Transforming Service Delivery for San Antonio’s Veterans, Transitioning Service Members, and Their Families November 10th, 2016 San Antonio, TX 1
Agenda Jim McDonough, IVMF Introductions and Background & Round Table Kathy Cox, the Walmart Foundation 2:00 – 2:15 Introductions Dave Marttala, Military Veteran Community Collaborative Current State: San Antonio Metropolitan Statistical 2:15 – 2:25 Jim McDonough, IVMF Area Jim McDonough, IVMF Ilario Pantano, IVMF 2:25 – 3:00 Innovation to Improve Service Delivery Dan Brillman, Unite Us AmericaServes Scaling and Impact Across the 3:00 – 3:35 Jim McDonough, IVMF Country 3:35 – 3:45 Break N/A Jim McDonough, IVMF 3:45 – 3:15 Defining Our Service Region and Next Steps Maggie Pollard, Accenture 4:15 – 4:30 Wrap-up and Questions Jim McDonough, IVMF 2
Introductions and Background IVMF, with support from the Walmart Foundation is committed to implementing a comprehensive strategy aimed at improving access to resources and services for veterans, service members and military families. TXServes Team Background By capitalizing on Texas’ strong support of our nations’ all • Jim McDonough, Managing Director volunteer force, we have an unprecedented opportunity • Ilario Pantano, Senior Director to enhance, coordinate, and expand the state’s veteran and military family services and resources. • Dan Brillman, Founder and CEO The Walmart Foundation, with expertise provided by the IVMF at Syracuse University proposes an initiative to spotlight, enhance, and strengthen existing veteran, • Maggie Pollard, Manager transitioning service members and military families’ statewide employment and supportive services. 3
Round Table Introductions By assembling thought leaders and key stakeholders from across San Antonio’s public, private, and nonprofit sectors, we can begin to develop a shared strategy that amplifies the strengths of each organization that serves veterans, transitioning service members, and military families. …. and many more public and private providers! 4
Current State: San Antonio Metropolitan Statistical Area The eight counties within the San Antonio MSA – Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Guadalupe, Kendall, Medina, and Wilson – comprise a significant concentration of veterans in Texas. By focusing efforts on local and accessible services and resources, there is a unique opportunity to develop a tailored collective impact strategy serving veterans, transitioning service members, and military families. Demographics of the San Antonio MSA* Bexar county represents the state’s Veteran Population second largest veteran population ≈ 200,880 San Antonio has the 9 th largest veteran F: 14% M: 86% 28,815 172,065 community in the U.S. – 12.9% of the city itself Age 65-74 18-34 35-54 55-64 75+ 12% 33% 22% 18% 15% One in three veterans in the San Antonio MSA received VA care in the past year Period of Service Gulf War II (post-9/11) 24% 40% of veterans in the San Antonio MSA 45% Gulf War I (pre-9/11) 40% receive some type of disability Vietnam War 8% Korean War compensation 4% WWII 5 *Data is from the MVCC 2016 Military City USA Needs Assessment
Innovation to Improve Service Delivery 6
The Problem Challenges Faced by Health Challenges Faced by Veterans, and Human Service Providers Service Members, and Military Families Navigation Scope Creep Intake Ambiguity In a survey of >8,500 It becomes cumbersome to Service providers are not Referrals to other providers veterans, service members, submit and repeat the same equipped to meet client are made blindly without and dependents, 60% information across multiple needs outside their mission any visibility into their identified navigating benefits intake forms and and area of expertise eligibility requirements, as the most significant applications capacity, or how the referral challenge to transition progresses Co-Occurrence Unaccountable Eligibility Duplication It is difficult to identify AmericaServes data No visibility into a client’s Lack of appropriate data which providers are able to demonstrates that 35% of information, history of collection and measurement meet unique needs, clients entering the network service requests, resulting in prevents providers from eligibility restrictions, and have more than one service redundant intake and ensuring quality and preferences need request for information remaining accountable to those they serve 7
