towards understanding today s and tomorrow s scheduling

Towards understanding todays and tomorrow's scheduling challenges - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Towards understanding todays and tomorrow's scheduling challenges in HPC systems Gonzalo P. Rodrigo - Erik Elmroth Lavanya Ramakrishnan P-O stberg

  1. Towards understanding today’s and tomorrow's scheduling challenges in HPC systems Gonzalo P. Rodrigo - Erik Elmroth – Lavanya Ramakrishnan – P-O Östberg – Distributed Systems Group – Umeå University, Sweden Data Science & Technology – Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

  2. Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  3. Outline • Batch schedulers: Some basics • Challenges: “Exascale initiative” and “Data Explosion” • Are schedulers ready? • Takeaways Disclaimer: This talk is about single site HPC scheduling! Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  4. Is not Scheduling a “solved problem”? [1] Censored End of Dennard scaling = scheduler with an incredibly [1] complex implementation: Non-uniform memory access latencies (NUMA). • High costs of cache coherency and synchronization. • Diverging CPU and memory latencies. • [1] Lozi, Jean-Pierre, et al. "The Linux scheduler: a decade of wasted cores." Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on Computer Systems. ACM, 2016. Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  5. Batch Schedulers: FCFS and Back-filling FCFS : Jobs execute in arrival order Back-filling : Job can start if it does not delay previous jobs. Nodes J5 High Utilization J4 Low Wait Time J3 J3 J2 J4 J5 J1 Time J2 J3 J4 J5 J1 Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  6. Batch Schedulers: Fairness and prioritization Don’t starve jobs or Fairness users Run more important Priority jobs first Actually not so Placement? important(?) Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  7. Episode Episode 1 1 : : Upcoming challenges Data Exascale Explosion Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  8. Exascale: Achieve One Exaflop in 2020 Why? Science is fueled by computation Certain problems require better resolution Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  9. Understanding Large Parallel Tightly-Coupled Jobs [6] Map one cell per thread 1. Wait for neighbors’ data One iteration per time step 2. Simulate my “piece of atmosphere” 3. Send my data to neighbors 4. Repeat [5] [5] Gonzalo P. Rodrigo – [6] NOAA Stratus and Cirrus NOAA supercomputers 2009,

  10. Exascale: Achieve One Exaflop in 2020 It’s all about power and cost Tianhe-2 1 Exaflop 33.86 PFLOPS US$12 870M US$390M X 33 792 MW 24 MW [7] ~Operative Income Ericsson 2014 [8] ~Average Swedish Nuclear reactor [9] [7] [8] Fourth quarter and full-year report 2014 - Ericsson [9] Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  11. Exascale: Achieve One Exaflop in 2020 It’s all about power and cost Break down of Dennard scaling [10] Extreme parallelization [10] Gonzalo P. Rodrigo – and-why-were-still-stuck

