Town of Caledon Housing Study Consultations with Caledon Residents July 19, 2017
today’s session A G E N D N D A • Welcome and Introductions 10 minutes • Presentation of Key Findings 30 minutes • Workshop 70 minutes • Wrap up and Next Steps 10 minutes
today’s session Need and Report Back Demand Study Purpose and Reflect and Context Analysis Workshop Study Wrap-Up and Background Next Steps Hearing from you!
Introduction Study Background
purpose Caledon is undertaking this Housing Study to better understand the current state of its housing market and to determine current and future unmet housing demand across the continuum. 5
purpose Caledon is undertaking this Housing Study to better understand the current state of its housing market and to determine current and future unmet housing demand across the continuum. This study will form the basis for community- specific housing priorities and policies in the Town’s Official Plan. 6
approach P H A S E S O E S O F W W O R K Phase 1 Collect data and information required for the study and synthesize it into a database
approach P H A S E S O E S O F W W O R K Phase 1 Phase 2 Undertake a housing needs Collect data and assessment and gap information required for analysis, review existing the study and synthesize it plans and policies and into a database develop recommendations
approach S O U O U R C E S O O F I F I N F N F O R M A T I O N O N The following sources of information were used to develop the study: • Statistics Canada Community / • The Regional Municipality of Census Profiles (2001, 2006, Peel and 2011) • The Town of Caledon • Statistics Canada Topic-Based • Email and Phone Information Tabulations and Custom Requests from Key Housing Tabulations (2001, 2006, and Stakeholders 2011) • Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
approach G E O G O G R A P A P H Y H Y The following study geography was determined: Caledon Communities • Bolton • Caledon East • Mayfield West • Caledon Village • Rest of Caledon
approach H O U S I U S I N G C C O N T I N U U M U U M The housing market can be illustrated as a continuum, where the supply of housing responds to the range of housing demand in a community.
approach H O U S I U S I N G C C O N T I N U U M U U M The housing market can be illustrated as a continuum, where the supply of housing responds to the range of housing demand in a community.
Need and Demand in Caledon Housing Demand
housing demand P O P O P U L A T I O N G N G R O W O W T H The number of people and households in Caledon is increasing but at a lower rate compared to Peel Region. 14
housing demand P O P O P U L A T I O N G N G R O W O W T H Popu pulation Gr Growth The number of people and 2001 2016 households in Caledon is Caledon 31.4 .4% 50,605 increasing but at a lower rate 66,50 505 5 = = 39. 9.7% Peel Region 1, 1,381, 81,740 = = 988, 88,958 compared to Peel Region. 15
housing demand P O P O P U L A T I O N G N G R O W O W T H Popu pulation Gr Growth The number of people and 2001 2016 households in Caledon is Caledon 31.4 .4% 50,605 increasing but at a lower rate 66,50 505 5 = = 39. 9.7% Peel Region 1,381, 1, 81,740 = = 988, 88,958 compared to Peel Region. 2016 2031 62.4 .4% Caledon 66,505 66, 108 08,00 000 = 0 = Peel Region 1,381, 1, 81,740 18.7% 18 1,640,000 = 00 = 16
housing demand P O P O P U L A T I O N G N G R O W O W T H Ho Household Gr Growth The number of people and 2001 2016 households in Caledon is Caledon 31.9% 9% 16,115 16 115 increasing but at a lower rate 21 21,25 255 = = 39 39.3% 3% Peel Region 430,180 180 = = 308, 8,86 865 compared to Peel Region. 17
housing demand P O P O P U L A T I O N G N G R O W O W T H Ho Household Gr Growth The number of people and 2001 2016 households in Caledon is Caledon 31.9% 9% 16,115 16 115 increasing but at a lower rate 21 21,25 255 = = 39.3% 39 3% Peel Region 430,180 180 = = 308, 8,86 865 compared to Peel Region. 2016 2031 60. 0.0% Caledon 34,000 00 = 21 21,25 255 20. 0.4% Peel Region 430,180 180 518,000 00 = = 18
housing demand A G I N I N G I I N P P L A L A C E C E The potential need for housing options to facilitate aging in place is increasing. 19
housing demand A G I N I N G I I N P P L A L A C E C E Caledon on A Age Grou oups The potential need for housing options to facilitate aging in 2001 place is increasing. 0-24 35.2% 65+ 7.9% Pe Peel A Age Grou oups 2001 0-24 35.9% 9% 65+ 8.0 .0% 20
