trafford smart catering system

Trafford Smart Catering System Philip Valentine Trafford Council - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TRAFFORD SMART CATERING SYSTEM The Future of Catering is Automation Greener, More Profitable School Kitchens Trafford Smart Catering System Philip Valentine Trafford Council Mike Ault Trafford Council TRAFFORD CATERING

  1. TRAFFORD SMART CATERING SYSTEM “ The Future of Catering is Automation – Greener, More Profitable School Kitchens” Trafford Smart Catering System Philip Valentine – Trafford Council Mike Ault – Trafford Council TRAFFORD CATERING SERVICES

  2. TRAFFORD SMART CATERING SYSTEM The need (Customer & Business) • Changing Society & Business Landscape • Leading the change • Choice and accountability • Financial pressures • Members assurance • Engagement & Education : • Parent / Child Empowerment • Transparency • Safeguarding • Staff TRAFFORD CATERING SERVICES

  3. TRAFFORD SMART CATERING SYSTEM Requirements to Deliver Payment Productivity Menu Audit Trail Options Levels Management Forecasting/ Staff Meal Accounting Meal Serving Planning Meal Ordering Management (Parent/School) Meals Quality Meal Ingredient Control P & L Preparation Purchasing Accounting TRAFFORD CATERING SERVICES

  4. TRAFFORD SMART CATERING SYSTEM Implementation and overcoming the challenges • Approach • Keeping ownership (system & business) • Holistic solution - future proofed • Solution to Challenges • Intelligent transformation of the business • Remove preconception of school catering • Ease and simplicity of use – children, schools & staff • System Outcomes • Capable of supporting local authority down to single school • Adaptable to meet future requirements • Natural progression – Staff Management & Quality inspection • Financial control • Flexible modular deployment TRAFFORD CATERING SERVICES

  5. TRAFFORD SMART CATERING SYSTEM Flexible Modular Deployment   Meal ordering Kitchen Management   Online parents / guardian Live information   Classroom children Ingredient & recipe management   Empowerment Compliance to menu choices agreed with the school  Menu management  Material availability/  Food sensitive locks requirements  Meal summary/prediction  Purchase order management management  Supplier & stock management  Kitchen confirmation / audit  trail Goods receipting  Queue busting TRAFFORD CATERING SERVICES

  6. TRAFFORD SMART CATERING SYSTEM Flexible Modular Deployment   Payment Quality Management   Online Live information   Ease of access Flexible and adaptable online profoma’s  Options of payment  mechanism Ready access to inspection past results.  Menu & ingredient  transparency Date collection covering a wide variety  Parent control of food of situations. sensitivities input  Meal payment summary  Debt control  School / service confirmation TRAFFORD CATERING SERVICES

  7. TRAFFORD SMART CATERING SYSTEM Natural Progression (P&L Accounting). Staff Resource Management • Establishment information/contractual hours and rates of pay • Multi work roles / rotas for individuals with rates of pay and location • Planned Attendance • Actual Attendance • Work allocation for absences / vacant roles • Replacement temporary/permanent / Inherit role • Additional resource allocation • Changed time allocation Extended /Reduced times • Supports the use of Agency staff • Automatic notification of unexpected absences in real time • Provide extracts for payroll system (timesheets and absence management) TRAFFORD CATERING SERVICES

  8. TRAFFORD SMART CATERING SYSTEM Achievements and sustainable gains • Self Sustaining • P&L accounting • Productivity rates • Produce management • Business retention • Absorbed inflation costs Nil contribution from the organisation • Customer Benefits • Open and transparent • Accountability of delivery • Reduced complaints • Meal prices sustained / reduced TRAFFORD CATERING SERVICES

  9. TRAFFORD SMART CATERING SYSTEM Daily meal uptake pre and post system launch 350 15 % 300 Equates to overall 6% 11% 250 7% Prior to launch 12% Post launch 200 150 100 Pilot Roll out 1 Roll out 2 Average Full roll out TRAFFORD CATERING SERVICES

  10. TRAFFORD SMART CATERING SYSTEM Food savings due to implementation of smart catering system 16.00% 14.00% 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% Food inflation 6.00% Food cost savings 4.00% Base 2.00% Year 0.00% 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 -2.00% -4.00% TRAFFORD CATERING SERVICES

  11. TRAFFORD SMART CATERING SYSTEM Reduction in Paperwork 4500 Pieces of paperwork handled over 65 units each month with and without the system 4000 Examples of paperwork 3500 overtime sheets leave request forms 3000 temperature sheets weekly meal record 2500 order sheets Without system hospitality forms accident forms 2000 With system supplier complaints recipe sheets 1500 menu sheets pest control sheet 1000 500 0 Kitchen management Staff management Total TRAFFORD CATERING SERVICES


  13. TRAFFORD SMART CATERING SYSTEM Memorandum of Agreement Wigan and South Gloucestershire Testimonial – “We have recently implemented the electronic meal ordering system with the aim of saving time and reducing meal costs and food wastage, along with allowing children to make their own choices and understand healthy eating. This has been a huge success – the children (from Reception year upwards) enjoy choosing their meal in the morning and it saves time spent in lunch queues. It has also saved a significant amount of time in the school office inputting attendance patterns and has removed the scope for errors when pupils are absent. The support from Trafford in implementing the system has also been excellent”. TRAFFORD CATERING SERVICES


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