transcatheter aortic valve replacement

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Jesse Jorgensen, MD Medical - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Jesse Jorgensen, MD Medical Director, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory Greenville Health System Greenville, South Carolina, USA January 30, 2016 Aortic Stenosis is Life Threatening and Progresses

  1. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Jesse Jorgensen, MD Medical Director, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory Greenville Health System Greenville, South Carolina, USA January 30, 2016

  2. Aortic Stenosis is Life Threatening and Progresses Rapidly Valvular Aortic Stenosis in Adults (Average Course) • Survival after onset of symptoms 50% at 2 yrs, 20% at 5 yrs • Surgical intervention should be performed promptly once even minor symptoms occur 2 Ross J Jr, Braunwald E. Aortic stenosis. Circulation. 1968;38 (Suppl 1):61-7. 2 C.M. Otto. Valve Disease: Timing of Aortic Valve Surgery. Heart 2000

  3. Aortic Valve Replacement Improves Survival Patient Survival AVR, no Sx 100 AVR, Sx 90 No AVR, no Sx 80 No AVR, Sx 70 Survival, % 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Years Brown ML et al. The benefits of early valve replacement in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2008;2:308-315.

  4. Surgical AVR: Not Available To All Patients 31.8% did not undergo intervention, most frequently because of comorbidities

  5. Aortic Stenosis Undertreatment is Profound

  6. Mortality With Standard Therapy Is Worse Than With Certain Metastatic Cancers National Institutes of Health. National Cancer Institute. Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results. Cancer Stat Fact Sheets. Data on file, Edwards Lifesciences LLC. Analysis courtesy of Murat Tuczu.

  7. Percutaneous Aortic Valve Development  Professor Alain Cribier (Rouen, France) First described percutaneous aortic valve interventions in 1985  Proved that a stent could be deployed without removing the diseased native valve  Implanted first percutaneous aortic valve on a patient on April 16, 2002

  8. Edwards SAPIEN Transcatheter Valve Bovine pericardial tissue The Carpentier-Edwards ThermaFix process* is intended to minimize the risk Stainless steel frame of calcification, helping preserve valve performance PET skirt

  9. Edwards SAPIEN

  10. TAVR: Edwards Valve NEJM 2011; 364:2187-2198

  11. Self Expanding Technology: CoreValve (Medtronic) 2007 CE Mark 2014 FDA Approval

  12. Evolut R System Catheter Delivery System 14Fr-equivalent profile Loading System Transcatheter Valve (26, 29 mm) Supra-annular design, optimized sealing Meredith EuroPCR 2015 13 CoreValve Evolut R CE Study MDT Confidential

  13. TAVR Access 1. Transfemoral 2. Direct Aortic 3. Subclavian 4. Transapical

  14. TAVR Patient Evaluation STS Score <4 Low Risk 4-8 Intermediate Risk * >8 High Risk * Inoperable: >50% death or serious irreversible condition Agarwal S et al. Heart 2015;101:169-177

  15. Patient-Focused Multidisciplinary Heart Team Approach • Multidisciplinary in all aspects: – Patient selection – Procedure Planning – Patient Treatment – Post Operative care

