Toward dissipative and stoch chastic c effect cts in in the EFT T of of in infla flation ion(P (P.03) Kim Suro Kobe University (w/ Masaru Hongo@RIKEN, Toshifumi Noumi@Kobe Univ, Atsuhisa Ota@Tokyo Tech)
Open system Condensed matter physics
Open system Condensed matter physics Active matters
Open system Condensed matter physics Active matters Cosmology
Cosmological Inflation • Exponential expansion of space in the early universe • Inflation is identified as de-Sitter stage with slightly broken time-translation symmetry • Existence of Horizon Stochastic inflation(Integrate out the degrees of freedom inside horizon) • Sectors coupled to Inflaton Warm inflation Cosmological collider physics(Hidden sectors coupled with Inflaton)
Effective field theory • Top-down EFT Imagine that we knew the full Lagrangian of UV theory Construct the effective action for the light fields by integrating out heavy fields • Bottom-up EFT Assume about the symmetries of the UV theory Construct the effective action by writing down the most general action consistent with these symmetries
Effective field theory • Top-down EFT E 1. Full Lagrangian of UV theory 2.Lagrangian of IR theory by Integrating out • Bottom-up EFT E 2. Write down the most general effective action consistent with symmetries 1. Symmetry structure
Effective field theory • Top-down EFT E 1. Full Lagrangian of UV theory 2.Lagrangian of IR theory by Integrating out • Bottom-up EFT E 2. Write down the most general effective action consistent with symmetries 1. Symmetry structure
Effective field theory • Symmetry structure of Closed-time path integral 𝑢 ' → −∞ 𝑢 + → ∞ 𝑢 + → ∞ 𝑢 ' → −∞ 𝜗 . 𝜗 - Φ " 𝑌 " Φ " 𝑌 " 𝜗 - 𝜗 . Φ % 𝑌 % Φ % 𝑌 % 𝑢 𝑢 Broken by dissipative and stochastic effects • We incorporate dissipative and stochastic effects into the EFT framework based on such a symmetry structure in flat space
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