tizen using the smart approach to attract apps the

Tizen. Using the Smart Approach to Attract Apps the problem highly - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Tizen. Using the Smart Approach to Attract Apps the problem highly fragmented app market 3 825,000 850,000 145,000 * *Windows Phone Store 4 consumers developers 5 6 Xchange acts as a thin-wholesale layer between stores and apps 7

  1. Tizen. Using the Smart Approach to Attract Apps

  2. the problem

  3. highly fragmented app market 3

  4. 825,000 850,000 145,000 * *Windows Phone Store 4

  5. consumers developers 5

  6. 6

  7. Xchange acts as a thin-wholesale layer between stores and apps 7

  8. Xchange solves the major pain point for both developers and stores Carriers, OEMs Developers are and stores desperate for all need to sales but have differentiate no profitable their offering to options attract consumers Xchange matches developers and stores 8

  9. useful, relevant apps 9

  10. porting & more algorithm distribution apps are driven to the right app stores to maximize selection, profit and distribution with minimum effort 11

  11. appscore algorithm cuts through clutter; predicts app rank/value app developers enjoys optimized software distribution development across all stores companies antivirus screening and platforms helps screens apps for entry to Xchange through a web service or SDK 12

  12. appscore algorithm cuts through clutter; predicts app rank/value app developers enjoys optimized distribution across all stores antivirus screening and platforms helps screens apps for entry to Xchange through a web service or SDK 13

  13. developers can see appscore of current projects 14

  14. see incentive offers from multiple platforms • easy to manage dashboard • choose which platform to deploy to • automated submission to platform through Xchange 15

  15. Xchange delivers revenue and distribution effortlessly for developers Tracking & Distribute Effective Analysis Effortlessly Management Xchange tracks Distribute and Manage and analyzes deploy to multiple everything in one every install platforms dashboard effectively The effective, efficient, smart solution for creating revenue for software development companies 16

  16. developers, score your apps

  17. http://www.appbackr.com/tizencon 18

  18. http://www.appbackr.com/tizencon 19

  19. http://www.appbackr.com/tizencon 20

  20. Xchange dashboard

  21. Developers on Xchange view and accept Samsung ’ s offers 22

  22. Key Values Xchange algorithmic quality control easy curation user-friendly interface 23

  23. Fields to Filter and Sort by Minimum App Title reviews Platform/ Retail Star-rating Store distribution Minimum appscore installs Availability on Average rating Xchange Categories Price of app Content maturity 24

  24. Make offer to developers Would you like to send the offer? Yes No select and filter apps make offers and communicate directly to developers 25


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