to increase understanding of the the difference between

@ .To increase understanding of the The difference between - PDF document

4/s/2OtB nderstanding Human Behavior U GOALS @ .To increase understanding of the The difference between "conscious/explicit behavior" vs. nature and sources of implicit bias "unconscious/implicit behavior" . To understand

  1. 4/s/2OtB nderstanding Human Behavior U GOALS @ .To increase understanding of the The difference between "conscious/explicit behavior" vs. nature and sources of implicit bias "unconscious/implicit behavior" . To understand how bias affects perceptions and behavior .To develop an initial understanding of Conscious how bias contributes to systemic racism s. . To develop skills/strategies for Unconscious/ reducing or overriding our biases L

  2. 4ls/20L8 Processinglnforrnation Human Bias Filters r Neocortex At anypoint in time... o Conscious thought, language, reasoning . LimbicSystem o We are exposed to nearly ttrooorooo pieces o Categorizes rhe Arolutlon-fr€slgned Braln of information whatwe o Ourbrains can perceive fr rnctionally recognize . Reptilian Brain about40 o Controls Ure o And focus on only vital Rttlllta thlnl 7 lJnblc6yrt fra tla@rtsa U Human Bias Understanding Human Bias The difference between "Enplicit Bias" Implicit vs. "Implicit Bias" . Automaticity . Shared experience Explicit Bias . Speed o Reflective . Adaptive o Explicit . Associative o Requires motivation, . Outside of awareness o Takes moretime 2

  3. 4/e/20L8 Human Bias Human Bias . Often we do not lorow when we are Explicit/Conscious Bias impacted by biases (implicit) I 1927: KKK. nllyin MontpeliervT There are Tlrpes of Bias The most common include: . Confirmation/Commitment bias- latching on to information that confirms our beliefs. . Selective Attention- buy a car-suddenly you see the same model everywhere . Piagnosls/Value/Anchoring labeling based on r$ lmpressrons . Group think- influence offamily, friends, etc. . Anchorine bias- tendency to relytoo heavily on one trait or piece of information . Affinitv Bias- an implicit bias for people who are like us 3

  4. 4ls/2018 of Implicit Bias: Height Bias Whatpercentage of men are over 6'z" tall? There are many studies documenting implicit bias in nearly every aspect of life. Whatpercentage of Corporate CEOs are over 6'zt'tall? Value Bias: Height Bias- Names g . Job applicants with names associated with whites What percentage of American men are over 6 feet tall? received a callback for one of every ten resumes; names associated with Blacks were one in fifteen Carrie and Kristen- callback rate of more than tB96 Whatpercentage of Corporate CEOs are Aisha- z.z% over 6 feet tall? Keisha- 9.8% Tamika- 5.4% 4

  5. 4/s/20L8 Confi rmation Bias-Gender Bias: Gender Huricane Alexandra vs. Hurricane Identical applications for a science lab assistant (o<cept for Alexander a male or female name) were sent to faculty at various o Changing a hurricane's name from male to institutions. The applicants with male names: female nearly triples the storm's fatalities *were offered the position more often; * offered more mentoring opportunities; .:.offered thousands more in salary than identically qualified women. Both male and female faculty applicants similarly. Diagnosis Bias- Gender Tell the Color of the Text + + Boston Symphony Orchestra- r95z- created blind autlitions to o Green o Red control for gender bias. . Blue . Blue . Placetl individuals behind a screen (macle no real ilifference). o Red o Yellow . Ble;k o Green . Hadpeopleremove . Purple their shoes to control for the click clack of o Black women's heels o Blue o Blue . Orange . Black . Other orchestras atlopted the blind auclition, o Green o Brown . Red . Brown A 1997 study of u major orchestras documented a 55% increase in hiring of female musicians. 5

  6. 4/s/20L8 Information Pattern Recognition-Read the Following . Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I Whom do we prejudge? cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. Persons who we do not know (ambiguous stimuli) . lt si the phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, . Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmoranttl Pattern Recognition Listen to this... v/ To make sense of the world we put things into groups... {3 { 6

  7. 4/e/20L8 Bias Information We Have Yes, you do and so do I. The characteristics we attribute to a person . Implicit bias is often incompatible with our come from: explicit attitudes . Fight or Flight- amygdala brain function . Bven well-intentioned people have implicit . Categorization biases-it does not make us bad people . StereoVping . We are the products of a culture that is .Institutional bias (press, movies, TV, etc.) biased . Implicit biases influence our perceptions . Lack of contact and our behavior The Powerof "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -MarcsAurelius Most instances of perceived discrimination contain some ambiguity. Thus the person's pcxecptle11will likely determine his or her reaction to the same set of circumstances. 7

