Management of Education Standards Across Australia A CASE STUDY OF NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS FOR TEACHERS AND PRINCIPALS AND NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR TEACHER EDUCATION TASS is an Australia-Indonesia Government Partnership Managed by the Palladium Group
Looking at the management of Educational Standards across Australia
Roles and Responsibilities of Federal and State Governments The Federal Government The Federal or Commonwealth Government is responsible for the conduct of national affairs. They fund the state education agenda which must commit to national priorities including: • Young people are meeting basic literacy and numeracy standards • Australian students excel by international standards. • Young people make a successful transition from school to work and further study. • Schooling promotes social inclusion and reduces the educational disadvantage of children, especially Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. • There is a suite of national partnerships associated with the funding and implementation of specific programs including Improving Teacher Quality for Literacy and Numeracy, Low Socio-Economic Status School Communities, Early Childhood Education and Care, Youth Attainment and Transitions. State or Territory Government Each state has its own constitution setting out its system of government. They are responsible for education but must adhere to the federal government tied funding requirements. They must comply with ACARA (Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting) and AITSL (the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership) requirements
Looking at Teacher and Principal Professional Standards in Australia
Introducing AITSL’s work AITSL works with the education community to: o Set and maintain standards for excellence in preservice teaching, teaching and school leadership o Lead and influence excellence in teaching and school leadership o Support and recognise excellence in teaching and school leadership o Provide current and significant research and programs
AITSL’s work o Australian Charter for the Professional Learning of Teachers and School Leaders o National Professional Standards for Teachers o National Professional Standard for Principals o Professional Learning Flagship Programs o Professional standards for Initial Teacher Education (universities)
THE AUSTRALIAN PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS FOR TEACHING The Standards: • are a public statement of what constitutes quality teaching. • define the work of teachers. • make explicit the elements of high quality, effective teaching in 21 st century schools. • provide a framework that describes the knowledge, practice and professional engagement required across teachers’ careers. • provide a common language between teachers, teacher educators, educational organisations and the public.
THE FOUR CAREER STAGES The four career stages in the Standards provide benchmarks to recognise the professional growth of teachers throughout their careers. Dual purpose: • improvement • career progression Mandatory levels: • Graduate Teacher • Proficient Teacher Voluntary levels: • Highly Accomplished • Lead Teacher
SEVEN STANDARDS Professional Knowledge Standard 1 Know students and how they learn Standard 2 Know the content and how to teach it Professional Practice Standard 3 Plan and implement effective teaching and learning Standard 4 Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments Standard 5 Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning Professional Engagement Standard 6 Engage in professional learning Standard 7 Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
ORGANISATION OF THE STANDARDS Standard Career Stage Focus Standard Descriptor/s
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers Learning Tools Looking at Classroom Practice 14
The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and their applications Improvement Highly Graduate Proficient Lead Accomplished Australian Professional Standards for Teachers Accreditation of Accreditation of Accreditation of Initial Teacher Proficient Highly Accreditation of Education Teachers Accomplished Lead Teachers Programs (All Teachers) Teachers Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework Australian Charter for the Professional Learning of Teachers and School Leaders 15
The Australian Professional Standard for Principals o The Standard captures the crucial elements of a principal’s role in: raising student achievement ensuring equity and excellence creating a school where quality teaching and learning thrive meeting the needs of the community helping to shape the wider education system.
What is the Standard? o The Standard is a public statement which sets out what Principals are expected to know, understand and do . o It is represented as an integrated model . o The Standard aims to: define the role and unify the profession nationally describe professional practice in a common language make explicit the role of quality school leadership in raising standards for the 21 st century
The Australian Professional Standard for Principals Context : School, sector, community: socio-economic, geographic: and education systems at local, regional, national and global levels The standard for principals : The role in action Leadership requirements Professional practices Vision Knowledge Personal High quality Successful and and qualities, learners, learning, values understanding social and confident teaching interpersonal and creative skills schooling individuals and active informed Leading teaching and learning citizens* Developing self and others Leading improvement, innovation and change Leading the management of the school Engaging and working with the community
Why is the Standard so important? o To : provide a framework for professional learning attract, develop and support principals guide self improvement and assessment guide the management of self and others communicate the role to the wider community
22 How can the Australian Standard for Principals be used to support your professional growth?
Where did the Leadership Profiles come from? Australian 360 ° Reflection Tool Leadership Profiles Professional Standard (2013) (2014) for Principals (2011)
For current and aspiring principals Talent development and succession Identifying professional learning for self and leadership team Self and leadership team reflection Coaching and mentoring
For system leaders Talent development and succession Selection and recruitment Performance and development Identifying professional learning for individuals and groups
Model of Behaviour change
Awareness EXAMPLE Ben has always struggled with giving feedback to under- performing staff. He has become aware that, in his new role, he will need to engage in these difficult conversations to embed his leadership and bring about whole-school improvement.
Attitude EXAMPLE Ben is determined to overcome his reluctance to say what he is thinking and stop skirting around difficult issues. He feels that, in the past, he has not been sufficiently honest and direct with staff. His commitment to becoming an effective leader has given him the drive and confidence to believe he can tackle this reluctance.
Knowledge EXAMP To build his knowledge about providing negative feedback, Ben LE uses the online Leadership Profiles resources to explore how to develop his interpersonal skills and relationships with others. In his research, he comes across ‘Fierce Conversations’ by Susan Scott and finds the case studies and exercises are really helpful in planning what he is going to do.
Action EXAMPLE Ben discusses the approach he plans to take with his mentor and begins by tackling an issue that has been troubling him since he arrived at the school – the lack of punctuality of two members of staff.
Behaviour change EXAMPLE Ben begins to realise that people expect him to be truly authentic in his role. Far from ‘damaging’ those he has robust conversations with, they start to respect him and take on board his feedback.
Profiles: Progressive and increasing in proficiency Stateme tement nt of early y profici iciency ncy Principals promote the benefits of professional learning to all staff and make sure that their willingness and efforts to learn and improve are recognised. They develop and implement an organisational vision which links all learning and development activities to better student outcomes ……… Stateme tement nt of later er profi ficie ciency cy Principals create challenging roles, responsibilities and opportunities for senior leaders that leverage and grow the talents of others. They build and sustain a coaching and mentoring culture… and have a system of peer review and feedback in place ………
Leadership through different lenses
Model of professional practice 9
Screengrab of Clearinghouse 13
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