The AmericaServes Solution Quickly navigate veterans, service members, and military families to the right services, resources, and care AmericaServes provides a series of place-based efforts focusing on coordination of service and care delivery across 15 service domains Using technology and a person-powered backbone of support, AmericaServes streamlines referrals between participating providers Identifies appropriate services for clients from providers that can actually meet those needs Ensures a positive connection between the client and providers and confirms that the clients’ needs are addressed 8
What AmericaServes Is and Is Not AmericaServes Is … AmericaServes Is Not …. Exclusive Innovative AmericaServes welcomes veterans of all eras, eligibility, and The nation’s first, scalable Collective Impact initiative serving discharge status military-connected members Flexible A Replacement… AmericaServes encourages providers to focus on what they do Meeting communities where they are, AmericaServes is tailored to the needs of local providers and the clients they serve best - only when the provider is unable to serve all the needs of the client should they refer them Interconnected Cumbersome A Continuum of Interconnected Networks of comprehensive The AmericaServes platform rides above existing internal systems services, resources and care and is tailored to only capture enough information to make a smart referral 9
Collective Impact IVMF establishes commitment from key public, private, and independent stakeholders to jointly endorse and support a common agenda aimed at improving resource and service delivery for veterans and military families How do we successfully implement it? Collectively Identify and track Engage in Embed a Identify a develop a shared standard consistent, technology coordinated, strategy measures of targeted, and solution to backbone support success transparent implement and organization to communication track the strategy guide the initiative 10
Collective Impact Through a coordinated network of public, private, and independent services providers, organizations can effectively, efficiently, and articulately address the social determinants of health and well-being for veterans and military families. What are the social determinants of health and well-being? Neighborhood Health and Social and Economic stability Education and environment healthcare community context 11
AmericaServes Scaling and Impact Across the Country 12
AmericaServes: A Growing Movement in Communities AmericaServes was seeded by a planning investment from Robin Hood Foundation to coordinate services in NYC’s 5 boroughs. In under 2 years, AmericaServes went live in 3 markets with funding to expand into an additional 6 markets before the end of 2016. Through the leading investment of nationally recognized investors, IVMF is able to introduce this innovative concept to local communities. Oct ’13 – Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec January ’16 ’16 ’16 ’17 ’17 ’17 ’17 ’18 Mar ’16 NYServes- New York City (live) NCServes – Metrolina (live) PAServes – Greater Pittsburgh (live) NCServes - Raleigh/Durham (live) SCServes - Low Country (live) NYServes Upstate (live) NCServes – Coastal (live 10 Nov) Mission United South Hampton Roads (live 11 Nov) WAServes – Greater Puget Sound NCServes - Winston Salem TXServes- San Antonio 10 13
What Our Communities Are Teaching Us Since starting this initiative in New York City, we’re capturing an informed picture around the value Collective Impact strategies and efforts are bringing their respective communities and their ability to best support transitioning service members, veterans, and their families. Transitioning service members, veterans, and their families get help with their principle challenge: navigating complex systems of care and service Providers like ‘smart’ referrals By integrating U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense into our AmericaServes networks, we are able to work further upstream and connect in a more tangible, measureable, and accountable way Data doesn’t lie : co-occurring issues are a real challenge amongst transitioning service members, veterans, and their families 14
AmericaServes’ Opportunity in Practice The AmericaServes Transparency Report includes outputs and outcomes from each of the live AmericaServes Networks. Throughout this coming year, we’ll continue to refine and report on our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). 15
Defining our Service Region and Next Steps 16
Defining Our Service Region What counties make sense to include initially as a part of the TXServes network? Potential Pilot Counties Veteran Population* Atascosa 3,404 Bandera 2,659 Bexar 158,468 Comal 17,493 Guadalupe 22,339 Kendall 3,865 Medina 4,992 Wilson 4,987 Total: 218,207 17 *Data is from VA’s Vet Pop FY 2017 projections
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