Other than any others, simply unique! LET’S GROW TOGETHER WWW.aLGOduE.iT
OuR PROJECT TWO GENERaTiONS, THE SaME PaSSiON SiNCE 30 YEaRS algodue was founded in 1986 in the province of Novara, 50km far from Milan, from the passion of Pietro Platini, electronic technician of great experience and creativity. “Since I was very young I had a genuine passion for electronics and a precocious maker’s skill. At the age of 10 I built my fjrst electrical motor, at 14 a radio receiver” recalls Pietro. “Taken a degree in electronics, after twenty years of career as electronic and electrical designer in international companies - continues - I realized the dream of a project destined to an important development.” “I was just a young girl and I was wandering about in the offjce breathing what my parents were doing, I was sure that one day I would take their place”, tells Laura, now Managing director. “I remember that the 90s were a really busy time, the business was booming and my father decided to enlarge the activity. Different devices have been designed for energy measurement and monitoring: this was the origin of the power analyzer family.” Meanwhile Laura was growing up and she was more and more convinced to join the family company, when she took her degree in informatics Technology, she joined the company and started to work with her father Pietro. “The strong point of our activity is really the familiar management, which started to strengthen instead of crashing, as it frequently happens” , tells Pietro, engine and promoter of ideas since the very beginning. Tireless workers, always harmonious and mutually respectful, the Platini family is turning the company into a real treasure. Over the years the number of customers is widening and the degree of loyalty of customers is higher and higher, the product range is bigger and specialized. Today algodue is a company specialized in designing, development and production of solutions for energy saving. “All what we had was a dream. What we have now is our history and a life and work philosophy based on unicity and excellence” . The Platini family Other than any others, simply unique! 3
OuR DEVELOPMENT JuST THE BEGiNNiNG Of aN HiSTORY Of QuaLiTY, iNNOVaTiON aNd LOVE fOR aN EXCELLENT JOB... 2016 2015 30 years of life 2014 fourth Expansion product of the company certifjcation 2013 and marketing The Energy innovation 2012 and utility innovative market entrepreneurial choice 2011 Third product certifjcation 2010 first company 2009 certifjcation innovation in designing 2008 OEM market 2007 Organization of the company 2006 Second 2004 product Courageous certifjcation entrepreneurial choice 2003 first product 2000 certifjcation Consolidation of presence in foreign markets 1999 Laura Platini enters the company 1991 The foreign market 1990 The fjrst network analyzer 1986 algodue birth 4
ALGODUE biRTH iNNOVATiVE ENTREPRENEURiAL CHOiCE 1986 2012 1991 Pietro Platini starts algodue company in fontaneto Two innovative machines internally designed and d’agogna, in the province of Novara. developed for production, selling Rogowski coil with UL certifjcation. THE fiRST NETwORk ANALYzER 1990 THE ENERGY AND UTiLiTY MARkET designing and development of the new line 2013 1991 of products for the measurement of electrical For the fjrst time Algodue enters the utilities parameters. market designing and manufacturing a device for power quality Class A certifjed. THE fOREiGN MARkET 1991 1991 ExPANSiON Of THE COMPANY Starting of development of the commercial net- 2014 1991 AND MARkETiNG iNNOVATiON work of foreign distributors. innovative communication and strong impact on LAURA PLATiNi ENTERS THE COMPANY the market. 1999 The daughter takes the lead alongside Pietro. fOURTH PRODUCT CERTifiCATiON 1991 2015 CONSOLiDATiON Of PRESENCE iN fOREiGN Achieving the KNX certifjcation on energy meters. 1991 2000 MARkETS 30 YEARS Of LifE The B2B opportunities in Europe are increasing. 1991 2016 algodue turns 30 years experiencing big success fiRST PRODUCT CERTifiCATiON and new discoveries. 2003 1991 Obtaining UL certifjcation for the American market (uSa and Canada). COURAGEOUS ENTREPRENEURiAL CHOiCE 2004 1991 Launching line of products in the GPS/GSM sector. SECOND PRODUCT CERTifiCATiON 2006 1991 Obtaining the GOST-R Type approval certifjcation for the Russian market. ORGANizATiON Of THE COMPANY 1991 2007 Pietro and Laura Platini share the tasks. Pietro manages research and development, while Laura takes care of the market management and company development. OEM MARkET 2008 1991 For the fjrst time Algodue introduces itself as a specialist to multinational companies (OEM). iNNOVATiON iN DESiGNiNG NOW AS A TIME AGO... SIZE AND NUMBERS 1991 2009 The company’s R&d boosts innovation company ARE CHANGED, BUT SPIRIT AND VALUES ARE technique with the new range of energy meters. ALWAYS THE SAME THAT HAVE INSPIRED fiRST COMPANY CERTifiCATiON US SINCE DAY ONE: ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1991 2010 Obtaining the ISO9001 Quality certifjcation. SPIRIT AND A CONSTANT TRUST IN EACH OTHER IN ORDER TO ENSURE THE SUCCESS THiRD PRODUCT CERTifiCATiON 1991 2011 OF THE COMPANY. Obtaining MID certifjcation for the European mar - ket on the energy meter (Module B+d). 5
OuR SPECiALiSTS We are energy in orchestra 6
GENERAL MANAGEMENT Pietro Platini Laura Platini HR MANAGER DiRECTiON Laura Platini REPRESENTATiVE Laura Platini QUALiTY CONTROL SAfETY iT MANAGER MANAGER AND PREVENTiON Gioele Gatti Pellengo Laura Platini MANAGER PURCHASiNG HEAD Of R&D SALES PRODUCTiON ADMiNiSTRATiON Pietro Platini DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT AND fiNANCE Zoltan Makkai Marina agostini Laura Platini Pamela Orgiu Vanda Zanetta Pieranna Castaldi MANUALS AND HARDwARE PRODUCTiON DATASHEETS DEVELOPMENT Sergio Leonardi SALES Gloria Gavinelli Zoltan Makkai andrea Collia Roberto Orfella ADMiNiSTRATiON Melissa allocca Elena Marchesin Stefano Vanoli Gianni Ghioldo Matteo Gorletta Paola Moia ExPORT SALES Sw AND iT anna Maria Gatti Barbara Sacco Marina Vaccarella DEVELOPMENT fiRMwARE ana Belén Cazallas Rosa Vigliarolo andrea Cardani DEVELOPMENT alberto Raggio Gioele Gatti Pellengo Roberto Orfella andrea Mazzola DOMESTiC SALES LOGiSTiCS Piero Cisarò Melissa allocca TESTS Bledard Buceza Gioele Gatti Pellengo ExTERNAL Luca abate MARkETiNG ExTERNAL davide ingignoli RESOURCES alessia Zacchei RESOURCES 7
OuR fRUiTS OuR PROduCTS NETwORk ANALYSERS MiD ENERGY COUNTERS Power meters for industrial energy Single and three-phase meters, to control, DiN rail or panel mounting measure and control consumption, (96x96mm or 144x144mm). MiD approved , to be combined with different communication modules. ROGOwSki COiLS PQ METERS - CLASS A Rogowski coils for current CLASS A certifjed according to IEC/ measurement, to be combined with EN 61000-4-30:2015 Ed.3 to monitor signal integrators for a stand alone power quality both for industrial measurement kit or to be connected applications and utilities. with measurement devices suitable for their use. ad HOC dESiGNiNG OEM PROJECTS & CUSTOMizATiONS • Standard Brand Labelling • Enhanced Brand Labelling • Customized Designing 8
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