Community Regeneration through Partnership Emily Cockle, Community Regeneration Manager Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
Approach • We are looking to create a partnership approach, as part of BASP, which will take a strategic oversight of community based regeneration • With the expertise across a number of sectors we think this is the best approach for the benefit of Basingstoke and Deane • This will enable BASP and other partners to champion a strategic approach and develop well connected communities.
What has been done before • In 2006, we developed a ‘Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy’ to improve the quality of life in a number of priority areas • In 2011, the ‘Strategic Approach to Regeneration’ was developed with partners, identifying priority areas such as Buckskin, South Ham and Norden • Increasing need to take a long-term view of the challenges and develop a strategy that will guide regeneration in the future.
Our current position • We are currently developing a strategy - ‘Community Regeneration through Partnership ’ • Aim is to shape and drive regeneration across Basingstoke and Deane in the short, medium and long- term • The strategy will determine approach, priorities and principles that the council, partners and communities will work to and create communities that people are proud to live in.
Community-led regeneration • This will build on work that has taken place by communities in Buckskin and Winklebury who have developed community plans • It is important that communities such as Winklebury and Buckskin benefit from new developments such as Winklebury and an opportunity for residents to shape their areas • Issues raised in the community plans include parking, improvements needed to areas and provision of facilities.
Horizon 2050 Homes and housing A borough with Healthy, safe heritage and and inclusive distinction communities Economy and Environment Winklebury entrepreneurship South Ham Buckskin Norden Education Sustainability Transport
Governance • BASP is asked to approve the proposed partnership approach to a regeneration strategy for the borough
Next steps February to September December September June 2019 June 2019 2019 2019 2018 Update for Engagement BASP and Adoption by with community Adoption of Introduction to request for BDBC Cabinet groups, partners Strategy by BASP feedback (Key Decision) and public BASP consultation
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