Transitions Pathways and Risk Analysis for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
TRANS RISK P ARTNERSHIP : W HO WE ARE 12 partners 70+ researchers Interdisciplinary team
R ESEARCH Q UESTIONS Overarching Research Question (RQ): What are the costs, benefits and risks & uncertainties associated with transitions pathways for climate change mitigation policies? RQ1. How should the future look like and how might we get there? RQ2. What changes are required for us to get to our desired future(s)? RQ3. What are the policy options based on the (sub/national) context?
C ASE S TUDY C OUNTRIES : A REAS STUDIED Asia 12. China (SPRU) 13. India (SPRU) 14. Indonesia Americas (SEI) Africa 1. Canada (SPRU) 11. Kenya (SEI) Europe 2. Chile 3. Sweden (SEI) (CLAPESUC) 4. Netherlands (JIN) 5. UK (SPRU) 6. Poland (IBS) 7. Austria (Uni Graz) 8. Switzerland (ETHZ) 9. Spain (BC3) 10. Greece (NTUA/ UPRC)
FirInterdisciplinary, cross perspective, multi-level perspective • Global overview (risk & uncertainty in climate change policies) Regional overview National overview Energy Interactions with other policies Policy areas Food, building, transport, services (healthcare, education), & manufacturing Consumer Energy behaviour Technology (demand) (supply): Consumer Firm behaviour behaviour Resource base Supply (energy, Demand side policies electricity) policies policies Demand policies Supply policies Base line Current Potential scenario pathway s scenarios 5
P ART I: S USTAINABLE D EVELOPMENT G OALS How can science, technology and innovation and [behavioural change] contribute to the implementation of the goals of Sustainable Development? Source:
P ART I: S USTAINABLE D EVELOPMENT G OALS What kind of relationships have been analysed between renewable energy policies and the SDGs? There will be synergies, conflicts, trade-offs in meeting Sustainable Development Goals Technological, socio-economical perspective: commonly analysed Governance ??? Behavioural change ?? Energy justice ??
#7 SDG: A FFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY What types of science technology and innovations are supported globally? Global Energy Research Expenditures in the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, 1974 – 2014 (Millions of U.S. Dollars) Source: IEA, 2016 quoted in Sovacool, B. 2017. Reviewing, Reforming, and Rethinking Global Energy Subsidies: Towards a Political Economy Research Agenda. Ecological Economics. 135 pp. 150 – 163
Transitions Pathways and Risk Analysis for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
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