tools to aid and identify patients

Tools to aid and identify patients for polypharmacy review Dr - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Tools to aid and identify patients for polypharmacy review Dr Pamela Mills Principal Pharmacist Redesign Jane Hall Principal Pharmacist Pharmacotherapy Rachel Falconer General Practice Clinical Pharmacist Background Polypharmacy guidance

  1. Tools to aid and identify patients for polypharmacy review Dr Pamela Mills Principal Pharmacist Redesign Jane Hall Principal Pharmacist Pharmacotherapy Rachel Falconer General Practice Clinical Pharmacist

  2. Background • Polypharmacy guidance recommends criteria ✓ >50 yrs in care home ✓ Prescribed >10 medicines ✓ High risk medicine ✓ Approaching end-of-life • Non-specific - patient numbers exceed capacity

  3. Patient Prioritisation • Tools developed to aid patient prioritisation ➢ Prescribed medicines [ E nhanced M edication S ummary (EMS)] ➢ Patient acuity [ A yrshire P olypharmacy A ttendance C ognition E valuation (APACE)]

  4. Enhanced Medication Summary (EMS) tool Jane Hall

  5. What is EMS? • A list of patients suitable for polypharmacy review - information from practice clinical system • Patients that meet the criteria outlined in the Scottish Polypharmacy guidance – > 65yrs on 10 or more meds or > 50yrs in a care home • A printable document for each patient to aid review • Reduces time spent on manual work up

  6. Prescribing Indicators • IT system automatically checks if the patient triggers > or = 1 of ~120 prescribing indicators: – High risk prescribing – Potential over treatment – Monitoring required – Potential under-treatment • Patients ranked in order with patients triggering highest number of indicators at the top


  8. Recent addition – falls review

  9. APACE Tool Patient Identifiers: ➢ 10+ active repeat medicines ➢ Cognitive impairment ➢ Multi-morbidities ➢ Frailty score ➢ No. of GP consultations ➢ No. of A+E attendances ➢ Previous PPR, ACP, KIS, care home Score calculated to rank patients in order of priority

  10. Patient Case 77 yr old female Dx: COPD, back pain, hypertension, osteoporosis, gastric ulcer, iron deficiency anaemia, memory loss 14 repeat medicines Blister pack Home visit, husband also present Main concerns: Worsening SOB, pain management, TATT

  11. Polypharmacy Review Repeat Medicines: ➢ Adcal D3 caplets – two bd (indication?) ➢ Erythromycin 250mg tabs – rescue meds (over-ordering, remove from repeats) ➢ Ferrous fumarate 210mg – one bd (check FBC/haematinics) ➢ Ipratropium 500mcg/2ml nebules – not ordered since 06/17 (remove) ➢ Omeprazole 20mg caps – two daily (reduce to 20mg daily) ➢ Paracetamol 500mg/Dihydrocodeine 30mg tabs – two qds (only 42kg -reduce to 1 qds) ➢ Perindopril 4mg tabs – one daily (non-formulary, check BP) ➢ Prednisolone 5mg tabs – rescue meds (remove from repeats) ➢ Pregabalin 50mg caps – one at night (review ongoing need, trial stop?) ➢ Relvar Ellipta 92/22 – one puff daily (step up - add Incruse?) ➢ Salbutamol inhaler – 2 puffs prn (review use/issue spacer) ➢ Salbutamol 2.5mg nebules – one qds ➢ Sertraline 50mg tabs – one daily (review mood) ➢ Tramadol 50mg caps – one tds (effective? s/e? Reduce/stop? try topical NSAID?)

  12. Key Findings from using APACE ➢ Patients identified and prioritised for review that may not have previously been flagged i.e. No ‘high risk indicators’ triggered but poor compliance/understanding due to cognitive impairment ➢ Opportunity to address any pharmaceutical care issues offer compliance aids as well as signpost to other services and healthcare professionals if required ➢ Use in conjunction with EMS tool (where available)

  13. Key Findings ➢ Complex cases Many patients have mental health and social issues so require additional input, multiple visits and shared care to achieve treatment goals ➢ Opportunity for patient education & facilitate family/carer engagement Positive feedback so far when conducting visits

  14. Conclusion • Tools achieve aim for patient prioritisation • Combination of medicine and patient factors • Polypharmacy reviews enhanced


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