the only children s book choice awards in utah 1 goal to

The only childrens book choice awards in Utah! #1 Goal: To make a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Who? The only childrens book choice awards in Utah! #1 Goal: To make a positive difference in kids lives by introducing them to kid-friendly and quality literature Who? We really want to get the word out! 30% increase Last year

  1. Who? ● The only children’s book choice awards in Utah! ● #1 Goal: To make a positive difference in kids lives by introducing them to kid-friendly and quality literature

  2. Who? We really want to get the word out! 30% increase Last year This year This year 146,506 197,586 votes votes

  3. What can you do? Use Beehive Book spine labels

  4. What can you do? Display the books & collect votes

  5. What can you do? Put voting ballots in books for check-out

  6. What can you do? Collect votes during storytime

  7. What can you Host programs using the do? Beehive Books & collect votes

  8. What Submit votes online by April 1st can you do?

  9. What Partner with schools and can you do? participate in the Beehive Public Library Challenge!

  10. Why join? Join a volunteer team who want to get the word out and change lives!

  11. Why join? Enjoy a sneak peak at our long lists

  12. Why Utilize excellent programming and join? teaching resources in “Member Resources” Beehive Battle of the Books ● Instructions for libraries of all sizes ● Question bank in excel format ● Find in “Members Resources” Book Kits - See some examples today!

  13. Wy Why join? Support librarians and kids and win free join? books and prizes! ● School Library Challenge ● Public Library Challenge coming Fall 2019!

  14. Children’s Fiction

  15. Activity Use this Beehive Nominee in your library... Ideas Skype an Author Nominee authors who will Skype with classes or book groups: Diane Magras ● Erin Entrada Kelly ● Cynthia Kadohata ● Veera Hiranandani ● Julie Falatko ● Dusti Bowling ● List of Authors Who Skype - Kate Messner Authors & Storytellers - Skype in the Classroom

  16. Activity Use this Beehive Nominee in your library... Ideas Make a Poetry Comic 1. Choose or write a poem 2. Print out a comic template ( 3. Illustrate the poem

  17. Activity Use this Beehive Nominee in your library... Ideas Virtual Field Trips Indian Bronzes Collection, National Museum, New Delhi - Google Arts and Culture Browse the National Museum in Google Street View (this can be VR with Google Cardboard and a phone) Sanskriti Museum of Everyday Art - Google Arts and Culture

  18. Picture Books

  19. Activity Use this Beehive Nominee in your library... Ideas Make pet rocks Image: Teach meditation to increase optimism and mindfulness. GoNoodle ● Meditation Apps ●

  20. Activity Use this Beehive Nominee in your library... Ideas Peek-a-boo Walrus Cup Craft Walrus webcam

  21. Activity Use this Beehive Nominee in your library... Ideas Make movies or take “impossible” pictures Top 5 Free photo editing sites for kids ● Scholastic Making Movies in the ● Classroom Visit and explore the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum website

  22. Graphic Novels

  23. Activity Use this Beehive Nominee in your library... Ideas Organize a Sharing Time/Show-and-Tell Play “What’s the Time Mr. Wolf?”

  24. Activity Use this Beehive Nominee in your library... Ideas Create and run an obstacle course Write and mail a letter Educator’s of America international pen ● pal program PenPal Schools for project-based learning ● and communication

  25. Activity Use this Beehive Nominee in your library... Ideas Create a scavenger hunt or break out game about a period in history Create a timeline of your lifetime Image:

  26. Poetry

  27. Activity Use this Beehive Nominee in your library... Ideas Write poems about everyday school experiences. Easy poetry formats for students include: ● List poems ● Acrostic poems ● Concrete poems ● Free verse Use these awesome lesson plans from the author (and tied to the core curriculum)!

  28. Activity Use this Beehive Nominee in your library... Ideas Make moon sand Watch the 1969 moon landing

  29. Activity Use this Beehive Nominee in your library... Ideas Create and hang nest building supply depots

  30. Informational

  31. Activity Use this Beehive Nominee in your library... Ideas Schedule a visit from Scales and Tails Utah Learn more about the Komodo Dragon

  32. Activity Use this Beehive Nominee in your library... Ideas

  33. Activity Use this Beehive Nominee in your library... Ideas Use these lesson plans from World Book Day Show Malala’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech

  34. Young Adult

  35. Activity Ideas A few YA Beehive Nominees...

  36. Activity Use a Beehive Nominee in your library... Ideas Start a book club or book group Create a reading incentive program (Make it easy and use ours!) Inspire creative projects ● Journaling ● Graphic novel panels ● Fan art Image Source:

  37. How Enjoy a sneak peak at our long lists

  38. 2020 Beehive Book Award Winners!


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