to combat

to Combat IUU Fishing ASEAN REGIONAL FORUM April 2016 Combatting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Australias Measures to Combat IUU Fishing ASEAN REGIONAL FORUM April 2016 Combatting IUU Fishing Two key components: - Strong domestic legislation - International and regional cooperation Fisheries Management Act 1991 - Strong

  1. Australia’s Measures to Combat IUU Fishing ASEAN REGIONAL FORUM April 2016

  2. Combatting IUU Fishing Two key components: - Strong domestic legislation - International and regional cooperation

  3. Fisheries Management Act 1991 - Strong deterrent against Australian vessels from undertaking IUU fishing and allows action to be taken against vessels fishing illegally in Australian waters - Strong deterrent against international vessels from landing or transshipping fish without prior ministerial approval - Consistent with the FAO Port State Measures Agreement - Regulates the sale of fish and fish products

  4. Update to fisheries legislation Planned updates to legislation to: - increase penalties and introduce enforceable undertakings to make them more effective disincentives - clarify certain aspects of the offence and penalty regime, including the seizure and destruction of illegal vessels - investigate options to create new offences to prevent illegal fishing by stateless vessels and allow Australia to take action against these vessels

  5. Other relevant legislation: Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 - Assessment of the impacts of fishing on the broader marine ecosystem Maritime Powers Act 2013 - Provides for the administration and enforcement of Australian laws in maritime areas Customs Act 1901 - Prohibits the import of illegal goods, for example illegal catches of toothfish.

  6. Monitoring, control and surveillance - Minimum reporting requirements to the relevant government authority, including details of the type and level of fish that are caught - E-monitoring and observer programs - Vessel monitoring system required for all Commonwealth operators - National Compliance and Enforcement Policy - Ongoing surveillance of Australian waters

  7. National Plan of Action on IUU Fishing: - First released in 2005 - Updated Plan released November 2014 - Consistent with the FAO International Plan of Action

  8. International and Regional Collaboration - Continued RFMO engagement, including on the introduction and strengthening of regional monitoring, control and surveillance activities - Ratification of the FAO Port State Measures Agreement - Ratification of Niue Treaty Subsidiary Agreement progressing – expected in 2016 - Support for the Forum Fisheries Agency in the Pacific 8

  9. International and Regional Collaboration contd. - Regional Plan of Action in SE Asia – success against IUU operators in the Southern Ocean - International forums including FAO, IMO and UNGA

  10. Thank You

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