Tower Operation Management System (TOMS) Hu Yuming, China
Background Tower control is one of the most complex parts in ATC service. A typical tower control consists of many particular procedures and steps . ACC Tower Tower Cruise TMA TMA Land Climb Vacat Touch Taxi Stop Push back Taxi Line up Take off e 2
Finite State Machine Concept Request Clearance for Approved Clearance Checks: 1.FPL received 2.Route is correct 3.Flight level is correct ….. 3
Tower Operation Management System Electronic flight strip TOMS Data Decision integration making & support exchange 4
Goals Standardizatio n Collaboration Simplification 7/21/2015 5
Flight state definition CATEGORY CODE DESCRIPTION Departure FPL Flight plan has been received by ATC. Departure PRE Pre-Active, usually 30 minutes before EOBT. Departure REQ The Pilot requested a departure clearance to ATC. Departure CLD Departure clearance is approved. Departure RDY The Pilot reported that the flight is ready to push back. Departure The flight is ready, but has to be held at the gate for some reason. HLD Departure The flight is transferred to ground control and wait for push back. NPU Departure The flight is approved to push back. PUS Departure The flight is approved to start its engine. STR Departure/Arrival The flight is approved to taxi out. TAX The ground control stopped the flight ’ s taxing for some reason. Departure/Arrival STP Departure/Arrival The flight is approved to cross a runway during its taxing. CRS Departure The flight has joined a departure queue out of a runway after taxing. QUE Departure/Arrival CON The pilot has made contact with tower control in order to take off or land. The departure flight is approved to enter the runway and line up. Departure LIN The flight is approved to take off. Departure TAK The flight ’ s taking off is aborted for some reason. Departure ABT The flight is in approach control for arrival. Arrival APP The flight is approved to land. Arrival LND The flight is touching the runway. Arrival TCH The flight is vacating the runway after landing. VAC Arrival The flight has missed its approach. MSA Arrival The flight has touched the runway, but failed to land successfully and needs to pull up Arrival TNG again. Departure/Arrival All works finished. The flight is out of tower ’ s control. FIN 6
Controller operation REQ To Next Position HLD CLD PRE 7
Flight States (Departure) PRE :PRE Active PRE REQ :Request clearance CLD :Clearance approved Delivery REQ CLD RDY HLD RDY :Flight ready HLD :Gate Hold PUS :Push back Ground PUS STR TAX STR :Engine Start TAX :Taxi out QUE :Queue Tower QUE LIN TAK LIN :Line up TAK :Take off
Flight States (Arrival) TMA-ARR APP :Approach APP CON :Contact LND :Landing approved Tower CON LND TCH VAC TCH :Touch runway VAC :vacate runway TAX :Taxi in Ground TAX FIN FIN :Finish 9
Data Integration & Exchange Before After Controller TOMS Controller ······ 10
Data Integration & Exchange ATC AFTN RDR FDR RDR Flight Flight IFPS SMR Info plan Location Before TOMS. Gate System connection is TOBT very complicated. A-CDM 11
Data Integration & Exchange ATC FDR AFTN AFTN Location IFPS SMR TOMS Flight info Flight info FDR Gate TMIs TOBT COBT After TOMS. All systems are sending & receiving data from TOMS. A-CDM 12
D-ATIS ATIS info 13
DCL DCL requests and results PRE REQ CLD RDY HLD Delivery DCL PUS STR TAX Pilot Ground QUE LIN TAK Tower 14
Departure Management Departure management subsystem generates sequence & shows the result in electronic flight strip 15
TOMS network and ATFM 哈尔滨 长春 乌鲁木齐 沈阳 Regional 呼和浩特 北京 ATFM 天津 银川 network 石家庄 太原 济南 西宁 兰州 西安 郑州 南京 上海 合肥 武汉 拉萨 成都 重庆 杭州 南昌 长沙 7 Major airports 福州 贵阳 台北 昆明 广州 Tower TOMS 桂林 香港 海口 三亚 16
Thanks ! 17
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