  16. Valve Sizing: TEE

  17. Valve Sizing: CT

  18. CTA: Critical for determining Access

  19. TAVR is the standard of care for inoperable patients with severe AS

  20. TAVR Results: Mean Gradient & Valve Area

  21. PARTNER Cohort B Primary Endpoint

  22. All Cause Mortality (ITT): 5 year Follow up Median Survival Kapadia TCT Sept 2014

  23. Repeat Hospitalization: TAVR vs. Standard Treatment Kapadia TCT Sept 2014

  24. PARTNER B Mean Gradient and Valve Area at 5 years Kapadia TCT Sept 2014

  25. Stroke following TAVR: Inoperable cohort

  26. Vascular Complications: TAVR vs. Standard Treatment

  27. Yakubov TCT 2014

  28. CoreValve Extreme Risk JACC 2014;63:1972-81

  29. CoreValve Extreme Risk Clinical Outcomes at 1 and 12 Months JACC 2014;63:1972-81

  30. CoreValve Hemodynamics and Functional Improvement JACC 2014;63:1972-81

  31. CoreValve Extreme Risk 2 year Outcomes

  32. TAVR is AT LEAST as good as Surgical AVR in High Risk patients

  33. Echo Aortic Valve Gradients: Sapien TAVR vs. SAVR

  34. PARTNER A Primary Endpoint: 1 Year All-Cause Mortality TAVR vs SAVR

  35. Cohort A Quality of Life: TAVR vs. SAVR

  36. High Risk: TAVR vs SAVR

  37. Paravalvular Aortic Regurgitation: Sapient TAVR vs. SAVR

  38. CV Mortality Stratified by PV Leak (ITT) Partner A

  39. Corevalve High Risk Adams ACC 2014

  40. Primary Endpoint: 1 Year All-cause Mortality Surgical Transcatheter 19.1% 14.2% 4.5% P = 0.04 for superiority 3.3% Adams ACC 2014

  41. All Stroke Adams ACC 2014

  42. Other Endpoints Events* 1 Month 1 Year TAVR SAVR P Value TAVR SAVR P Value Vascular complications (major), % 5.9 1.7 0.003 6.2 2.0 0.004 Pacemaker implant, % 19.8 7.1 <0.001 22.3 11.3 <0.001 Bleeding 13.6 35.0 <0.001 16.6 38.4 <0.001 (life threatening or disabling),% New onset or worsening atrial fibrillation, % 11.7 30.5 <0.001 15.9 32.7 <0.001 Acute kidney injury, % 6.0 15.1 <0.001 6.0 15.1 <0.001 * Percentages reported are Kaplan-Meier estimates and log-rank P values Adams ACC 2014

  43. Echocardiographic Findings Adams ACC 2014

  44. Paravalvular Regurgitation 45

  45. Vascular Safety: Get Smaller Terumo Solopath: 15f insertion, balloon expandable to 19f. Corevalve compatible

  46. Edwards evolution of valve design SAPIEN SAPIEN XT SAPIEN 3

  47. Evolution of the Edwards Balloon- Expandable Transcatheter Valves Kodali ACC 2015

  48. PARTNER II Study Design Leon ACC 2013

  49. PARTNER II Inoperable Cohort Leon ACC 2013

  50. PARTNER II Mortality and Stroke Leon ACC 2013

  51. PARTNER II: Comparison of Valve Function Leon ACC 2013

  52. PARTNER II: Comparison Vascular Complications Leon ACC 2013

  53. Partner II S3 Trial Kodali ACC 2015

  54. Kodali ACC 2015

  55. Kodali ACC 2015

  56. Kodali ACC 2015

  57. Kodali ACC 2015

  58. Kodali ACC 2015

  59. TAVR Growth in U.S. Sites Enrolled in the TVT Registry J Am Coll Cardiol. 2015;66(25):2813-2823.

  60. Complications in patients undergoing TAVR Neurological Complications Bleeding and Vascular Complications

  61. So, What’s New?

  62. Valves Under Development JACC 2012;60:483-92

  63. Cerebral Emboli During TAVR and SAVR Using Transcranial Doppler TAVR, N=85 SAVR, N=42 1 patient in each arm suffered a stroke at 30 day follow up Alassar Ann Thor Surg 2015, In Press

  64. Protection of cerebral events during TAVR Embrella Embolic Deflector Triguard (Edwards Lifesciences) (Keystone Heart, Herzliya Pituach, Israel) Freeman et al. CCI 2014;84(6):885-896

  65. Protection of cerebral events during TAVR Claret Montage (Claret Medical, CA)

  66. Valve in Valve Implantation JACC 2011; 58 (21):2196-209

  67. Valve in Valve Implantation JAMA 2014; 312(2):162-70

  68. TAVR for Pure Aortic Insufficiency Wendt D et al. JACC Int. 2014;7(10):1159-1167.

  69. Focus shifting from clinical outcomes to procedural efficiency Babaliaros V et al. JACC Int 2014;7(8):898-904

  70. Bern TAVI Registry: The European Experience with less than high risk patients Wenaweser P et al. Eur Heart J 2013;34:1894-1905

  71. Conclusions 1. TAVR (TAVI) is the current standard of care for inoperable patients with severe AS 2. TAVR is an acceptable option for high risk operable patients 3. TAVR is an acceptable option for patients with prior surgical AVR (? And MVR) 4. TAVR may soon be an option for intermediate and low risk patients

  72. Conclusions • Outcomes will continue to improve with smaller profile delivery systems and methods to reduce paravalvular leak • Stroke prevention: embolic protection devices • Dedicated valve designs for pure aortic insufficiency • TMVR


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