timeline 1801 market street land development plan

Timeline: 1801 Market Street Land Development Plan March Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Timeline: 1801 Market Street Land Development Plan March Review April Planning April / May comments issued. Commission Borough staff Developer reviews and works with requests to table recommends plan Developer to plans for

  1. Timeline: 1801 Market Street Land Development Plan March – Review April – Planning April / May – comments issued. Commission Borough staff Developer reviews and works with requests to table recommends plan Developer to plans for March for approval address P/C to address subject to outstanding items. issues. conditions. 1

  2. Errata Sheet (Potential Approval Conditions) Subdivision Comments If this stands as is (i.e., no development), the Plan does qualify for automatic waiver of Preliminary Plan, but a written request 1 should be made. SALDO Section 403 3 Borough will need to approve Sewage Facilities Planning (for submission to PA DEP) SALDO Section 403.1.B(6) 6 A Lot Merger Agreement should be provided to ensure that the lots are combined. SALDO Section 403.1.B(9)(s) Land Development Comments Plan does not qualify for automatic waiver of Preliminary Plan, but there is no advantage for Borough to require two separate 2 submissions. SALDO Section 403 3 Development will require a PA DEP Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater (since it is over 1.0 acre) SALDO Section 405.2(E) 4 Borough Engineer will need to approve Sewage Facilities Planning (for submission to PA DEP, may be combined with above). SALDO Section 405.2(F) 5 Developer needs written evidence that sewer utility has capacity to serve this project. SALDO Section 407.1.A(20)(d) Developer needs to provide an estimate of cost for the various public improvements (to establish a bond to ensure they are 7 completed). SALDO Section 406.4-5 8 Replacement of three Inlet Boxes (to discontinue existing adverse drainage issue). SWMO 306.E General Comments 4 Improvements along Market Street to be included in future phase, as part of Downtown Streetscape Improvements To be addressed in Developer's Agreement 2

  3. Traffic Study  Met requirements for Abbreviated Study (focused on access points).  Future efforts will improve on current access / parking configuration(s).  Streetscape to be improved to align with Borough Study results (branding, S walkways, signage, etc.) 3

  4. Key Elements of Developer’s Agreement The Developer’s Agreement is a legal agreement that binds Developer to completing various key tasks;  Provide Financial Security / Bond (amount being determined for completion of Public Improvements such as onsite stormwater, paving, landscaping, erosion control, etc.)  Outlines process for Developer to request reduction in Public Improvements Bond as items are completed (mirrors the MPC language).  Preparation of an “Hours of Operation and Management Plan” to be submitted to the Borough before Use and Occupancy permit is issued.  Outlines requirement for maintenance of property during construction (to address debris and trash issues).  Include language to require future phase for streetscape improvements. 4

  5. So What’s Next? The following outlines what the next steps are in the process;  Borough Council to deliberate / discuss plan at regular meeting and take action to approve, approve with conditions or deny.  If Borough approves or approves with Conditions, Developer’s Agreement will need to be approved by Council.  Once Developer would meet ALL conditions of approval, permits could be issued to allow the construction of the proposed development. 5


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