standards australia update

Standards Australia Update Standards Australia Technical - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Standards Australia Update Standards Australia Technical Governance Review Today Digital Transformation Update Incubator Young Leaders About Standards Australia Nation's peak non-government, not-for-profit Standards

  1. Standards Australia Update

  2. • Standards Australia • Technical Governance Review Today • Digital Transformation Update • Incubator • Young Leaders

  3. About Standards Australia • Nation's peak non-government, not-for-profit Standards body with 96 years experience and 7000+ standards • Represents Australia on the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) • Trusted partner of the Australian Government with a strong track record of domestic and international program delivery

  4. Our role What we do What we don’t do • We facilitate the development of • We do not make laws or internationally harmonised regulations standards and other solutions that • Test or certify products or make a positive contribution to systems Australia

  5. Our Action Plan looks at today and tomorrow 2017/2018 Action Plan BUSINESS INITIATIVES Governance Digital Business Engagement Business improvement readiness Our people stream stream Innovation Distribution

  6. Standards Australia Distribution Principles We want to open up access to our content as soon as we can 1 achieving market terms in 2018 We want to achieve multiple sustainable channels to market for 2 Australian and International Standards We recognise that customers increasingly want more, and in the 3 digital world, different business models underpin content distribution Our distribution arrangements will be built around a customer 4 experience 5 We believe that open markets drive innovation and customer care

  7. 2017/2018 Action Plan Governance Reviews “Led by the Board, a thorough review of governance arrangements and processes at a technical, company and accreditation level … to ensure continued relevance in existing and new areas.” Technical Governance Review Substantially completed. Company Governance Review Scoping Workshop completed. Accreditation Governance Scoping underway.

  8. Standards Australia Technical Governance Review

  9. Key findings 1. Significant improvement 2. Rapidly evolving Demands, risks environment 3. Significant criticisms 4. A widening gap Time - 9 - - 9 -

  10. nclus oblem-solv s / processe paths / St Stra rategi gic p prio riorit ritie Multiple p g / media Inc olving / usion Probl teres Accessibilit of input ty o Transpar aren ency then quality ength Mon Monit itori ring a g and c con sses c inte Stren proac A. Mor More str strat ategi gic ap approa oach B. Mor More op e open en proce ocesses C. Mor More p oactive q public i ben then p ength Stren Appr pproval pr enefits - mmunity b qual comm ticulate co Arti assurance ty assu ality ontrols Themes for change ies - For standards as a whole and by sector (or other segment) s - Optional est - Embed and ‘best-fit’ pathways for development, articulate publicly, strengthen technical comment, approval governance t - Skills/ experience definition for committees, Economic estimates of benefits of standards professional writers and chairs and publishing ols - Strengthen monitoring, project management, performance monitoring n - Broaden range of participants, iation - Protocols greater public access and input for technical disagreements, escalation of problems, complaints cy - Better visibility and explanation of processes and decisions process - Transparent, rigorous appeals mechanism, conflict management for processes lity - Improve ability to comment, request changes, complain, raise issues - 10 - - 10 -

  11. Initial response to Technical Governance Final Report 1. The analysis was compelling 2. Doing nothing, or little, is not an option 3. Great strides. Measured steps 4. Trust must remain at the core of the system

  12. There are three things that we need to do… Consider Consult Test and Pilot with those with an interest in our some of the initiatives that we the findings of the CRK report and processes and work, and beyond want to get on with to ensure the how we can use them to improve those who are core contributors best chances of success. our current processes with an eye today. on today and an eye on tomorrow. … while acknowledging there’s probably not a ‘one size fits all’ solution to a number of opportunities

  13. We are going to spend time now looking at each element… More More Open strategic Committee Development Public Voting Prioritisation Maintenance composition and drafting comment approval More Proactive QA

  14. CRK Final report and SA released April 2018 Consultation forums: Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Web April 2018 Technical Governance review Written feedback sought by 15 May 2018 Next steps Senior Leadership and Stakeholder Engagement teams are available for discussions throughout this process Roadmap and Implementation Plan Released July 2018

  15. Digital Transformation Delivered

  16. And more to come…

  17. Challenging the status quo

  18. Proof of concept — AS 4654.2 Waterproofing

  19. Iterative design

  20. Join the evolution

  21. Young Leaders Program Training Meetings SA Mentor Technical Committee Standards Working Group development and SA Governance other training ****Applications for the 2018-19 program Networking are open now and will Formal and informal be closing on 30 Interactive workshops June 2018.****

  22. Keep in Touch / e-news Standards Australia @standardsaus + @sa_incubator @StandardsAustralia

  23. Questions

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