  12. Exascale: Extreme paralellization Raw Exaflops are possible but… Only scalable in parallel! I/O Not so good optimizations! RAM Power hungry! More parallelism => More complexity Interconnect Less uniform latency Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  13. Exascale strategy: Paradox Compute Power RAM Produces Very little Huge Compute Per Thread PFS I/O BW Capacity (But Network so many BW of them!) Electric Power Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  14. The Exascale paradox Compute More Power coordination, more stages, heterogeneity. RAM Workflows! Very little Complex I/O Per Thread PFS I/O BW Hierarchy More in-chip Network comms: BW OpenMP Electric Reduced Power Resilience! Increase Compute Gap Vs… Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  15. [11] Data Explosion Challenge: 4 th paradigm of Science Science More data than ever More More More compute simulations Data power Data Analysis [11] Tansley, Stewart, and Kristin Michele Tolle, eds. The fourth paradigm: data-intensive scientific discovery. Vol. 1. Redmond, WA: Microsoft research, 2009. Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  16. Data Explosion consequences Data management I/O Gap importance Data Workflows explosion Resource Heterogeneity Temporary Data Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  17. Episode 2: Episode 2: challenges vs. Schedulers Are schedulers ready for current workloads? Are other scheduling models possible? Can we schedule workflows better? Performance? Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  18. Are schedulers ready for current workloads? Understanding how workloads have evolved in the past Detailed analysis of current workloads Observations on the performance Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  19. Workloads we studied Supercomputers Cluster Carver Hopper Edison Deployed Deployed January Deployed January 2010 2010 2014 IBM iDataPlex Cray XE6 Cray XC30 Infiniband (fat-tree) Gemini Network Aries Network 1,120 Nodes, 8/12/32 6,384 Nodes, 24 5,576 Nodes, 24 cores/node, cores/node cores/node 9,984 cores 154,216 cores 133,824 cores 106.5 Tflops 1.28 Pflops/s 2.57 Pflops/s Torque + Moab Torque + Moab Torque + Moab Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  20. First step: System’s lifetime workload evolution Hypothesis: Job geometry has changed during the system’s lifespan. Method: Workload analysis Job variables • Wall clock, number of cores (allocated), compute time, wait time, and wall clock time estimation. Dataset • 2010 – 2014: Torque logs • 4.5M (Hopper) and 9.3M (Carver) Jobs • Raw data 45 GB. Filtered data 9.3GB Analysis 45GB Torque Logs Parse, Filter, Curate • Period slicing 9GB • Period analysis Trend Trend FFT MySql db Data analysis Analysis • Comparison Period Rodrigo Álvarez, G. P., Östberg, P. O., Elmroth, E., Antypas, K., Gerber, R., & Ramakrishnan, L. (2015, June). HPC System Lifetime Story: Workload Characterization and Evolutionary Analyses on NERSC Systems. In Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High- Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (pp. 57-60) Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  21. First step: System’s lifetime workload evolution Two machines with very different starting workloads, become more similar towards the end. Most jobs are not very long and very parallel Systems get “more loaded” in time Users’ estimations are really inaccurate. 2010 2014 Hopper Carver Hopper Carver (medians) Wall Clock < 1 min 20 min 12 min 6 min Number of 100 cores 5 cores 30 cores 1 core Cores Core Hours 4 c.h. 0.9 c.h. 11 c.h. 0.09 c.h. Wait time 100 s 10 min 20 min 20 min Wall clock 0.2 0.25 0.21 < 0.1 accuracy Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  22. Second step: Job Heterogeneity Hypothesis: Job heterogeneity affects the scheduler performance. Method : Detailed workload analysis of a year Dataset • 2014 Torque logs • Hopper, Edison, and Carver Jobs • Define a method heterogeneity analysis Geometry Homogeneity Perfor- Jobs mance Queues G. Rodrigo, P-O. Östberg, E. Elmroth, K. Antypas, R. Gerber, and L. Ramakrishnan. Towards Understanding Job Heterogeneity in HPC: A NERSC Case Study. CCGrid 2016 - The 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, Accepted, 2016. Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  23. Job geometry + Job priority + Job Wait time Job Geometry Bigger = Longer Wait Job Priority Higher = Shorter Wait Queue busy Higher = Longer Wait Queue Homog. Low = Predictable? Do wait time expectation hold in Heterogeneous Queues? Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  24. Job and Queue homogeneity: Cluster mapping Machine learning technique to detect clusters (k-means) Wall clock time + allocated cores Dominant Cluster Cluster to which most queue jobs belong Queue homogeneity index % of jobs belonging to the dominant cluster C#1 C#2 Queue A Q Dom. C Hom. Idx Queue B A 1 41% #Cores Queue C B 1 71% C 3 100% C#3 Wall Clock Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  25. Queue homogeneity: Cluster mapping Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  26. Performance + Queues + Homogeneity Queues with low homogeneity Wait time hard to predict Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  27. Conclusions (1) job geometries were fairly diverse, including a significant number of smaller jobs (especially on Carver). Job diversity is high The low per queue homogeneity indexes, show that (2) single priority policies are affecting jobs with a fairly diverse Deal with it, or your system geometry. wait time might be hard to predict The wait time analysis shows that (3) studied queues with low homogeneity indexes present poor correlation between job’s wait time and geometry. Maybe queues should be re-ordered Finally, job’s submission patterns show that (4) job’s wall clock time accuracy (fundamental for the performance of backfilling functions) is very low. Let’s do something about run time prediction Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –

  28. So.. Are schedulers ready for the current (and future) workload? Other challenges? Gonzalo P. Rodrigo –


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