thyroid and adrenal gland

Thyroid and Adrenal Gland NAACCR 2011 2012 Webinar Series 12/1/11 - PDF document

11/28/2011 Thyroid and Adrenal Gland NAACCR 2011 2012 Webinar Series 12/1/11 Q&A Please submit all questions concerning webinar content through the Q&A panel. Reminder: If you have participants watching this webinar at your

  1. 11/28/2011 Thyroid and Adrenal Gland NAACCR 2011 ‐ 2012 Webinar Series 12/1/11 Q&A • Please submit all questions concerning webinar content through the Q&A panel. Reminder: • If you have participants watching this webinar at your site, please collect their names and emails. – We will be distributing a Q&A document in about one week. This document will fully answer questions asked during the webinar and will contain any corrections that we may discover after the webinar. 2 Fabulous Prizes 3 1

  2. 11/28/2011 Agenda • Coding moment – Submitting questions to the standard setters • Thyroid – Overview – Collaborative Stage Data Collection System (CS) – Quiz – Exercise • Adrenal Gland – Overview – CS – Quiz – Exercise Coding Moment SUBMITTING QUESTIONS TO STANDARD SETTERS Who do I submit questions to? • That depends on the question! 2

  3. 11/28/2011 Questions for SEER • Questions concerning the following topics should go to Ask a SEER Registrar – Multiple primary rules – ICD ‐ 0 ‐ 3 – ICD ‐ 10 Question for CAnswer Forum • Questions concerning the following topics should go to the CAnswer Forum – AJCC TNM Staging – Collaborative Stage Submitting Questions to SEER 1. Search the SEER Inquiry System – search 2. If you don’t find an answer to your question, submit your question to Ask A SEER Registrar – 3

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  6. 11/28/2011 Submitting Questions to the CAnswer Forum • To search or submit questions on the CAnswer Forum go to • 6

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  9. 11/28/2011 QUESTIONS? Thyroid OVERVIEW 9

  10. 11/28/2011 The Numbers • Estimated new cases and deaths from thyroid cancer in the United States in 2011: – New cases: 48,020 – Deaths: 1,740 • Fifth most frequently occurring malignancy among women • Fastest increasing cancer in both men and women National Cancer Intitute Endocrine Glands Illustration courtesy of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Thyroid Gland C73.9 Parathyroid Gland C75.0 10

  11. 11/28/2011 Illustration courtesy of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Thyroid Nodules • Hot nodule – Absorbs iodine on thyroid scan • Cold Nodule – Does not absorb iodine on thyroid scan Goiter • Goiter – An enlarged thyroid gland that may be diffuse or nodular 11

  12. 11/28/2011 Level IB Level IA Base of Skull Level IIB Level IIA Hyoid Bone SEER Training Module Illustration courtesy of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Level III Level IV 12

  13. 11/28/2011 Level VA Level VB SEER Training Module Illustration courtesy of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Level VI Level VII Illustration courtesy of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 13

  14. 11/28/2011 Thyroid Histology • Follicular cells – Thyroid hormone (thyroxine + triiodthyroxine) • C cells (parafollicular cells) – Calcitonin • Lymphocytes • Stromal cells Thyroid Histology • Four Major Histologic Types – Papillary carcinoma (includes follicular variant of papillary carcinoma) – Follicular (includes Hurthle cell carcinoma) – Medullary Carcinoma – Undifferentiated or anaplastic carcinoma MPH Rules ‐ Other Required Combined Combination Term Code Histology with… Papillary and Papillary carcinoma, 8340 Follicular follicular variant Medullary Follicular Mixed medullary 8340 follicular carcinoma Medullary Papillary Mixed medullary 8347 papillary carcinoma 14

  15. 11/28/2011 Question • A pathology report shows the right lobe of the thyroid with “papillary microcarcinoma”. Does microcarcinoma describe the size of the tumor or should this be coded to a different histology? SEER SINQ 20110027 Answer • For thyroid cancer only, the term micropapillary does not refer to a specific histologic type. It means that the papillary portion of the tumor is minimal or occult. SEER SINQ 20110027 Question • How is histology coded for a thyroid tumor described as “predominantly papillary carcinoma, tall cell variant, follicular type”? 15

  16. 11/28/2011 Answer • For cases diagnosed 2007 ‐ 2011, assign code 8340 [Papillary carcinoma, follicular variant] according to rule H15 for Other Sites. – "Predominantly" and "type" indicate specific histologies. "Variant" does not. – See rule H13. The histology in this case is papillary and follicular. Tall cell variant is ignored. SEER SINQ 20091031 Diagnosing Thyroid Cancer • Physical exam • Blood tests – Check levels of thyroid ‐ stimulating hormone (TSH) – Check levels of calcitonin Diagnosing Thyroid Cancer • Imaging – Ultrasound – Radioiodine (thyroid) scan – Positron emission tomography (PET) scan – Octreotide scan • Biopsy – Fine ‐ needle aspiration – Surgical 16

