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Todd Thri(, University of Florida 6/2/17 Strategic Use of - PDF document

Todd Thri(, University of Florida 6/2/17 Strategic Use of Heterosis History is important T.A. Thrift, M. Hersom, J. Yelich Department of Animal Science University of Florida circa 1851 circa 1901 Shore

  1. Todd ¡Thri(, ¡University ¡of ¡Florida ¡ 6/2/17 ¡ Strategic Use of Heterosis History is important T.A. Thrift, M. Hersom, J. Yelich Department of Animal Science University of Florida circa 1851 circa 1901 “Shore they’re registered. Four different banks have papers on em!” circa 1951 2017 ¡BIF ¡Symposium, ¡Athens, ¡Ga. ¡ 1 ¡

  2. Todd ¡Thri(, ¡University ¡of ¡Florida ¡ 6/2/17 ¡ circa 1951 “Modern Housewife’s Dislike for Excess Fat Points to High Lean Beef Production in the Future” The Florida Cattleman September 1955 Selection works 2017 ¡BIF ¡Symposium, ¡Athens, ¡Ga. ¡ 2 ¡

  3. Todd ¡Thri(, ¡University ¡of ¡Florida ¡ 6/2/17 ¡ circa 1981 circa 1971 But did any of this result in more calves….or better yet more profit? 2017 ¡BIF ¡Symposium, ¡Athens, ¡Ga. ¡ 3 ¡

  4. Todd ¡Thri(, ¡University ¡of ¡Florida ¡ 6/2/17 ¡ Is color a good indicator of uniformity? “The breeding of beef cattle has made a fad of certain breeds, even going so far as to set up a color instead of milk or beef producing qualities as the primary selection criterion” Discussion of the cattle industry in the 1890’s, James Westfalll Thompson How much marbling is too much? We should learn from the past but not live in it! Can we make an animal with too many ribeye steaks? How much muscling is too much? 2017 ¡BIF ¡Symposium, ¡Athens, ¡Ga. ¡ 4 ¡

  5. Todd ¡Thri(, ¡University ¡of ¡Florida ¡ 6/2/17 ¡ “To breed for optimum means to have a The beef cattle industry has a history target in sight beyond which you don’t want to go. If your goal is to maintain an optimum of going just a little too far in one level for any trait, the evidence of your direction accomplishment is not visible change, but lack of it.” Dr. Rick Bourdon Are the extremes profitable? Did the poultry industry obtain their Are the extremes even functional? current position by single-trait selection? What does it cost? “I am weaning 750 lb calves, selling them for a quarter a pound over market and What are the long term consequences? achieving 99% pregnancy rates…..with straightbred cows” 2017 ¡BIF ¡Symposium, ¡Athens, ¡Ga. ¡ 5 ¡

  6. Todd ¡Thri(, ¡University ¡of ¡Florida ¡ 6/2/17 ¡ Fertility in Dairy Cattle The Dairy Industry Uses Straightbreeding How much should we modify the environment? Genetic Antagonisms Too often we select animals in a No one breed maximizes/optimizes the 3 M’s favorable environment with the hope that they will be productive in Maternal a harsh environment. Muscle Or we feed more! Marbling In all environments 2017 ¡BIF ¡Symposium, ¡Athens, ¡Ga. ¡ 6 ¡

  7. Todd ¡Thri(, ¡University ¡of ¡Florida ¡ 6/2/17 ¡ Genetic Antagonisms Best Managed by Crossbreeding Do We Need to Crossbreed? Should we be asking this question? “Say … what’s a mountain goat doing way up here in a cloud bank?” Do we have too many breeds? Mongrelized Mess? Too many breeds? Is crossbreeding the problem? Or is it inappropriate use of breed diversity? 2017 ¡BIF ¡Symposium, ¡Athens, ¡Ga. ¡ 7 ¡

  8. Todd ¡Thri(, ¡University ¡of ¡Florida ¡ 6/2/17 ¡ Have we always been upfront about strengths and weaknesses We wholesale promoted of breeds? crossbreeding in the 1970s-1990s without regard to the system or How many of you have turned away breeds used in each system a bull customer and told them “you don’t need my breed of bull!” By-Product Heterosis Rotational Systems Circa 1990 Charolais Simmental Limousin Does Heterosis Still Exist? Benefits of Crossbreeding It has been suggested since many breeds are similar in size today heterosis no longer exist. Hybrid vigor/Heterosis 1440 1417 1408 1420 1406 1401 Breed complementarity 1400 1388 1380 1368 LBS 1360 1340 1320 1320 1300 1280 Crossbreeding is the most rapid means of 1260 meeting changes in market demand. Gelbvieh Charolais Limousin Simmental Red Angus Angus Hereford Breed 2017 ¡BIF ¡Symposium, ¡Athens, ¡Ga. ¡ 8 ¡