  8. 4/s/20L8 Are the tops of these tables ttre same? a d o -o a o H .o F : 8

  9. 4/e/20L8 Passes Does The Team In White Make? HowMany Susan Frisch, Princeton University, used a MRI scanner to observe... \".19 TestYour Biases Cfid$ls ".d Go to one of these websites and test your implicit biases about race (and any others you want to do). -rltr&rldqrc f@aillr http: / lwww.understandingprejudice.orgllat/racframe. -i.*b.ldil- htm http: //www.tolerance.ore/hiddenbias 9

  10. 4/s/2018 omen as property men a .Taking land from Native Americans by force and extermination .U.S. Immigration laws . Denial of the right to vote (blacks and women) .Jim Crow/Segregation . Separate But Equal Racism Institutional Media Bias The systematic subordination of members of targeted White Suspect groups who have little social power in the U.S. (Blacks, Son in Staten Island murders wasbrilliant, Latino/as, Native Americans, Asians) by the members athletic- but his demons were ttre death of of the dominant racial group who have more social parents power (Whites). This to how thc St{tqr Islsd 4dysre.!r'yfF.!! thc (:le of Ertc klluei a mcntdly ill New York morwlo ollsdy Ud his parcntr. BlackVictim Prejudice/bias (explicit or Trayvon Martin was suspended three times implicit) + power = oppression from school Mcanwhilc, NBt New.Blr tlri,$ llrldliiq dnring ongoirrg covcrage of thc Tmwon Martin killinA. 10

  11. 4/e/2oL8 Same Station Same Crime, Same Day, @l HowUnconscious Bias Plays Out You Get the Picture o) el) These two nearly identical photos with very different captions appeared almost simultaneously,.. Lt

  12. 4/e/20L8 . Unearned benefits conferred upon members of mainstream or dominant groups (in the U.S. these include male, white, heterosexual, affluent, young, able-bodied, and/or Christian) at the expense of other groups. Dominant groups may be unaware of their privilege or simply take it for granted. Systemic Racism Systemic racism refers to an highly adaptive system that ensures unequal distribution of resources between or among racial groups. White people continue to benefit from institutional racism even ifwe are not personally responsible for the aspects ofit. People of color can be at the tables of power but the vast majority of decision-makers will be White. L2

  13. 4/e/2018 true we can Institutional Bias Matters we these ,ilcdlm ly4lti 8y R@ & Edwdlor eor3, t Linll$..ddladldl j,1.4'\| lx *t*l-ffi*'nf $$$ I f I ffiffiffiffi I I Combatting Bias TheWealth ls . The already large wealth gap between whites Step 1 and Blacks quadrupledbetween 1984 and Recognize and acknowledge your explicit 2oo7. biases and implement controlled responses. httl;/Jiryr,ns,"undgrslgndingp.tej-udi-cc'sr.cliaV-r-apfiame.,bm o In 1995 white households had 10 times as http : //www. much wealth as Blackhouseholds. Inzor4 white households are worth zo times what Black households are worth. 13

  14. 4/s/2OL8 Concern About Discrimination Step e Associations may be on based skewed, over- generalized information or distorted beliefs or Be concerned aboutthe consequences of stereotlpes, failing to aclorowledge or override your Factors that affect processing include: enplicit bias . Ambiguous or incomplete information Dormant beliefs, attitudes, intentions and other . Compromised cognitive load similar constructs are activated below implicit o Time constraints awareness and have observable effects on judgments . Overconfidence in objectivity and actions despite your good explicit intentions. Reducing these conditions can make us less susceptible REFLECT t Implemen to Overcome Bias Spend time reflecting on your biases- How were they formed? Is there a sound or logical reason for them? 14

  15. 4le/20L8 COMMIT CONFRONT Commit to obtaining specific information Each person l . Racists are bad people; I am a good, moral person about a person. therefore I cannot be racist stereotype of is unique- not a . Our countrv has equaliF of oDDortunitv. Therefore, a group. neoole hav6 an eorial onportu:nitv so ifvou are not 3uciessful you are not fiying hard enodgh (meritocracy). . Racism is a thing of the past. We should just move on. Avoid profilingby proxy . I'm colorblind. We're allhuman. I treat everyone the (assuming that someone same. . Mv family suffered too but we didn't call it racism; speaks for all members of w6men aie oppressed too. Why is it always about race? theirgroup). ENGAGE MAINTAIN Keep making connections with individuals- embrace Positive contact between members of different groups the opportunities to meet and experience new people improves inter-group attitudes and reduces both and appreciate the differences that make them unique' explicit and implicit bias. L5


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