• Welcome to the NSW Transition Assistance Program Presentation . • This presentation will provide you with an overview of the application process for the Transition Assistance Program. 1
Transition Assistance Program • On the 8 March 2016, the NSW Minister for Disability Service , the Hon John Ajaka MP announced the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) • This is a new grant program to assist disability support providers in regional and remote areas transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). • Aged& Community Service NSW & ACT (ACS) is managing the TAP program in partnership with the Department of Family and Community Services (Ageing, Disability and Home Care). • ACS is coordinating the application process for TAP. 2
NDIS Transition • The NSW Transition Assistance Program (TAP) has been created to support eligible organisations with NDIS transition. • NDIS Transition across NSW will commence 1 July 2016. • The NSW Government has developed a Service Provider Guide resource on the rollout of the NDIS in NSW. • This guide outlines four steps in getting ready for NDIS.. Providers may be aware the steps required to get ready for NDIS, these are: • Step 1. Ensuring your client information is up-to-date & responding to NDIA information requests; making the relevant adjustment to your business systems & supporting your staff through the change • STEP 2 . Registering with NDIA, this will allow you to provide services under NDIS • Step 3. NDIS rollout; This basically identifies when NDIS will be available in your area • Step 4 . As individual client move to NDIS and receive an individual funding package, your service funding will change. And the funding will come from the individuals that you are providing services to 3
NDIS Rollout in Detail • NDIS rollout across NSW will occur in 2 stages: from July 2016 & July 2017 Participants will be able to access the NDIS from 1 July 2016 , if they live in the following districts: In regional & remote districts • Central Coast, Hunter New England , Southern NSW In met districts • Northern Sydney, South Western Sydney, Western Sydney, • Nepean Blue Mountains NDIS Rollout From 1 July 2017 includes: Regional & remote districts • Illawarra Shoalhaven, Mid North Coast, Murrumbidgee , • Northern NSW, Far West NSW, Western NSW Met districts: • South Eastern Sydney , Sydney 4
For more information on NDIS transition, the resources listed are recommended: 1. NSW Government NDIS website 2. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) website; and 3. The FACS ADHC webpage on the NDIS Hunter trial & Nepean Blue Mountains early transition. 5
WHAT IS TAP • TAP is a program that eligible organisations can apply for up to $35,000 in grant funding to be used for NDIS readiness activities. • There is no restriction on what type of activity will be considered as long as it is something that your organisation has to undertake to transition to NDIS successfully. • Its important to note that this must not be ‘business -as- usual’ activities . • Joint applications will also be considered. This can be up to four organisations coming together for NDIS readiness activities. • Joint applications can be for maximum of $140,000 combined (that is $35,000 for each organisation under the joint application) 6
WHO CAN APPLY FOR TAP There are four key requirements to be eligible to apply: • You need to currently have a funding agreement with FACS – ADHC for a disability support service or Community Care Support Program (CCSP) • Your organisation is intending to transition to NDIS • You need to be providing services in regional and remote NSW; Full list of the districts that are considered regional and remote are in the TAP Application Guide AND • Your organisation as a whole has a turnover of less than $3million from all sources of income. This means your disability funding as well as any other funding or income that your organisation receives • If you meet these four eligibility criteria you may be eligible for TAP funding 7
WHAT CAN I USE TAP FUNDING FOR? • TAP funding can essentially be used for any type of activity that will assist your organisation in its preparation for NDIS. What does this mean? • Getting ready for NDIS will be different for each organisation. • To facilitate the application process 8 broad categories of NDIS readiness activities has been developed: o Strategy o Governance o Clients and Market Focus o Financial Sustainability o People and Capability o Information and Knowledge Management o Business Development o Other • More information on these categories can be found in the application guide. • These categories are only a guide and should not restrict organisations on determining as to what you need for getting ready for NDIS. ACS & FACS welcomes any innovation 8
organisations want to put forward as part of your application. 8
Project Examples We expect project under TAP to be wide and varied and tailored to your organisational needs. Before you start your application you may want to summarise how the activities you are proposing are going to support, develop or build capacity in your organisation to transition to NDIS. The objectives of your project should demonstrate how this helps your organisations preparation for NDIS. Projects funded under TAP may look like: • Hiring a consultant: Whether it be for a business plan, staff training or client survey. • Independent review: Of your service , client satisfaction, staff capability. • Developing marketing material : to improve your profile of your organisation and services you offer. • Review your costs : Are you going to be able to deliver service within the NDIS price guide? • HR strategy/ Staff Training • Upgrade IT system / software : Do you need consider a new client management system? • Service model review / change: What changes do you need to make to the way you are delivering services in order to be ready for NDIS? 9
TAP Application • If your organisation is eligible for TAP funding, you will be required to complete a 4 page application. • This application has been streamlined and hopefully has simplified the application process. 10
• The application has three sections organisations need to complete: • Organisations Details • Project Proposal (including Project Plan Template) • Declaration 11
Organisations Details This will include: • Standard contact details • Your ADHC provider Id number • Details of the other organisations & representative, if submitting a joint application; • And details relating to the TAP eligibility criteria: 1. Location 2. Total annual revenue 3. Intention to transition to NDIS 12
Project Proposal (including Project Plan) • This section is where you put forward the NDIS readiness activity your organisation is proposing that will enable it to transition successfully to NDIS. • It important to note that this must not be ‘business as usual activity’ for example day to day operational expenses; capital expenses like renovations of service premises. This is the key section of your application. You need to provide: Amount requested for your project. Project budget details can be provided in the project plan template Area of development (Category): Again these categories are only a guide and should not restrict what organisations want to put forward Proposal details: you must provide a brief outline of your project objectives and how the grant is going to be used to help your objectives . 13
Project Plan There is also a project plan template that needs to be completed, outlining the activities, timeframe and budget proposed for the project. This provides further details to what has been identified in your proposal. Reporting A reporting template is being developed to cover the reporting requirements of the TAP over the 12 month period. This will constitute at least two simple reports within the 12 months: • Progress report (December 2016 - January 2017) • Outcome report (June – July 2017) Your will report against your project proposal and plan. Note that successful organisations will be required to complete a project progress and outcome reporting template at the project midpoint and conclusion. Theses reporting templates will be provided with your letter of agreement. 14
Declaration As part of the application your organisation’s authorised representative is required to sign a declaration confirming : • the information is true &correct • Your organisation's turnover is less than $3million • Commit to completing the project within 12 months; and • Agree to the project progress and outcome reporting to ACS 15
Submitting Your Application Please note that completed applications need to be submitted to Aged and Community Services NSW & ACT (ACS): Via email: tap@acs.asn.au Or Post: PO BOX 3124, Rhodes NSW 2138 Or Fax: 02 97434557 Applications close on 22 April 2016 16
KEY DATES FOR TAP • Applications opened on the 22 March • Applications will be accepted until 22 April – giving organisation five weeks to apply • Applications need to be submitted to ACS via email, fax or post. • A Panel will be set up to review the applications between the 25 April to 13 May. The panel will be convened by ACS and will include representation from FACS • Successful organisations will be advised by 15 June at the latest with payment of the grant before 30 June 2016. 17
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