip Amount Waiver (Steve Pagios)
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BEMCO standby: Must be in a CES RA, by itself, with no other charges. CES: All Custodial, Public Safety, Camelot Special Events, AV, Faculty Lodge, Noise Permit, Staging Rental, and Sodexo charges should be in a CES RA (except Sodexo can be Food/Drink in Materials/Supplies as well). NOTHING ELSE CAN BE IN A CES RA, and should thus be denied. Box Office Ticket Fee is a GENERAL GRANT, not CES. $0.10/ticket RA Item, SU Expense Type "Equipment" - only intended for individual items $500 or more which are taggable equipment (e.g. furniture, computers, etc.). Small items such as traffic cones ARE NOT "equipment." They are General Grant. Travel: Use for all non-contractor flights, mileage, commuter rail, BRAN VAN, Zipcar, Uber, etc. Printing and Publications: All Copy Center orders, all printing of club magazines/publications Food/Drink: Item must be edible or ingredient. Other items such as plastic forks should be General Grant. Employee Contractor only applies to Brandeis staff/faculty with rare exceptions (ABSK instructors). Chum's Coffeehouse Fee: Must be a General Grant Film Screening Fees, Tournament Fees, and Conference Fees should be a General Grant. Independent Contractor Wages/Expenses must be in an Independent Contractor RA Clothing: Only used for club T-shirts, jackets, pants, etc., NOT costumes - costumes/props are General Grant, even if costume is a piece of clothing Office supplies: Only pertains to pens, pencils, paper, paper clips, etc. Art supplies like paint are GENERAL GRANT, not office supplies.
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Thursday (3/7) 3:30-4:30 PM Tuesday (3/12) Wednesday (3/13) Thursday (3/14) Friday (3/15) 4-6 PM 10-11 AM 5-7 PM 1-3 PM 2-5 PM Monday (3/18) Tuesday (3/19) Wednesday (3/20) Thursday (3/21) 10-11 AM 1-4 PM 9:30-10:30 AM 10-11 AM 3:30-5:30 PM 3:30-6 PM 2-5 PM 8-11 PM
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⚫ Read our comments ⚫ 02 April-12 April ⚫ No Mandatory Appeals Meeting (Only if we ask you to meet) ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
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