today s event hcpc s standards of conduct performance and

Todays event HCPCs Standards of conduct, performance and ethics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Review of HCPCs standards of conduct performance and ethics, Tuesday 25 March 2014 Welcome Todays event HCPCs Standards of conduct, performance and ethics Shaping our lives: report on HCPC findings Michael Guthrie, Director of

  1. Review of HCPC‟s standards of conduct performance and ethics, Tuesday 25 March 2014 Welcome

  2. Today’s event • HCPC‟s Standards of conduct, performance and ethics • Shaping our lives: report on HCPC findings

  3. Michael Guthrie, Director of Policy and Standards 25 March 2014 Reviewing the standards of conduct, performance and ethics

  4. Today’s workshop • Our standards of conduct, performance and ethics • Review process • Issues already raised • Discussion • Feedback

  5. Our standards of conduct, performance and ethics Set out what we expect of professionals: • Conduct - how you should behave personally and professionally • Performance - what you should do in practice • Ethics - principles that inform how you do what you do

  6. Reviewing the standards • Reviewed every five years to ensure standards are: • Up-to-date and relevant • Useful for professionals and public • Accessible • Appropriate

  7. Current review • Phase one: research period • Exploring the expectations of stakeholders • Gathering feedback on the standards • Phase two: Professional Liaison Group (PLG) – 2014 • Discuss key themes and devise draft standards • Phase three: public consultation • Consultation on draft standards

  8. The review so far • Gathering feedback • Commissioned research with service users and carers and registrants • Workshops with service user and carer groups • Survey of fitness to practise chairs • Workshops with employers and registrants • Professional Liaison Group (PLG) – 2014 • Public consultation – early 2015-2016

  9. Major changes since the last review • Three new professions on HCPC register: • Practitioner psychologists • Hearing aid dispensers • Social workers in England • Public Inquiries

  10. Areas already raised for review Raising and escalating concerns and being open • Standards currently say: „…As soon as you become aware of a situation that puts a service user in danger, you should discuss the matter with a senior colleague or other appropriate person.‟ • HCPC considering how this could be strengthened, perhaps through a dedicated standard

  11. Areas already raised for review Being open and dealing with mistakes • The Focus Group research, along with other commissioned research, concluded that there is a need to make clear the: „… responsibility of a report incidents and ensure the safety of the service user by responding appropriately and supporting and providing information to the service user where things go wrong .‟ • Francis Inquiry recommendations about a „duty of candour‟

  12. Other areas raised during the review to date • Use of social media • Collaborative approach to care/treatment • Dealing fairly and safely with risk of infection • Values underpinning care/treatment • Personal and professional conduct • Format, accessibility and language of the standards

  13. Shaping Our Lives HCPC review of the Standards of conduct, performance and ethics Becki Meakin 25 th March 2014

  14. Shaping Our Lives Vision : A society which is equal and fair where all people have: • the same opportunities, choices, rights and responsibilities, • choice and control; over the way they live and the support services they use.

  15. We aim to: Improve the quality of care and support people receive by: • Supporting and promoting local user involvement • Giving a shared voice to user controlled organisations • Enabling service user involvement at a national level • Enabling groups to link to other user controlled groups • Work in an equal and accessible manner.

  16. What we do • User involvement: policy and planning • User research: to inform national policy makers • User-led training: inclusivity and diversity

  17. Review of the HCPC Standards of conduct, performance and ethics

  18. Definition of a service user • HCPC: “someone who uses or is affected by the services of a registrant” • Shaping Our Lives: “disabled people, but also a wider group including people who are homeless, with experience of long term care and with drug and alcohol use issues

  19. Methodology • Service user perspective – disabled people, people from diverse communities and carers • 31 interviews (up to one hour) • Interviewees ranged from under 18 to 77 years old, six declared to be carers • Range of living arrangements, some with support • Focus group of 10 people • Study produced by people with learning disabilities

  20. Methodology continued • Standards were modified for accessibility, prompts provided and additional questions about awareness and accessibility • Not all of the supporting notes were provided • 19 women, 16 men • 70% living with a long term condition or impairment • 17 people declared as white, 20 as either black, Afro- Caribbean, African, or Asian. • There was experience of all 16 professions

  21. Findings General • Service users and carers reflected on their own lived experiences “Understanding that I am the best person that knows me, my capabilities and my body .” • Concerns regarding awareness of equality issues such as accessible communication, premises and capacity of the individual. • Issues often raised in discussion that were covered in the supporting text or other documents.

  22. Findings continued Understanding existing standards • Standards were modified and generally understood • Not all accessible to people with learning disabilities •Standard 1 and the definition of „best interests‟ proved most difficult • Merge 1 and 3 with focus on respect, understanding and behaviours of practitioners.

  23. Findings continued Relevance • Some concerns raised about the aspiration of: Standard 6 – choice of referral options Standard 8 - supervision of delegated tasks • Standard 14 was questioned: What role does the Advertising Standards Authority have? • This is part of acting with integrity and honesty

  24. Findings continued Additions • Consideration of user involvement, disability awareness and accessibility Beyond the remit of the research • Doubts that one set of standards could work for both professionals and people who use services • Raise awareness of the SCPE, the HCPC and their role • Make the SCPE more readily available

  25. Findings continued The Words and Pictures Team • Some words were misunderstood: - Standards, confidentiality, personal conduct, competence, practitioner •Standard 6 caused difficulty with expression „limits of your knowledge‟ •“I think the word permission would be better than informed consent”. • Standard 12 was difficult as a concept and one person asked: “Does judgement mean when you are diagnosed?”

  26. Recommendations • Distinguish between those relating to conduct and performance of practitioners within their profession and those for people using services • Customer charter or checklist made available at service point Being in control • People are experts in their own care. • Right to choose • Standards cover good practice for user involvement.

  27. Recommendations continued Integration and Joint Working • Integration and joint working between professionals Accessibility • Include all aspects of accessibility, physical, communication, attitude and behaviour • State what is unacceptable in the provision of goods and services. • Accessible language, concepts and formats • Ease of accessing the SCPE.

  28. Recommendations continued Protecting Service Users • Use of technology and how this conflicts with confidentiality and accessibility • Explicit policy regarding whistleblowing by practitioners to safeguard vulnerable people • Complaints procedures and role of SCPE • Awareness raising and clarity about the role of the HCPC .

  29. Thank you If you require more information please contact: Becki Meakin 07956 424511

  30. Looking at the standards • How do you think the standards could be improved? • What needs to be added? • Is anything unclear? • Is anything out of date?

  31. Finding out more and getting in touch 0845 3004472 (lo-call) Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm Find us on Follow us @ The_hcpc Follow us on Sign up for our RSS feeds Sign up to our newsletter

  32. Thank you Thank you


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