  9. Todd ¡Thri(, ¡University ¡of ¡Florida ¡ 6/2/17 ¡ Which traits have the most monetary reward? Does Heterosis Still Exist? Breed complementarity would be reduced as a result Trait REV h 2 %HV REV* of breeds being similar in size but heterosis should Reproduction 10 <20 10 5 not be reduced! Production 2 20-40 5 2 Product 1 >40 0 2 *Adjusted based on current trends towards product Adapted from Willham, 1967, Melton 1995 Beef Cow Efficiency is Reproduction — Or Else! Where are your priorities? Earle Klosterman-Ohio State 1976 Gulf Coast Priorities Performance of the Brahman cross female (F1 Brahman x British) As compared to straightbreds • Calving rate +10% • Calf survival +5% • Weaning rate +12.5% • Calf weight at weaning +70 lbs Louisiana - Franke, 1980 2017 ¡BIF ¡Symposium, ¡Athens, ¡Ga. ¡ 9 ¡

  10. Todd ¡Thri(, ¡University ¡of ¡Florida ¡ 6/2/17 ¡ Performance of the Brahman cross female (F1 Brahman x British) As compared to straightbreds • Calving rate +16% The Brahman F1 • Calving interval -9% is the Cadillac • Weaning rate +19% • Weaning weight +13% Florida – Riley et al., 2007, 2014 Red Cadillac Black Cadillac Spotted Cadillac Hybrid Vigor-Are We Ignoring the Facts? • Is highest in factors affecting efficiency of cows – Fertility – Calf survival – Longevity • Is intermediate in growth traits – Milk Production – Weight gain • Is low in carcass traits – Fat thickness – REA Hybrid vigor for most traits seems to be greatest in sub-optimal environments 2017 ¡BIF ¡Symposium, ¡Athens, ¡Ga. ¡ 10 ¡

  11. Todd ¡Thri(, ¡University ¡of ¡Florida ¡ 6/2/17 ¡ Straightbreeding Heterosis 2+2= 4 Trait Individual Maternal Total Calving rate 0 6 6 Weaning rate 0 8 8 Crossbreeding Pubertal at 15 months 15 - 15 2+2= 5 Survival to weaning 3 1 4 Birth weight 4 2 6 Weaning weight 5 6 11 Crossbreeding with the Brahman Milk production - 6 6 Weaning weight/cow exposed - - 18 cross female Cow longevity - - 38 2+2=6 Cow lifetime productivity - - 23 Adapted from Taylor 2007 and Kress 1999 Lbs of calf weaned per cow exposed can be increased 25-35% or more due to the cumulative effects of hybrid vigor! More than half of this advantage is dependant on the use of a crossbred cow! Cow Longevity- Are they really Cow Longevity productive to an OLD AGE? Brahman x Hereford Cows Mated to Simmental Bulls Breed Age Age Weaning Wt Angus 10.3 Hereford 9.8 3-12 years 565 Brahman 9.7 Angus x Hereford 11.7 12-17 years 569 Brahman x Angus 14.7 Brahman x Hereford 13.2 Texas - Rohrer et al., 1988a Texas - Gaertner et al., 1992 2017 ¡BIF ¡Symposium, ¡Athens, ¡Ga. ¡ 11 ¡

  12. Todd ¡Thri(, ¡University ¡of ¡Florida ¡ 6/2/17 ¡ 1970 Chevrolet Longevity 1970 Chevrolet Custom Deluxe • Change oil • Tighten 3 belts AC AND a Sold in 1983 with • Change belts • Check points RADIO! 54,000 miles!! • Change plugs • Rust holes in “Worn Out” muffler $4,000 • Check brake fluid • Set timing • Tune carburetor Longevity 1997 Ford 7.3L 1997 Ford 250 Super Duty F250 Super • Change oil Duty • Never tightened a belt • Change belt… belt 412,000 miles!! • No Points All the Bells • Never touched glow plugs “Just getting broke • Original muffler and Whistles in” • Never check brake fluid for 1997 • Never touched motor • Never touched injectors • 3-4 clutches $32,000 The crossbred The increased longevity of these cow is Brahman crossbred females results in fewer replacement females being similar to required thus allowing for more the 7.3 L intense selection? diesel Thrift and Thrift, 2003 2017 ¡BIF ¡Symposium, ¡Athens, ¡Ga. ¡ 12 ¡

  13. Todd ¡Thri(, ¡University ¡of ¡Florida ¡ 6/2/17 ¡ First Question when Choosing a Crossbreeding System? Most producers are going to raise Do I raise or purchase my replacements? their own replacement heifers even if they should not! Depends on the size of the operation Simple Systems that Produce Replacement Females heterosis Crossbreeding systems do not have Breed relative to F1 (%) 2 breed rotation 67 to be based on the F1 cow 3 breed rotation 86 2 breed composite 3/8 5/8 47 3 breed composite ½ ¼ ¼ 62.5 4 breed composite ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 75 Terminal 100 with F1 female purchased Terminal Sire So how can we use this “Ideal” cow and still produce an “Ideal” calf that • Maximizes hybrid vigor will meet market demands? • Takes advantage of complementarity • Often expensive to purchase females Planned Crossbreeding Program • Only 50% of cows can be bred this way – The rest must be in a system that produces replacements Terminal Sire! 2017 ¡BIF ¡Symposium, ¡Athens, ¡Ga. ¡ 13 ¡


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