transport equations

Transport equations [Fonstad, Sze02, Ghione] Carriers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transport equations [Fonstad, Sze02, Ghione] Carriers concentrations normally are functions of position and time; in a 1D model Their variations depend on drift currents diffusion currents generatio n and recombination

  1. Transport equations [Fonstad, Sze02, Ghione]

  2. Carriers concentrations  normally are functions of position and time; in a 1D model  Their variations depend on  drift currents  diffusion currents  generatio n and recombination  other effects (only at very very high frequencies; we will not consider these)

  3. Concentrations with and without thermal equilibrium  We add a subscript to concentrations to specify doping: in thermal equilibrium  n doping: n n0 , p n0  p doping: n p0 , p p0  O ut of thermal equilibrium  n doping: n n , p n  p doping: n p , p p  Out of thermal equilibrium, law of mass action does not hold any more!!  Excess concentrations  If n’ or p’ >0: injection  If n’ or p’ <0: depletion  Neutrality hypothesis - > n’~p’

  4. Injection  E.g. for n doping  Low level injection : n~n 0 ~N D  n does not change significantly  p does change significantly, but in any case p<<n  High level injection : n>N D  n does change significantly  p does change significantly  p ~ n  equations are much more complex in this case

  5. Conduction/drift current  Free carriers are accelerated by the electric field E => electric current  For low E , the (average) drift speed is proportional to E  with m n / m p electron/hole mobility; for silicon - m n ~ 1000 cm 2 / Vs - m p ~ 400 cm 2 / Vs  During their motion, carriers collide with - lattice imperfections - dopants and other (i.e., not Si) atoms (these may be seen as lattice imperfections) - lattice vibration (described by phonons ): atoms are not exactly in their place, so that they may be seen as (moving) lattice imperfections

  6. Effective mass  The motion of an electron in a lattice is very complex  But the lattice is very regular. If the crystal is perfect, infinite, with fixed atoms, it may be shown that CB electrons - can be modeled as particles which move through the lattice without any collision or deflection ( as they were in free space! ) - but which respond to external forces as if they had a different mass: electron effective mass m e *  This is the effective mass model  These particles can collide with lattice defects, dopants and impurities, phonons (lattice vibrations)  Similarly, for holes in VB: hole effective mass m h * the big dots here are impurities, defects…

  7. Mobility and E  For large E , the velocity saturates ( velocity saturation ) velocity or even decreases electrons holes field

  8. Mobility and doping  With high doping levels, carriers collide more often => electrons lower mobility holes mobility doping

  9. Mobility and T  At high T , lattice vibration are stronger => more collisions with phonons => lower mobility mobility electrons holes temperature

  10. Ohm law at a microscopic level  Considering for the moment electrons only: with uniform E this is the drift , or conduction , current  Current density is J= s E  so that s =qn m n  In general  and the total drift current is J drift = s E

  11. r=1/s versus doping  increase in carriers concentration is larger than  reduction in mobility resistivity doping

  12. Diffusion current  Normally, gas particles tend to diffuse in all the available space (e.g. a gas in a room): they tend to a uniform concentration  The same is done by carriers in semiconductors  The intensity of motion is proportional to the gradient of the concentration  It holds concentration diffusion  with diffusion coefficients D n , D p >0.  Pay attention to the signs!

  13. Diffusion coefficients  It normally holds (Einstein equation) with “thermal voltage”, ~25 mV at 300 K  In silicon D n ~25 cm 2 /s D p ~10 cm 2 /s

  14. The total current  is the sum of all the contributions ( drift-diffusion model ): dr dr  i.e. J= qD n dn/dx + qn m n E – qD p dp/dx + qp m p E

  15. Generation and recombination (GR processes)  Generation: an electron jumps from VB to CB, so that we also have a hole in VB  Recombination: an electron moves from CB to VB, where it recombines with a hole (they both disappear)  Direct processes: direct jump from VB to CB or vice-versa  Indirect processes: jump from VB to CB or vice- versa “assisted” by recombination centers, or traps , (at energy level E t ), in the forbidden gap

  16. Generation and recombination (first approximation)  Generation: either thermal (a phonon is absorbed) or optical (a photon is absorbed)  Similarly for recombination

  17. Direct and indirect gap  Up to now we had considered the energy of the electrons, but this is only a part of the picture:  they also have momentum  The energy band structure plots energy versus some directions of the wave vector k  k is proportional to total momentum : D p tot =(h/2 p ) D k with h Planck constant, VB is more complicated that CB, h ~ 6.6 . 10 -34 Js three branches do exist  In any transition, k must be preserved

  18. Direct gap semiconductor  A direct energy gap semiconductor, such as GaAs, has the minimum of CB at the same abscissa as the maximum of VB  So, during the transition, there is no change in k , which is preserved  This is a band-to-band process

  19. Direct gap semiconductor: photon absorption  If the photon energy is higher than E G :

  20. Indirect gap semiconductor  Photons have neglectable momentum; phonons normally have neglectable energy  For an indirect energy gap material both a photon and a phonon are needed or generated  Much lower probability of photon emission/absorption wrt direct gap

  21. Band-to-bound events  In an indirect gap material, normally G-R processes occur via more (e.g. 2) steps, relying on recombination centers (traps): Shockley-Read- Hall (SRH) recombination processes  These are non radiative transitions

  22. Absorption coefficients  In parentheses: the cutoff wavelengths l c  a -Si is amorphous silicon

  23. Neutral regions  At thermal equilibrium  Out of thermal equilibrium, for the quasi-neutrality we have 1/ q  so that

  24. GR processes  Generation rate G : number of carriers generated per unit of volume and time  Recombination rate R : number of carriers recombined per unit of volume and time  Net recombination rate :  Of course, at thermal equilibrium  Average lifetime approximation : with light: U n ~n ’/ t n -G light U p ~p ’/ t p -G light with t n , t p , electron/holes excess carriers average lifetimes (indeed, for minority carriers only it is the average lifetime )  Of course U n =U p because electrons and holes are generated in pairs; for the quasi-neutrality n’=p’, then t n = t p

  25. Continuity equations  We’ll get the time evolution of n and p basing on the principle of preservation of charge  Let us consider the electrons which travel through the volume dV=Adx  The variation of the number of electrons in dV will be  There are 4 contributions:  electrons entering or exiting at x (a)  electrons entering or exiting at x+dx (b)  electrons generated (c)  electrons recombined (d) attention to signs!

  26. Continuity equations  With  and with dx -> 0, we get the continuity equation for electrons  Similarly, for holes (note: a sign is different)

  27. Semiconductor mathematical model In the 1D case (the 3D case will have gradients, not derivatives )  In the average lifetime approximation:  Remember that for the currents we had  We need another equation: the Poisson equation with r net charge density

  28. Semiconductor mathematical model  Some approximations are needed to proceed analytically  constant carrier mobility  full ionisation of the dopants  then we get with

  29. In low injection regime  the drift current of minority carriers is neglectable (because their concentration is << than that of the majority ones, and m are similar)  so that, for minority carriers only , we can write the diffusion equations

  30. In low injection and stationary regime  When we have  For minority carriers only and uniform doping n’=Ae x/Ln +Be -x/Ln or p’=Ae x/Lp +Be -x/Lp with L n =(D n t n ) 1/2 and L p =(D p t p ) 1/2 diffusion lengths , and A and B suitable integration constants


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