catering dietitian at uclh catering dietitian at uclh

Catering Dietitian at UCLH Catering Dietitian at UCLH Hasina Aktar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Catering Dietitian at UCLH Catering Dietitian at UCLH Hasina Aktar Hasina Aktar Senior Specialist Dietitian Senior Specialist Dietitian (Catering Lead at UCLH) (Catering Lead at UCLH) July 2012 July 2012 Main Role Main Role Supportive

  1. Catering Dietitian at UCLH Catering Dietitian at UCLH Hasina Aktar Hasina Aktar Senior Specialist Dietitian Senior Specialist Dietitian (Catering Lead at UCLH) (Catering Lead at UCLH) July 2012 July 2012

  2. Main Role Main Role Supportive and bridging role between dietitians Supportive and bridging role between dietitians and caterers resulting in a more cohesive and and caterers resulting in a more cohesive and coordinated approach to food service across the coordinated approach to food service across the trust. trust. Keep food service high on the trust agenda through effective networking i.e. Facilities, Trust Board, Ward Managers and Ward staff This has ensured that nutritional issues are addressed at strategic level

  3. Different Roles/ Responsibilities Different Roles/ Responsibilities Menu Review across site Menu Review across site Tasting Sessions across site Tasting Sessions across site Nutrition and Hydration at Ward Level Nutrition and Hydration at Ward Level Audits Audits Nutrition and Hydration related Policies Nutrition and Hydration related Policies Teaching and Training (UCLH staff/ Teaching and Training (UCLH staff/ Students) Students) Main Catering/ Dietetic related point of Main Catering/ Dietetic related point of contact contact

  4. Menu Review and Catering role Menu Review and Catering role As the Catering lead, an integral part of the As the Catering lead, an integral part of the role includes developing new menus and reviewing role includes developing new menus and reviewing current menus across trust sites to ensure current menus across trust sites to ensure changes are made to better suit and tailor to changes are made to better suit and tailor to patients taste/ needs and requirements. This patients taste/ needs and requirements. This information can be captured though: information can be captured though: Regular Tasting sessions Patient questionnaires Audit reports (i.e. plate wastage)

  5. Tasting Session Tasting Session

  6. Ward Level and Catering Role Ward Level and Catering Role Compliance to Protected Mealtime, Red Tray Compliance to Protected Mealtime, Red Tray and MUST and MUST Health Promotion Health Promotion Various menus with menu coding available for Various menus with menu coding available for use for patients with specific needs (i.e. gluten use for patients with specific needs (i.e. gluten free) free) Improve mealtime services through new and Improve mealtime services through new and innovative initiatives based on patient feedback innovative initiatives based on patient feedback and observations for e.g. breakfast provision at and observations for e.g. breakfast provision at UCH, red jugs, nutrition and hydration ward UCH, red jugs, nutrition and hydration ward boards boards Action Catering Complaints Action Catering Complaints

  7. Some of the successful initiatives Some of the successful initiatives at UCLH: at UCLH:

  8. Audits and Catering role: Audits and Catering role: It is imperative that as a trust we comply with local It is imperative that as a trust we comply with local protocols related to nutrition and hydration to protocols related to nutrition and hydration to ensure we are meeting nutritional needs of ensure we are meeting nutritional needs of patients (CQC outcome 5- - meeting nutritional needs of meeting nutritional needs of patients (CQC outcome 5 patients). This requires regular auditing and monitoring patients). This requires regular auditing and monitoring such as on; such as on; Red Tray Red Tray Protected Mealtimes Protected Mealtimes Plate Wastage Plate Wastage Beverage Provision Beverage Provision

  9. Policies and Catering role: Policies and Catering role: Catering Dietitian plays a significant part in the development of nutrition policies and catering services within the Trust, for e.g. Food and Nutrition Policy ERAS Policy Fasting Guidelines Menu Coding guidelines **Ensuring all policies are updated and in line with the **Ensuring all policies are updated and in line with the changing European food labelling legislations and changing European food labelling legislations and allergens** allergens**

  10. Teaching and Training Teaching and Training Teaching and Training is a key part of the Catering Dietitian Teaching and Training is a key part of the Catering Dietitian role. role. This ensures good practice is shared and staff and students This ensures good practice is shared and staff and students are better educated on matters relating to nutrition and are better educated on matters relating to nutrition and hydration i.e. Diet Bay Education to Catering Department on hydration i.e. Diet Bay Education to Catering Department on Therapeutic Diets. Therapeutic Diets. Some of the successful initiatives implemented at UCLH were Some of the successful initiatives implemented at UCLH were presented in conferences or published; presented in conferences or published; BDAC conference (British Dietetic Association Conference) BDAC conference (British Dietetic Association Conference) BDA Food Counts (British Dietetic Association) BDA Food Counts (British Dietetic Association) HCA (Hospital Caterers Association Conference) HCA (Hospital Caterers Association Conference) Insight magazine (Internal) Insight magazine (Internal)

  11. BDAC (British Dietetic Association BDAC (British Dietetic Association Conference) Conference)

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