feed the hunger not the fatigue

Feed the Hunger, Not the Fatigue: Eating for Adrenal Fatigue You - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Feed the Hunger, Not the Fatigue: Eating for Adrenal Fatigue You are what you eat, and that's especially true of folks diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. Diet has a huge impact on adrenal fatigue. In patients with severe adrenal fatigue (AF), diet

  1. Feed the Hunger, Not the Fatigue: Eating for Adrenal Fatigue You are what you eat, and that's especially true of folks diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. Diet has a huge impact on adrenal fatigue. In patients with severe adrenal fatigue (AF), diet has often been neglected for many years. AF patients also frequently suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The food you eat is your first line of defense against adrenal fatigue. Use these slides to learn how to feed the hunger, not the fatigue.

  2. Is it Adrenal Fatigue? Symptoms May Include: Insomnia Caffeine cravings Decreased sex drive Exhaustion Weakened immune system Anxiety Depression Stubborn weight gain If you are dealing with some or all of these symptoms, you may be experiencing adrenal dysfunction. While your adrenals might be giving up, YOU should not, as adrenal dysfunction is reversible. With time, help from a nutritionist, physician, and a few simple lifestyle and dietary changes you can take back your health. Start today by scheduling a salivary test to confirm a diagnosis.

  3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Omega­3s not only TEXT HERE fight inflammation, they can also help reduce cortisol levels. Try adding omega­ rich sardines, walnuts, and flax­seed to your diet. A quality supplement can help, too. Omegas have "mega" benefits for AF sufferers!

  4. Leafy Greens The magnesium, calcium, iron, B vitamins, and vitamin TEXT HERE C (to name a few) found in leafy greens help balance your body’s production of cortisol. Not a big fan of green veggies? Try tossing greens with a citrus­based fruit for a delicious salad loaded with vitamin C. Yum!

  5. Sea Salt Unlike refined table salt that elevates blood pressure and TEXT HERE causes water retention, sea salt is a nutritional salt that provides essential minerals. Try adding 1/2­1 teaspoon of sea salt to a glass of water every morning. In addition, use sea salt liberally on your food.

  6. Fiber Rich Carbohydrates Carbohydrates play a TEXT HERE vital role in the AF patient's diet, but not all carbs are created equal! Instead of choosing quick­burning carbs from sugars and refined starches, opt for fiber rich carbohydrates like brown rice, quinoa, oats, and chia.

  7. Bone Broth Bone broth has been used for centuries TEXT HERE due to it's almost endless health benefits. Bone broth provides the much­needed nutrients to heal the adrenals and help them perform optimally. Make it in large batches ­ you can freeze it to use later!

  8. Low-Glycemic Fruit For folks with AF, fruit TEXT HERE provides essential vitamins and minerals for adrenal function. For best results, avoid fruits with a high sugar content, such as pineapple, mango, and bananas. Apples, cherries, and berries ­ fruits with a low­glycemic index are a better option.

  9. Vegetables If you've been diagnosed with AF, vegetables are your TEXT HERE new best friend. Aim for 6­8 servings of vegetables daily, especially those that are colorful (green, red, orange, yellow or purple). Veggies deep in color tend to provide the highest amount of essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

  10. Beans Studies show that Phosphatidylserine (a phospholipid located TEXT HERE in cell membranes), may counterbalance the side effects of too much cortisol. Eating foods high in phosphatidylserine, like white beans and barley, can help calm your nerves and even improve sleep habits. Who doesn't want that?!

  11. Now What? Being diagnosed with adrenal fatigue can be overwhelming, but it doesn't mean you can never feel like yourself again. Tony Ortiz, RPH, CCN Feel like you need a little help By working with a nutritionist - when it comes to your health creating a plan that's right for you, and nutrition needs? Schedule you can take back your health, your free consult now. naturally. A publication by: Schedule a free consult, today. You'll be glad you did. Atlas Drug & Nutriion (201) 869 - 5990 atlasdrugandnutrition.com


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