housing demand A G I N I N G I I N P P L A L A C E C E Caledon on A Age Grou oups The potential need for housing options to facilitate aging in 2001 2016 place is increasing. 0-24 35 35.2 .2% 32 32.6 .6% 65+ 7. 7.9% 13.2 3.2% Peel A Pe Age Grou oups 2001 2016 0-24 35 35.9 .9% 32.7 .7% 65+ 8.0 .0% 12.8% 12 8% 21
housing demand H O U S I N G N G O O P T I O N S O N S The current housing need in Caledon is for options for families and couples but there is also an emerging need for options for seniors, persons with disabilities and persons living alone. 22
housing demand H O U S I N G N G O O P T I O N S O N S The current housing need in Cale ledon Ho House sehold ld Siz Size (2016) Caledon is for options for families and couples but there 29.1 .1% 25.0 .0% is also an emerging need for options for seniors, persons with disabilities and persons 2-Persons 4-Persons living alone. 23
housing demand R E N T A L A L O O P T I O N S O N S There are very limited rental options in the Town of Caledon. 24
housing demand R E N T A L A L O O P T I O N S O N S Caledon on H Hou ousehold T Tenure ( (2011) 11) There are very limited rental options in the Town of 8. 8.1% 1% 91.9% 91 9% Caledon. Rented Owned 25
housing demand H O U S E H O L H O L D I I N C O M O M E Caledon households have relatively high incomes. 26
housing demand H O U S E H O L H O L D I I N C O M O M E Average H Hou ousehol old Incom ome ( (2017 17) Caledon Peel Region Caledon households have $13 133,015 15 $105,57 575 relatively high incomes. Median H Me Hou ousehol old Incom ome ( (2017 17) Caledon Peel Region $110 110,730 $87,220 220 27
housing demand H O U S U S E H E H O L D T T Y P E S E S There are certain household types in Caledon who are more likely to have low incomes, suggesting a need for affordable housing options for those households. 28
housing demand H O U S U S E H E H O L D T T Y P E S E S Low Income Ho Household lds in in Cale ledon Renter Households = 48.7 .7% There are certain household Couples without Children = 25.4 .4% types in Caledon who are more Immigrant Households = 27.2% likely to have low incomes, suggesting a need for Households with a Disability = 31.6% 6% affordable housing options for 24.1% Two or More Households = those households. Persons Living Alone = 58.6% 6% Lone Parent Households = 33. 33.2% 29
housing demand S U M M A M A R Y 1. The number of people and 4. There are very limited rental households in Caledon is options in the Town. increasing but at a lower rate 5. Caledon households have compared to Peel Region. relatively high incomes. 2. The potential need for 6. There are certain household housing options to facilitate types in Caledon who are aging in place is increasing. more likely to have low 3. The current housing need in incomes, suggesting a need Caledon is for options for for affordable housing options families and couples but there for these households. is also an emerging need for options for seniors, persons with disabilities and persons living alone. 30
housing demand S U M M A M A R Y Pause. Do these key findings resonate with you? Do you have any questions or comments? 5 minutes 31
Current Housing Supply in Caledon Housing Supply
housing supply D W E L L L L I N I N G T T Y P E S Most dwellings in Caledon are single-detached and the Town has a higher proportion of single-detached dwellings compared to Peel Region and other municipalities. 33
housing supply D W E L L L L I N I N G T T Y P E S Single Sin le-De Detache hed Dw Dwelling ngs ( (2016) Most dwellings in Caledon are single-detached and the Town has a higher proportion of single-detached dwellings compared to Peel Region and other municipalities. Caledon Peel Region VS VS. 83. 83.4% 45 45.6% 34
housing supply H O U S U S E P E P R I C E S E S House prices in Caledon are increasing and homeownership is becoming unaffordable to households with low and moderate incomes. 35
housing supply H O U S U S E P E P R I C E S E S Average C Caledon on H Hou ouse Pr Prices 2017 House prices in Caledon are $988, 88,237 increasing and homeownership is becoming unaffordable to households with low and moderate incomes. 36
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