  17. 11/28/2011 Treatment for Papillary and Follicular Carcinoma • Surgery – Lobectomy plus isthmusectomy (23) – Thyroidectomy (50) • Radioactive Iodine Treatment ( 131 I) – Unresectable tumors – Post thyroidectomy Treatment for Papillary and Follicular Carcinoma • External Beam Radiation – May be done with 131 I treatment for locoregional recurrence – May be used as adjuvant therapy if tumor does not show uptake of iodine • Thyroxin suppression of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) Question • If a patient is taking Synthroid prior to being diagnosed with thyroid cancer and having total thyroidectomy, is Synthroid still coded as hormone therapy 1st course of treatment after cancer directed surgery? 17

  18. 11/28/2011 Answer • Yes, it is still considered 1st course treatment and the date of treatment would be the date of the patient's diagnosis of the thyroid malignancy. Treatment • Medullary Carcinoma – Total thyroidectomy and bilateral central neck dissection (level VI) • Anaplastic Carcinoma – Surgery if localized Thyroid COLLABORATIVE STAGE DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM V02.03 18

  19. 11/28/2011 CS Tumor Size: Thyroid • Assignment of T1 and T2 categories is based on tumor size • Physician’s assignment of T category may be used to code CS Tumor Size if no other information is available – Code 991 • Stated as T1a with no other information on size – Code 992 • Stated as T1b or T1 NOS with no other information on size – Code 994 • Stated as T2 with no other information on size CS Extension: Thyroid • All anaplastic thyroid carcinomas are considered T4 by AJCC – Intrathyroidal: T4a – Gross extrathyroid extension: T4b CS Extension: Thyroid • Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma – If CS Extension = 000, 100 ‐ 550, 950, or 999 • Histology = 8020, 8021, 8030, 8031, or 8032 OR • Grade = 4 – Then T category is based on value of CS Extension as shown in Histology Grade Extension AJCC Table CS Extension TNM Map 000 (In situ) T4NOS 200 (Multiple foci thyroid) T4a 405 (Stated as T1a) ERROR 450 (Extension to strap muscle) T4b 19

  20. 11/28/2011 CS Extension: Thyroid • In situ code (000) maps to unknown AJCC stage and in situ summary stage • Assignment of T1 and T2 categories is based on tumor size • Physician’s assignment of T category may be used to code CS Extension if no other information is available – Use codes 405, 410, 415, 420, 490, 560, 810, or 815 to code CS Extension based on a statement of T with no other extension information available CS Extension: Thyroid • Assign code 300, localized NOS, only if info is not available to assign codes 100, 200, 400, 405, 410, 415, 420, or 490 • CS Extension codes 405, 410, 415, 420, and 490 are not compatible with anaplastic carcinoma of the thyroid CS Extension: Thyroid • Extension or invasion into tumor capsule – Measure of tumor aggressiveness but tumor is still confined to thyroid – Do not use code 400 (into thyroid capsule but not beyond) • Extension or invasion into thyroid capsule – Indicates extrathyroidal extension – Assign code that describes the type of extrathyroidal extension 20

  21. 11/28/2011 Pop Quiz: CS Tumor Size; CS Extension • Final diagnosis: Multifocal papillary follicular carcinoma confined to right thyroid; pT1a • What is the code for CS Tumor Size? – 991: Stated as T1a with no other info on size – 999: Unknown • What is the code for CS Extension? – 200: Multiple foci confined to thyroid – 405: Stated as T1a with no other info on extension Pop Quiz: CS Tumor Size; CS Extension • Right lobectomy, thyroid – Tumor size: 1.7 x 1.2 cm – Tumor focality: Single tumor – Histologic type: Papillary carcinoma, predominantly follicular subtype – Margins: Negative; closest 2 mm – Tumor capsular invasion: Focally present – Lymphatic invasion: None – Extrathyroidal extension: None – Tumor location: Center of right lobe – Lymph nodes: None identified – Stage I; pT1b cN0 cM0 Pop Quiz: CS Tumor Size; CS Extension • What is the code for CS Tumor Size? – 017 – 992: Stated as T1b or T1 NOS with no other info on size • What is the code for CS Extension? – 100: Single tumor confined to thyroid – 400: Into thyroid capsule, but not beyond – 410: Stated as T1b with no other info on extension 21


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